Dimensioning & Methods of Projection:
1. Elements of dimensioning are ___________
a) Extension line, Leader line, Arrowheads
b) Trim, Crop, Construction line
c) Polyline, Helix
d) Donut, Circle
Answer: a
Explanation: Elements of dimensioning consist of some important parts: Extension line, Leader line, Dimensional line, Pair of arrows, Dimensional values. Dimension line indicates the direction on which the dimension is to be measured. Extension line extends or elongates the line outside the object. Arrowhead is an important part of the dimension line, extension line & leader line.
2. _______ lines extend from the object towards outside.
a) Dimension
b) Extension
c) Leader
d) Arrowhead
Answer: a
Explanation: Extension line elongates the line outside to the object. Extension line indicates the extreme boundaries of the object where a dimension is to be measured. These lines are continuous and thin which are also used in dimensional line, hence the thickness of the line is the same for both the lines.
3. An extension line should ________ any line.
a) cross
b) not cross
c) pass over to
d) pass below to
Answer: b
Explanation: Extension line should not cross with other lines i.e. Leader line or Dimensional line. When extension line crosses the leader line or dimension line or another extension line, they are not shown broken but extension line crosses the arrow, it has to be shown broken.
4. A leader line is drawn at an angle between _______ and not less than 30 degrees from horizontal.
a) 30 & 45 degree
b) 45 & 60 degree
c) 60 & 75 degree
d) 75 & 90 degree
Answer: b
Explanation: A leader line is drawn at an angle between 45 & 60 degrees but not less than 30 degrees from horizontal. A leader line should be drawn at an angle 45 degree from horizontal. This is the standard value of an angle. If more than one leader line is used the angle 45 degrees is used for better view.
5. Leader line is pointed over an area; arrow is replaced by a dot about _____ diameter.
a) 1 mm
b) 2 mm
c) 3 mm
d) 1.5 mm
Answer: d
Explanation: Leader line is pointed over an area; arrow is replaced by a dot about 1.5 mm diameter. A leader line is used to indicate the dimension of a circular object, notes, part numbers etc. Leader line is just inclined thin line followed by horizontal line on which the note is to be written opposite side of line.
6. The rule followed by the leader line is ____________
a) All notes are written in horizontal direction
b) Leader line should cross with other dimension lines
c) Leader line should be very long
d) Leader line is drawn at an angle less than 30 degrees from horizontal
Answer: a
Explanation: The rules followed by the leader lines are: All notes are written in horizontal direction. Leader line should not cross with other dimension lines. Leader line should not be very long. Leader line is drawn at an angle 45 & 60 degree but not less than 30 degrees from horizontal. Leader line should be radial to an arc or circle pointing towards its center.
7. Dimension line is drawn slightly away from the object, about _____
a) 4 to 6 mm
b) 2 to 4 mm
c) 6 to 8 mm
d) 8 to 10 mm
Answer: d
Explanation: Dimension line is drawn slightly away from the object, about 8 to 10 mm. Distance between the object and dimension line should not be less than 8 mm and not be greater than 10 mm. Dimension line near the object is not suited for the best appearance as well as for too far from the object.
8. The line which is drawn under the two extension lines, ending with an arrow is called _____
a) leader line
b) dimension line
c) extension line
d) polyline
Answer: b
Explanation: The line which is drawn under the two extension line, ending either with an arrow is called dimension line. The dimension line is also ending with oblique stroke or solid dot. The dimensional line is a thin continuous line broken in middle for give there dimensional values or the line may be continuous and dimensional values are written above it.
9. The dimensional line should be _______ to the object.
a) vertical
b) horizontal
c) parallel
d) perpendicular
Answer: c
Explanation: The dimensional line should be parallel to the object. Because the dimensional line should not be vertical or horizontal to the object from that point of view proper dimension are not given to the object. It may be given as per the nature of the object. For the best view, the dimension should be parallel to the object.
10. Preferably a dimension should be placed ______ the view.
a) inside
b) outside
c) left side
d) right side
Answer: b
Explanation: Preferably a dimension should be placed outside the view. The dimension line should be placed outside the view because if it is placed inside the object it becomes too confusing for understanding the dimension of the object. Also, it does not coincide with center line.
11. When space is less, the dimensional value may be put outside or adjacent to it.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Putting dimensions value outside or adjacent to line is one of the methods to be used for dimensioning where sufficent space is not available. In this method the arrowheads will turn outside to inside. Here, the direction of arrowhead also changes.
