1. Test done to diagnose syphilis in new-born if mother is syphilitic
A. Syphilis Capita M test
B. Detection of IgG
C. ZN staining
D. Fluoroescent antigen test
Answer: A
2. Inotropic support for severely dehydrated child with dopamine is done at what rate
A. 0.1-0-5 microgram/kg/min
B. 1-5 microgram/kg/min
C. 1-5 mg/kg/min
D. 10-15 mg/kg/min
Answer: B
3. Neonatal resuscitation – which of the following drugs is used ?
A. Dopamine
B. Sodium Bicarbonate
C. Noradrenaline
D. Dobutamine
Answer: B
4. Which of the following is correct about shock in child?
A. Tachycardia is a very sensitive indicator of depletion of
intravascular volume
B. Mottling of extremities is seen in early shock
C. Confusion, stupor and coma are early signs
D. Respiratory rate is more sensitive than heart rate as an indicator of early shock
Answer: A
5. When does crying stop in cyanotic spells ?
A. Forced Expiration
B. Forced inspiration
C. Mid inspiration
D. Crying is continuous
Answer: A
6. Abdominal pain in Henoch Schoenlein purpura is due to
A. Mucosal erosions and swelling of the GI mucosa
B. Gastrointestinal haemorrhage
C. Volvulus
D. Associated pancreatic inflammation
Answer: A
7. Treatment of choice for symptomatic neonatal hypoglycaemia is
A. Dextrose normal saline
B. 5% dextrose
C. 10% dextrose
D. 25% dextrose
Answer: C
8. ALL of the following are causes of neonatal bradycardia except
A. Hypoxia
B. Hypothermia
C. Head injury
D. BCG Vaccine
Answer: D
9. Investigation of choice for CONFIRMING Henoch Schoenlein purpura is
A. Serum IgA levels
B. CRP levels
C. Renal Biopsy
Answer: C
10. Which of the following is not a cause of neonatal anaemia?
A. Subgaleal Haemorrhage
B. Abruptio placentae
C. Diamond Blackfan syndeome
D. Wilson’s Disease
Answer: D
11. Autosomal recessive Polycystic kidneys – all are true except
A. Seen in adults
B. Defective gene is PKHD1
C. Both kidneys show innumerable cysts
D. USG shows salt and pepper appearance
Answer: A
12. 3 month old child with indrawing chest with respiratory rate 52/min classified as
B. Respiratory distress
C. Tachypnoea
Answer: B
13. 45 day old infant presents with seizures. Examination reveals he is icteric, having bulging fontanelles and opisthotonic posture. Treatment is all except
A. Phototherapy
B. Exchange Transfusion
C. Phenobarbitone
D. Chlorpromazine
Answer: D
14. Most common site for opening of TAPVC is
A. Supracardiac
B. Cardiac
C. Infracardiac
D. Multiple
Answer: A
15. Chronic lung disease in a infancy is defined as
A. Need for supplemental oxygen at 36 weeks after conception
B. Tachypnoea > 50 breaths/ min within 1 week of birth
C. Presence of bilateral infiltrates on chest Xray for 2 weeks
D. Reticulogranular pattern on chest Xray for 6 weeks
Answer: A
16. Most common antigen involved in erythroblastosis fetalis is
A. C antigen in Rh group
B. D antigen in Rh group
C. E antigen in Rh group
D. Duffy antigen
Answer: B
17. Erythematous blotchy rash is seen on the abdomen, trunk and face of a 3 day old child along with yellowish papules. However the child feels well. What is the management ?
