1. A common trait between tadpole and fish is
(a) scales
(b) lateral line
(c) fins
(d) legs
Answer: (b)
2. This has a cartilaginous endoskeleton
(a) Bony fishes
(b) Mollusca
(c) Dipnoi
(d) Elasmobranch
Answer: (d)
3. True fishes have fins and gills. This is not a true fish
(a) Hippocampus – SeaHorse
(b) Hythalamictyes – Silver carp
(c) Carassius – Goldfish
(d) Lepisma – Silverfish
Answer: (d)
4. This fish shows dorsal fin modified into suckers
(a) Neoceratodus
(b) Hippocampus
(c) Echeneis
(d) Torpedo
Answer: (c)
5. This is a living fossil
(a) Lepidosiren
(b) Latimeria
(c) Lepidosteus
(d) None of these
Answer: (b)
6. This is a migratory fish
(a) Ribbon fish
(b) Carp
(c) Salmon
(d) Shark
Answer: (c)
7. The distinguishing factor between rays and sharks are
(a) type of tail fin
(b) position of gill slits
(c) position of mouth
(d) nature of their scales
Answer: (b)
8. Type of association between shark and suckerfish is
(a) Predation
(b) Parasitism
(c) Commensalism
(d) Symbiosis
Answer: (c)
9. Placoid scales are found in
(a) paleontological fishes
(b) lung fishes
(c) bony fishes
(d) cartilaginous fishes
Answer: (d)
10. This is a characteristic feature of fishes
(a) gills and epidermal scales
(b) tail and epidermal scales
(c) gills and venous heart
(d) venous heart and tail
Answer: (c)