12. Important point on which the arrowhead is to be drawn is ___________
a) They are drawn graphically by using scale
b) Height of arrow is kept about one third of the length of arrow
c) They should be non symmetrical about the dimension line
d) Pointed end of arrow should not touch the extension line
Answer: b
Explanation: For better appearance and the limit of arrowhead height of arrow is one third of the length of arrow. Arrowhead is drawn freehand. Length of the arrow is same as the height of the dimensional values. The arrowhead should be symmetrical with a dimension line.
13. _______ are the numbers that are written on the dimension line to specify the size of the object drawn in SI or FPS units.
a) Scales
b) Prime numbers
c) Even numbers
d) Dimensional Values
Answer: d
Explanation: The numbers which are written above the dimension line to specify their size is called dimensional values. For mechanical engineering, the unit will be in mm, for civil engineering the unit in meters. It is important to indicate the unit in title for understanding.
14. The dimensional values should be of ______ size.
a) potential
b) approximate
c) actual
d) preferable
Answer: c
Explanation: The dimension values should be of actual size. It is because the worker does not make the calculation about the drawing. So it is not multiplied by the factor with dimensional values. Scale should be indicated for the scaled drawing in the title box.
15. For mechanical drawings, the unit is meters while for civil engineering drawings it can be mm.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: For mechanical drawings, the unit is mm. For civil engineering drawings it can be meters. Hence it is important to indicate the unit in the title box, ‘All dimensions are in mm/m’ and the unit is not indicating with the numbers, i.e. 40 meaning 40 mm.
16. In dimensioning a 2D sketch, to dimension the radius of the arc ________
a) click on the two end points of arc
b) click on the arc only
c) click one of the end point and the arc
d) click on the center point and arc
Answer: b
Explanation: To dimension the radius of arc it is important to click on the arc only. Clicking on the end points and by defining the center point, radius cannot be dimensioned. Also it is not necessary to click a center point with an arc.
17. To dimension the true length of arc __________
a) click on the arc, then the two end points
b) click on the two end points, then the arc
c) click on the arc only
d) click on the end points only
Answer: a
Explanation: To dimension the true length of arc, first click on the arc and then the two end points of the arc. Clicking the arc only will give radius of the arc. Also, clicking on the end points only will not give true length of arc, because radius is not defined.
18. In a multiple view sketching, dimension should be placed on ___________
a) front view only
b) each view
c) the face that describe the feature most clearly
d) the face which has maximum dimensions to show
Answer: c
Explanation: In a multiple view sketching, dimension should be placed on the face that describes the feature most clearly. It is not mandatory to place dimension on every view. Also, it is not necessary that it should be front or top or side view.
19. Clicking on the model edge and a line intersecting it will dimension for the _______
a) length of model edge
b) length of intersecting line
c) angle between them
d) length of both lines
Answer: c
Explanation: Clicking on the model edge and a line intersecting it will dimension for the angle between them. Clicking on both lines never defines the length of any. Here, the placement of the dimension affects the way the angle is measured.
20. To dimension the perpendicular distance from a point to a line, click on the point on the line and the point.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: To dimension the perpendicular distance from a point to a line, click the point and a line directly. No need to select a point. It is difficult to select a point on the line which is exactly perpendicular to the point. Selecting any other point on the line and outside point will place the dimension of (inclined) length.
21. The various dimensioning methods include ____________
a) Parallel dimensioning
b) Vertical dimensioning
c) Inclined dimensioning
d) Horizontal dimensioning
Answer: a
Explanation: The various dimensioning methods are parallel dimensioning, rectangular coordinate dimensioning, chain dimensioning, superimposed running dimensioning, combined dimensioning and tabular dimensioning. In parallel dimensioning the dimensions are given parallel to the object. In chain dimensioning, the dimensions are given in chain form.
22. The method which it indicates the distances by linear dimensions measured parallel or perpendicular to reference axes or two perpendicular datum is called _________
a) parallel dimension
b) chain dimensioning
c) rectangular coordinates dimensioning
d) tabular dimensioning
Answer: c
Explanation: Dimensioning of arbitrary points is written separately as X and Y or in a tabular form. Rectangular coordinate dimensioning mention or show the linear dimensions measured parallel or perpendicular to reference axes or two perpendicular datum. By using arbitrary point i.e. X and Y point is given for the object with any small displacement.
23. The method in which the series of dimensions are applied from one point to other is called _________
a) Parallel dimension
b) Chain dimensioning
c) Combined dimensioning
d) Tabular dimensioning
Answer: b
Explanation: The disadvantage of this method is that tolerances of all the dimensions may be accumulated. In this method the dimension is given continuously without the breaking of dimension. The name indicates chain means give dimension in chain format.