A. Steroid and antibiotic lotion
B. No treatment
C. Steroid cream
D. Urgent intravenous antibiotics
Answer: B
18. Further investigation is essential in a new-born with which condition?
A. Erythema toxicum
B. Vaginal bleed
C. Subconjunctival haemorrhage
D. Lens opacity
Answer: D
19. A new-born presents with subconjunctival haemorrhage. The treatment is
A. No treatment
B. Antibiotic eye drops
C. Aspitation
D. Antibiotic and steroid drops
Answer: A
20. What is the shape of caecum in the newborn ?
A. Ovoid
B. Trapezoid
C. Globular
D. Conical
Answer: D
21. Most common complication of Meckel’s Diverticulum lit children
A. Abdominal pain
B. Peptic ulcers
C. Intestinal obstruction
D. Painless Rectal bleeding
Answer: D
22. Which of the following is a X linked metabolic disorder?
A. Fabry’s disease
B. Sandoff s disease
C. Pompe disease
D. Gaucher disease
Answer: A
23. Testes are not palpable in
A. SRY deletion
B. DAX 1 deletion
C. WNT- 4 gene mutation
D. RSPO-1 gene mutation
Answer: A
24. What is the maintenance fluid requirement in a 6 kg child ?
A. 240 ml/day
B. 600 ml/day
C. 300 ml/day
D. 1200 ml/day
Answer: B
25. Kwashiorkor- Triad includes all except
A. Psychomotor changes
B. Hypoglycemia
C. Edema
D. Growth retardation
Answer: B
26. Child with 10 episodes of diarrhea in last 24 hours with sunken dry eyes, very slow skin pinch, and absent tears. Management is
A. ORS solution
B. breast feeding
C. Start 10% dextrose
D. Start Ringer’s lactate
Answer: D
27. 1 year old child with multiple episodes of diarrhea presents with sunken dry eyes, depressed fontanelles, very slow skin pinch. The amount of fluid to be given in the first 6 hours is
A. 600 ml
B. 900 ml
C. 1200 ml
D. 1500 ml
Answer: B
28. A 6 year old child presents with an abdominal mass, fever, bone pain and IVC thrombosis , the diagnosis could be
A. Wilm’s tumour
B. Neuroblastoma
C. Langerhans cell Histiocytosis
D. Gastric lymphoma
Answer: B
29. What is the first line treatment of a 4 year old child presenting with intussusception ?
A. Conservative management with wait and watch policy
B. Immediate attempt to reduction using barium edema
C. Surgical correction
D. Exploratory laparotomy with resection of the affected segment
Answer: B
30. Hutchison’s Triad is seen in
A. Congenital Syphilis
B. Tertiary syphilis
C. Secondary Syphilis
D. Primary syphilis
Answer: A
31. A 8 year old child presents with a mass in the lumbar region with abdominal pain with excruciating bone pain. Possible diagnosis is
