Q. What is the maximum reinforcement in beams
Ans: 0.04*b*d
Q. What is the minimum reinforcement in slabs
Ans: 0.12 % of gross area
Q. What is the minimum reinforcement in columns
Ans: 0. 8% of area
Q. What is the maximum reinforcement in columns
Q. Minimum Bars in Circular Column Should be_______
Ans: 6 Nos.
Q. What is the Full Form of AAC?
Ans: Autoclaved Aerated Concrete
Q. What is the Full Form of NDT?
Ans: Non – Destructive Test
Q. What is the Full Form of JCB?
Ans: Joseph Cyril Bamford
Q. Which Test is conducted to determine the bearing capacity of Soil?
Ans: Plate Load Test
Q. Ring and ball test is conducted on which construction material?
Ans: Bitumen
Q. Where is the section for bending considered
Ans: At the face of column
Q. What is the maximum no of steps in a flight
Ans: 12
Q. What are various limit states of strength
Ans: Flexure, Compression, shear and torsion
Q. Minimum hook length as per IS Code?
Ans: 75 mm
Q. What is the extra length in Bent up bars?
Ans: 0.45 X D
130. What is Least Count of Dumpy?
Ans: 5mm
Q. What is Full of EGL?
Ans: Existing ground level.
Q. A First Class Brick Should Absorb Water More than?
Ans: 20 %
Q. What are the minimum no of bars to be provided in rectangular column
Ans: 4
Q. What are minimum no of bars to be provided in circular column
Ans: 6
Q. What are various losses in prestressing
1 Elastic deformation of concrete
2 Shrinkage of concrete
3 Creep of concrete
4 Relaxation of stress in steel
Q. Vicats apparatus is used for
Ans: Consistency test
Q. Le chatliers apparatus is used for
Ans: Soundness test
Q. Number of Bricks used in 1 Cubic meter of Brickwork?
Ans: 500 Nos.
Q. The Normal Consistency of Portland Cement?
Ans: 25 %
Q. The Expansion in Portland cement is tested by…
Ans: Soundness Test
Q. What is shear center in steel beam
Ans: It is point or axis through which load acts
Q. What is Strut
Ans: Struct is a compression member
Q. What is Modular ratio
Ans: It is the ratio of Modulus of elasticity of steel to Modulus of elasticity of concrete
Q. What is the minimum diameter of bar used in column
Ans: 12
Q. What are bearing piles
Ans: Bearing piles transfer the loads to the hard strata
Q. What are friction Piles
Ans: Friction piles transfer the loads by friction between surface of pile and soil.
Q. According to IS Code, Full Strength of Concrete is achieved after?
Ans: 28 Days
Q. What is the Volume of 1 bag of cement?
Ans: 0.035 m³
Q. Minimum Grade of Concrete Used For RCC?
Ans: M – 20
Q. What is the slenderness limit for column
Less than 12 , it is short column
More than 12 , it is Long column
Q. What is the initial and final setting time for cement?
Ans: Initial: Less than 30 min and 600 min.
Q. Le chatliers apparatus is used for
Ans: Soundness test
Q. The distance between the adjacent faces of the stock rail and the check rail , is called
Ans: Flange way clearance
Q.. What is void ratio?
Ans: Void ratio is the ratio of volume of voids to volume of solids.
Q. .Stock rails are fitted
Ans: Against tongue clearance
Q. The switch angle is the angle subtended between the gauge faces of the
Ans: Stock rail and check
Q.. Explain what is Critical Path Method (C.P.M)?
Ans: Critical Path Method is strategy and method of representing the respective tasks and activities involved in the construction through a symbolic diagram.
Q.. How Do You Determine Specific Gravity Of Cement?
Ans: Cement is usually purchased as a powdery substance that is mixed with sand, aggregate, gravel, and water to form concrete. Since the cement itself is usually a powder, it is hard to measure a standard value for its specific gravity. In addition, since cement is usually not used by itself, knowing its specific gravity is not Particularly useful.
A more useful question is “What is the typical density of concrete?” A rule of thumb answer is that normal cured concrete has a density of about 150 pounds per cubic foot. This includes the weight of the cement, sand, aggregate, and that PArt of the water that chemically binds with the cement to form the concrete. Since water weighs about 62.4 pounds per cubic feet, concrete is about 2.4 times as heavy. Thus, the specific gravity of concrete is about 2.4. If you took cement and mixed it with water, you would eventually have a hard lump of useless cement and it would also have a specific gravity of between 2 and 2.4.
Q. The distance between the running face of the stock rail and toe of the tongue rail is known as
Ans: Throw of switch
Q.. The maximum value of throw of switch for a broad gauge track is
Ans: 95mm
Q. In INDIA , the crossing number for passenger turnout is taken as
Ans: 12
Q. A warner signal ,which is first seen by the driver , is known as
Ans: Outer signal
Q. The reception signal is
Ans: Outer signal ,home signal
Q. In a shunting signal , if the red band is horizontal , it indicates
Ans: Proceed
Q. What the steps involved in Building Construction?
There are different steps involved in Building construction like,
- Concreting
- Masonry work
- Plastering work
- Flooring work
- Formwork
- Steel cutting and Bending
Q. How do you measure the volume of concrete?
Ans: The volume of concrete is calculated by Multiplying its Length, Width, and Thickness together. For Example – 1m x1m x1m = 1 m³ of volume of concrete.