24. The method which starts with a circle is called as ___________
a) parallel dimensioning
b) superimposed running dimensioning
c) combined dimensioning
d) tabular dimensioning
Answer: b
Explanation: It is important in dimensioning method in which the no of dimension which is in series manner by showing only one arrowhead and all on the line. It is a simplified convention method which is used for dimension. Superimposed running dimensioning method starts with a circle.
25. The dimension which is measured with the help of the reference line is called _________
a) parallel dimensioning
b) superimposed running dimensioning
c) combined dimensioning
d) tabular dimensioning
Answer: a
Explanation: In parallel dimensioning, number of dimensions start from a common reference line. Hence each distance is measured with the common reference line. Here, the tolerances do not increase after dimensions.
26. The method in which it uses the same reference or datum which is used by another dimensioning method is called __________
a) vertical dimensioning
b) inclined dimensioning
c) combined dimensioning
d) horizontal dimensioning
Answer: c
Explanation: The method in which it uses the same reference or datum which is used by another dimensioning method is called combined dimensioning. This method is a combination of two dimensioning method i.e. chain dimensioning and parallel dimensioning. In this method, one or more than one method is used for dimensioning in a single complex object.
27. The method in which it uses the alphabet for dimensioning is called as ________
a) vertical dimensioning
b) tabular dimensioning
c) combined dimensioning
d) horizontal dimensioning
Answer: b
Explanation: The method in which it uses the alphabet for dimensioning is termed as tabular dimensioning. In various other methods of dimensioning the object is surrounded maximum with dimensions. It may be confusing for understanding, for overcoming this drawback tabular dimensioning is used. Here, dimensions are given in the tabulated form.
28. _______ in AutoCAD is a transparent imaginary plane on which a drawing is created.
a) Plane
b) Command
c) Layer
d) Overlay
Answer: c
Explanation: A layer is most important properties which are used in AutoCAD on which the drawing is created. Layer is an imaginary plane. This property or facility is very important when the drawing is created for many purposes.
29. The command which is used to set a new layer is called _______
Answer: d
Explanation: Layer command means layer properties manager which is used for a number of purposes are following
i. To set a new layer
ii. To modify an existing layer
iii. Set a layer as current, lock, or freeze a layer
You can modify the color of layer and assign the layer linetype and lineweight to a layer.
30. Orthographic projection is drawn using two methods which is ___________
a) Second angle and third angle method
b) First angle and third angle method
c) First angle and fourth angle method
d) Second angle and fourth angle method
Answer: b
Explanation: Orthographic projections of the object are drawn using first angle method and third angle method. In first angle method the object is placed in first quadrant. In third angle method the object is placed in third quadrant.
31. The method in which the object is placed in the first quadrant is known as __________ method.
a) third angle
b) second angle
c) first angle
d) fourth angle
Answer: c
Explanation: In the first angle method, the object is placed in first quadrant formed by the principal planes. In this method the top view is drawn at the bottom of the front view and right side view is drawn on the left hand side of the front view.
32. In first angle method the top view is drawn _______ of the front view.
a) above
b) right Side
c) left side
d) bottom
Answer: d
Explanation: In first angle method, the top view is drawn at the bottom of the front view. In this method, the right hand side view is drawn on left side of front view. First angle method is mostly used in orthographic projection. It is easy for understanding.
33. The method in which the object is placed in the third quadrant is known as __________ method.
a) third angle
b) second angle
c) first angle
d) fourth angle
Answer: a
Explanation: In third angle method, the object is placed in the third quadrant formed by the picture planes. In this method, the top view is placed in first quadrant. Side view is placed in fourth quadrant and front view is placed in third quadrant.
34. In third angle method the top view is drawn _______ of the front view.
a) above
b) right Side
c) left side
d) bottom
Answer: a
Explanation: In third angle method, the top view is drawn above the front view. Front view is drawn in the third quadrant and right side view is drawn on the right side of the front view. It is difficult for understanding as compare to first angle method.
35. In ______ method the plane of projection is transparent.
a) third angle
b) second angle
c) first angle
d) fourth angle
Answer: a
Explanation: In third angle method the plane of projection is transparent as compare to first angle method. In third angle method the object is shown in the third quadrant with transparent planes. This method is used in United States of America.
36. On which drawing basic command is mostly used?
a) Two dimensional views
b) Three dimensional views
c) Four dimensional views
d) Five dimensional views
Answer: a
Explanation: The two dimensional views are drawn separately in the drawing. Two dimensional views are drawn with the basic entities or command. It easily draws on the drawing.