A. Neuroblastoma
B. Wilm’s Tumour
C. Lymphoma
D. Angiomyolipoma
Answer: A
32. Triad of normal pressure hydrocephalus includes all except
A. Dementia
B. Gait disturbance
C. Urinary incontinence
D. Browache
Answer: D
33. True about cephalohematoma is
A. It is haemorrhage between the skull and periosteum
B. It is haemorrhage within the subcutaneous tissue around the skull
C. It is type of subdural haemorrhage
D. It is extraperiosteal bleeding in the skull
Answer: A
34. Medulloblatoma arises exclusively from the cells of
A. Immature embryonal cells
B. Ependymal cells
C. Neurons
D. Spindle shaped cells
Answer: A
35. Which of the following is not true about encephalocele?
A. It is a neural tube defect
B. Common in the frontal region
C. Can be associated with hydrocephalus
D. It is protrusion of neural tissue through a defect
Answer: A
36. Most common conotruncal anomaly
B. Tetralogy of fallot
C. Truncus arteriosus
D. Double oulet right ventricle
Answer: A
37. Meconium can passed upto → days in healthy bady
A. 1
B. 3
C. 5
D. 7
Answer: B
38. Fallot physiology includes all except
B. Eisenmenger complex
D. Tricuspid atresia
Answer: B
39. Pulmonary plethora is seen with – all except
B. Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
C. Ebstein anomalis
D. Double outlet right ventricle
Answer: C
40. Child with rash- wrong is
A. Typhus – day 5
B. Varicella – day 1
C. Typhoid – day 5
D. Measles – day 4
Answer: C
41. What is recurrence of febrile seizure
A. 10-20%
B. 20-30%
C. 30-50%
D. 50-70%
Answer: C
42. In neonate, intra muscular injection given at
A. Deltoid
B. Gluteal
C. Thigh
D. Abdomen
Answer: C
43. Sitting in Tripod position at which month ?
A. 5 months
B. 6 months
C. 8 months
D. 9 months
Answer: B
44. Weight of new born quadruplets by
A. 9 months
B. 12 months
C. 2 year
D. 3 years
Answer: C
45. From 6 weeks to 12 weeks… Infant weight increases at rate of
A. 30 g/d
B. 40 g/d
C. 50 g/d
D. 60 g/d
Answer: A
46. Arm span and height become same at what age (year)
A. 9
B. 11
C. 13
D. 15
Answer: B
47. In protein deficiency all are seen except
A. Flaky paint like skin
B. Glossitis
C. Nail change
D. Cherry like skin
Answer: D
48. In a child having diarrhoea with perianal moist crust. The diagnosis is
A. Acrodermatitis enteropathica
B. Riboflavin deficiency
C. Pellagra
D. None of above
Answer: A
49. Vitamin B6 is used in treatment of
A. Homocystinuria
B. Xanthurenic aciduria
C. Cystathionuria
D. All of above
Answer: D
50. Prostaglandin analogue used in PDA is
A. Anapra stone
B. Misoprost
C. Danaprostone
D. PGE-2
Answer: B
51. Drug used to keep PDA open A. PGE1
Answer: A
52. WPW syndrome is associated with
A. Ebstein anomaly
Answer: A
53. Most common syndrome associated with A-V canal defect
A. Down syndrome
B. Klinfilter syndrome
C. Turner syndrome
D. Marfan syndrome
Answer: A
54. % of children with simple febrile seizure developing epilepsy is
A. 1-2 %
B. 2-5 %
C. 5-10 %
D. 10-15 %
Answer: A
55. Common deformity in Chiari H malformation is
A. Syringomyelia
B. Meningo myelocele
C. Hydrocephalus
D. All of above
Answer: D
56. A child of less than one year with asthma treatment
A. MDI with Spacer
B. MDI with Mask
C. MDI with Spacer with Mask
D. MPI with mask
Answer: C
57. Treatment of bronchiolitis includes all except
A. Macrolides
B. Humid oxygen
C. Bronchodilator
D. All of above
Answer: A
58. Most common pulmonary tumor in children is
A. Carcinoid
B. Small cell carcinoma
C. Adeno carcinoma
D. Squamous cell carcinoma
Answer: A
59. Most common cause of per rectal bleeding in infant is
A. Anal fissure
B. Rectal polyp
C. Intussusception
D. Hypertension
Answer: A
60. Most common anomaly of upper urogenital tract is
A. Uretero pelvic junction stenosis
B. Ectopic uretheral opening
C. Ureterocele
D. Ectopic ureter
Answer: A
61. Features of cystinuria are
A. Impaired proximal tubular reabsorption of cystine
B. Autosomal recessive
C. Recurrent renal stone
D. All of the above
Answer: D
62. Second degree consanguineous marriage, baby with diarrhoea, perianal diaper area redness
A. Lactose intolerance
B. Shigella diarrhoea
C. Salmonella
D. Fungal
Answer: A
63. On USG a mass was found in abdomen which was displacing the kidney laterally in 1 year old child
A. Neuroblastoma
B. Nephroblastoma
D. All of the above
Answer: A
64. Drugs used in ALL in child are all except
A. Methotrexate
B. Vincristine
C. Vinblastine
D. Cyclophosphamids
Answer: C
65. 34 week primigravida Punjabi Khatri comes with history of consanguineous marriage, with history of repeated blood transfusion to her sibling since 8 months of age. The first diagnostic test is
B. Blood smear
C. Bone marrow
D. Hb electrophoresis
Answer: B
66. 3 beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency causes increase production of
B. Progesterone
C. Deoxycortisol
D. Estradiol
Answer: A
67. 2-5 year old child with DM, target HbA, C is
A. < 8 %
B. < 7 %
C. < 9 %
D. < 6 %
Answer: C
68. Prenatal diagnosis of Down Syndrome is by
A. Karyo typing
B. Triple test
C. Fetal ultrasonography
D. All of above
Answer: D
69. 5 year old child develop fever and rash on first day and rash disappear, after few days develop child develop ataxia. Most probable diagnosis is