37. The drawing in which both the commands are used i.e. basic and modified command the view is known as __________
a) two dimensional views
b) three dimensional views
c) four dimensional views
d) five dimensional views
Answer: b
Explanation: The three dimensional view is not drawn easily as compare to two dimensional view. The three dimensional view is drawn with the help of basic and modern entities o commands. It is the most important type which is used in drawing.
38. If the total detail is not obtained from the three directional views the ______ is drawn.
a) pictorial view
b) oblique view
c) perspective view
d) two dimensional view
Answer: a
Explanation: Pictorial view is the advancement or modification of three dimensional views. Pictorial view is drawn or used when the three dimensional view is not easy or confuses the detailing of the object.
39. Which of the following is a pictorial view?
a) Isometric view
b) Cavalier view
c) Axonometric view
d) Cabinet view
Answer: c
Explanation: Pictorial views are axonometric view, oblique view and perspective views. Pictorial view is drawn for the complex object which is not draw from the three dimensional view. Cavalier view, Cabinet view, Isometric view are not the types of pictorial view.
40. For __________ an object is first rotated in horizontal plane about a vertical axis to make an angle with the picture plane.
a) isometric view
b) axonometric view
c) cavalier view
d) cabinet view
Answer: b
Explanation: An object is first rotated in horizontal plane about a vertical axis to make an angle with the picture plane is called the Axonometric view. It is then tilted at an angle to which it touches the picture plane. Axonometric view types are Isometric, Diametric and trimetric views.
41. The type of projections which is preliminary decisions for making drawing is ___________
a) Second angle and third angle method
b) First angle and third angle method
c) First angle and fourth angle method
d) Second angle and fourth angle method
Answer: b
Explanation: The first preliminary decision for making drawing is types of projections. There are two types of projections which are used in industry are first angle method and third angle method. Find the type of projection method which is used in the industry follow the same in types of projection.
42. The object can be placed in several positions with respect to a projection plane is called _________
a) object viewing
b) object placing
c) object Orientation
d) object drawing
Answer: c
Explanation: Object orientation is the object can be placed in several positions with respect to the projection plane. When the object is oriented in such a way that its faces are parallel to picture plane is the simplest view of viewing.
43. An object is placed at an angle with picture plane________ the drawing.
a) easy
b) difficult
c) complicate
d) simple
Answer: c
Explanation: An object is placed at an angle with a picture plane complicate the drawing unnecessarily. It is the most important parameter which is used in object orientation. From that point of view the object should be oriented by the proper angle for best viewing.
44. __________ of the object should be the largest of all the other views.
a) Right hand side view
b) Left hand side View
c) Top View
d) Front view
Answer: d
Explanation: Front view of the object should be most important or largest of all other views. Also, it shows the maximum part of the object or maximum details of the object. Selecting View is another rule or decision which is used in making a drawing.
45. Which side view gives more details about the object?
a) Left
b) Right
c) Top
d) Bottom
Answer: b
Explanation: Right hand side view gives more details about the object as compared to left side view. Side view is either left or right side depending upon which side gives more details about the object. Two views are also given if one side view does not clear all dimensions of the object.
46. The number of views to be drawn depends upon the _______ of the object.
a) Size
b) Shape
c) Measure
d) Dimension
Answer: b
Explanation: On the shape of the object number of views is to be drawn. The number of views is the preliminary decisions for making a drawing. A rectangular object has six phases but only three views are easy for understanding.
47. Axis symmetric objects require minimum _______
a) one view
b) two views
c) three views
d) four views
Answer: b
Explanation: Axis symmetric objects may require only two objects, because of their axis symmetry property. Because of that there are only two views is required. Both two views give complete details of the object. Objects having negligible thickness can be shown with one view only.
48. By which property the drawing of the object is to enlarge is __________
a) Selection of scale
b) Spacing of views
c) Object orientation
d) Number of views
Answer: a
Explanation: By using a selection of scale we can enlarge or reduce the size of the object for better understanding. It is another rule for preliminary decisions for making a drawing.
49. The dimension put on the drawing is _______ dimensions.
a) approximate
b) better
c) actual
d) true
50. The reduced scale is written in the form _______
a) 1:X
b) X: 1
c) X: Y
d) Y: X
Answer: a
Explanation: The reduced scale is 1:2, 1:5, 1:10, 1:20, 1:50, 1:100 1:200, and 1:500. The reduced scale is shown by 1: X and enlarged scale is shown by X: 1. Enlarged scale is 50:1, 20:1, 5:1, and 2:1.
51. A gap of about ________ mm should be kept to accommodate dimensions and view titles.
a) 15-20
b) 20-35
c) 25-40
d) 10-25
Answer: c
Explanation: In spacing of views, a gap of about 25-40 mm should be kept to accommodate dimension and view title. Spacing of views is another preliminary rule for making a drawing. Views should be placed at a proper distance from the axis for better appearance.
52. For sheets of A3 size, a border is at _______ mm from left and ________ mm for all other sides from the edges of the sheet.
a) 10, 15
b) 20, 10
c) 10, 20
d) 15, 25
Answer: b
Explanation: For sheets of a3 size, border is at 20 mm from left and 10 mm for all other sides from the edges of the sheet. This distance or proportion is selected for the better appearance of view and easy for understanding.
53. If there is another left side view for the object also, extra width is needed.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: There is another left side view for the object an extra width is needed or added. X and Y represent the size of the border. This is the most important rule which is used in making a drawing.
54. A represent the ________ gap and B represent the ________ gap between views from the border.
a) vertical, horizontal
b) horizontal, vertical
c) left, right
d) right, left
Answer: b
Explanation: A represent the horizontal gap and B represent the vertical gap between views from the border. It is not representing right or left gap. If values of A and B are less than 25 mm, select standard reduction scale.
55. Various types of plotter which are commonly used include ____________
a) Flatbed plotter
b) Simple plotter
c) Complex plotter
d) Combination plotter
Answer: a
Explanation: Various types of plotters are available in the market, like flatbed plotter, drum plotter, etc. The plotters used single pen or multiple pen of different color. There are no plotters which are specifically named as simple or complex or combination plotter.
56. A drawing created using drafting software is _________ of the drawing.
a) hard copy
b) soft copy
c) simple copy
d) complex copy
Answer: b
Explanation: A drawing created by using drafting software is called soft copy. It cannot be useful at shop floor before softcopy is converted into hardcopy. Direct softcopy is not used at the shop floor.
57. The point which is used for plotting is ______________
a) Setting the plotting device
b) Select the printer
c) Select the paper
d) Set the page orientation
Answer: a
Explanation: Setting the plotting device is a point which is used for plotting. In this point, we select the name of the plotter which is connected to the computer or default windows system plotter or printer.
58. The rule in which we select the size of paper is called _______
a) setting the plotting device
b) choosing paper size
c) select the paper
d) set the page orientation
Answer: b
Explanation: In the rule of paper size we select a paper which is used in plotter for plotting. A list of different standard sizes of ISO and ANSI is displayed. Choose the correct size for drawing which is mostly used.
59. What is the meaning of display which is used plotter in defining plot area?
a) Chooses the entire drawing even if it is outside the specified limit
b) Plots the drawing falling within specified limit
c) Plots whatever is displayed on the screen
d) Allows choosing a specified area within window on the screen
Answer: c
Explanation: Display option plots whatever is displayed on the screen. Extent option chooses the entire drawing even if it is outside the specified limit. Limits option allows choosing a specified area within a window on the screen.
60. The property or rule in which in which we select the or choose the scale for plotting is called as ______
a) plot scale
b) scale
c) reduced scale
d) increase scale
Answer: a
Explanation: The property or rule in which in which we select the scale or choose the scale for plotting is called a plot scale. In this property, you can select or write the scale for the paper. Fit to paper select the scale for the automatically.
61. The property in which the drawing which are not properly aligned is goes to the middle is known as ________
a) plot scale
b) centering the plot
c) drawing orientation
d) previewing
Answer: b
Explanation: The property in which the drawing which is not properly aligned is goes to the middle is known as centering the plot. By clicking the centering the plot, then offset in X and Y directions automatically are displayed.
62. The property in the plotters is used for changing the printing view i.e. portrait to landscape and landscape to portrait is known as _______
a) plot scale
b) centering the plot
c) drawing orientation
d) previewing
Answer: c
Explanation: The property in the plotters is used for changing the printing view i.e. portrait to landscape and landscape to portrait is known as drawing orientation. Portrait option gives the longer sides of the drawing vertical and landscape option gives longer side horizontal.
63. The view which is complete and ready to print is called ________
a) preview
b) better view
c) after view
d) front view
Answer: a
Explanation: The view which is complete and ready to print is called preview. But any operation is not completed this is checked in the preview before plotting. If it is satisfied then it is ready to plot from a plotter.