A. Measles
B. Fifth disease
C. Chicken pox
D. Rocky mountain spotted fever
Answer: A
70. MC symptom of AIDS in infant is
A. GI infection
B. Persistent cough
C. Failure to thrive
D. Lymphadenopathy
Answer: A
71. Baby borne to patient suspected of chlamydial infection sample to be taken for diagnosis
A. Conjunctival
B. Urethral
C. Urine sample
D. Blood
Answer: A
72. Features of Refsum disease are all except
A. Ataxia
C. Ichthiois
D. Retinitis pigmentosa
Answer: B
73. Young child with laughing spells. Diagnosis
A. Hypothalamic hamartoma
B. Tetralogy of fallot
C. Nitrous oxide poisoning
D. None of the above
Answer: A
74. Thirteen pair of Ribs are seen in ?
A. Down syndrome
B. Holt oram
C. Turner
D. Fibrous dysplasia
Answer: A
75. What is the age of the child who draws a circle and builds tower of 7 cubes?
A. 1 year
B. 2 years
C. 21/2 years
D. 3 years
Answer: D
76. By what age is the milestone of climbing steps with alternate feet achieved?
A. 2 years
B. 3 years
C. 4 years
D. 5 years
Answer: B
77. Mature finger grip comes at what age?
A. 5 months
B. 7 months
C. 9 months
D. 1 year
Answer: C
78. Social smile is attained at what age?
A. 2 months
B. 5 months
C. 9 months
D. 1 year
Answer: A
79. Arrange the following milestones in the correct order of their attainment
I. Build tower of 4 cubes
II. Make simple sentences
III. Drawing a circle
IV. Drawing a rectangle
A. II → III → IV → I
B. I → II → III → IV
C. II → I → III → IV
D. I → II → IV → III
Answer: B
80. By what age can a newborn recognize mother?
A. 2 months
B. 3 months
C. 6 months
D. 7 months
Answer: B
81. Which of the following can be done by an 18 months old baby?
A. Making tower of 9 cubes
B. Can use 10 words with meaning
C. Ride tricycle
D. Turn pages of book one at a time
Answer: B
82. A child of 5 years can use sentences of around how many words?
A. 6 words
B. 10 words
C. 100 words
D. 250 words
Answer: B
83. Milestones achieved by a 10 months old child are all except
A. Pincer grasp
B. Waving bye – bye
C. Standing without support
D. Plays a peek – a – boo game
Answer: C
84. What is the age of a child who can identify 4 colours and draw a triangle?
A. 21/2 years
B. 3 years
C. 4 years
D. 5 years
Answer: D
85. Weight of an infant doubles by what age?
A. 6 months
B. 1 year
C. 2 years
D. 3 years
Answer: C
86. Growth of head circumference in 1st 3 months of life is by
A. 2 cm
B. 3 cm
C. 5 cm
D. 10 cm
Answer: C
87. Delayed eruption is failure of teeth to appear by
A. 6 months
B. 13 months
C. 25 months
D. 37 months
Answer: B
88. Breast milk protects from infections as it contains all of the following except:
A. IgE
B. Lactoferrin
C. Bifidus factor
Answer: A
89. Which of the following is true regarding premature milk as compared to mature milk?
A. Less lactose
B. Less iron
C. Less immunoglobulins
D. Less sodium
Answer: A
90. All of the following are true regarding breast milk as compared to cow’s milk except
A. Contains more lactose
B. More amount of proteins
C. Less amount of fat content
D. Minerals and salts is less
Answer: B
91. Which of the following is the best reference for growth monitoring in children?
C. Boston
Answer: B
92. Kwashiorkor is due to deficiency of
A. Calories
B. Minerals
C. Vitamins
D. Zinc
Answer: A
93. Features of marasmus are all except :
A. Absence of anasarca
B. Increased appetite
C. Excessive catabolism of adipose tissue and muscle protein
D. Uncompensated phase of PEM
Answer: D
94. All of the following are causes of pseudo paralysis except
A. Osteomyelitis
B. Scurvy
C. Septic arthritis
D. Polio
Answer: D
95. Which of the following can lead to regression of developmental milestones
A. Rett’s syndrome
B. Autism
C. Neuromuscular diseases
D. All of the above
Answer: D
96. All of the following are features of Rett’s syndrome except
A. Microcephaly
B. Regression of milestones
C. Cardia arrhythmias
D. Focal Convulsions
Answer: D
97. Child while playing has sudden loss of consciousness and appears pale. There is no significant medical history and the child was otherwise healthy. Which of the following is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Attention deficit hyperkinetic disorder
B. Breath holding spell
C. Autism
D. Rett’s syndrome
Answer: B
98. Infantile body proportion in adults is seen in all except
A. Achondroplasia
B. Hypothyroidism
C. Klinefelter’s syndrome
D. Cretinism
Answer: C
99. If chronological age > skeletal age with normal growth velocity, then the final height that is expected to be achieved is
A. Normal
B. Less because of small bones
C. More than expected
D. Less because of epiphyseal closure due to accelerated growth
Answer: A
100. Which of the following about hormone levels in a malnourished child is true?
A. Increased insulin levels
B. Decreased cortisol levels
C. Increased growth hormone
D. All of the above
Answer: C
101. A 9 month old child with respiratory rate 53/min and presence of cough is classified as :
B. Respiratory distress
C. Tachypnoea
Answer: C