Q. Why Concrete Cover is provided to reinforcement?
Ans: Concrete cover for reinforcement is required to protect the rebar against corrosion and to provide resistance against fire.
Q. How to do check level on construction site?
Ans: I will check the level on construction site by Spirit level, Dumpy Level and Leveling Pipe.
Q. What is the accuracy of the dumpy level or minimum reading we can take?
Ans: With the help of a dumpy level we can take up 5mm accurate reading or minimum reading.
Q. How do you calculate the weight of 12m long and 10mm dia. Steel on-site?
Ans: By multiplying the length of steel bar with its unit weight
(unit wt of 10mm = 0.60 kg/m)
Weight of steel = 0.60x 12
= 7.2 kg
Q. Which is the equation used for calculating unit weight of steel bar?
Ans: (D²/162)
Q. What is the size of a concrete cube?
Ans: 15 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm
Q. What do you do if any concrete cube fails in 28 days compressive strength test?
Ans: If the concrete cube fails in strength test, I will conduct a core cutter test on concrete and send a report to higher authorities.
Q. What is the mix ratio for M – 20 Grade of concrete?
Ans: 1: 1.5: 3
Q. What is the Unit weight of 12 mm Steel Bars.
Ans: 0.89 kg/m
Q. Explain what is floating slab foundation?
Ans: A floating concrete foundation is a type of mat foundation that consists of the hollow mat formed by a grid of thick reinforced concrete walls between two thick reinforced concrete slabs.
Q. What is the Density of Steel?
Ans: 7850 kg/m³
Q. In Fe – 415 Steel Grade, 415 indicates of Steel.
Ans: Tensile Strength
Q. The height of low kerb ?
Ans: A kerb is a structure used to separate pavement and median, pavement and shoulder, pavement and footpath. In low kerb height is restricted to 100mm only.
Q. What is the Volume of 50 kg bag of cement?
Ans: 0.035 m³
Q. What are the functions of grout inside tendon ducts?
Grout in prestressing works serves the following purposes:
1. Protect the tendon against corrosion.
2. Improve the ultimate capacity of tendon.
3. Provide a bond between the structural member and the tendon.
4. In case of failure, the anchorage is not subject to all strain energy.
Q. In Residential Building, Average Value of Stair Width?
Ans: 900 mm
Q. What is the function of shear keys in the design of retaining walls?
In determining the external stability of retaining walls, failure modes like bearing failure,
sliding and overturning are normally considered in design. In considering the criterion of
sliding, the sliding resistance of retaining walls is derived from the base friction between
the wall base and the foundation soils. To increase the sliding resistance of retaining walls,
other than providing a large self-weight or a large retained soil mass, shear keys are to be
installed at the wall base.
Q. he Slope of Stair Should not Exceed.
Ans: 25- 40º
Q. What are the major problems in using pumping for concreting works?
Ans: In pumping operation, the force exerted by pumps must overcome the friction between
concrete and the pumping pipes, the weight of concrete and the pressure head when placing
concrete above the pumps. In fact, as only water is pumpable, it is the water in the concrete
that transfers the pressure.
The main problems associated with pumping are the effect of segregation and bleeding. To
rectify these adverse effects, the proportion of cement is increased to enhance the cohesion
in order to reduce segregation and bleeding. On the other hand, a proper selection of
aggregate grading helps to improve the pumpability of concrete.
Q. Minimum diameter of steel in Column.
Ans:12 mm
Q. What are the disadvantages of curing by ponding and polythene sheets?
Ans: The purpose of curing is to reduce the rate of heat loss of freshly placed concrete to the
atmosphere and to minimize the temperature gradient across concrete cross section.
Moreover, curing serves to reduce of the loss water from freshly placed concrete to the
Ponding: This method of thermal curing is readily affected by weather condition (cold
wind). Moreover, a large amount of water used has to be disposed off the construction sites
after curing.
Polythene sheet: This method of curing is based on the principle that there is no flow of air
over the concrete surface and thereby no evaporation can take place on top of the freshly
concreted surface by provision of polythene sheets. However, it suffers from the demerit
that polythene sheets can be easily blown off in windy condition and the performance of
curing would be affected. Moreover, for water lost due to self-desiccation, this method
cannot replenish these losses.
Q. Standard Size of Brick?
Ans: 19 cm x 9 cm x 9 cm
Q. What is Unit Weight of RCC?
Ans: 2500 kg/ m³
Q. Explain what are the problems one might face while having a Cantilever balcony?
Ans: Cantilever balcony are usually unsupported and extend outwards, so the problem with Cantilever balconies are
• Excess deflection or bounce
• Weakness of the deck structure
• Rot and water damage to the interior of the house
• Unevenness inside the house
• Can’t use the balcony for gardening or other purposes as it is not designed to lift excess amount of weight
Q. One Acre = Sq. ft.
Ans: 43560 Sq. ft.
Q. What is the Full Form of UTM?
Ans: Universal Testing Machine
Q. What do you understand by segregation?
Ans: Segregation is defined as a process of filtering cement & sand separately from the concrete mixture. In other words, segregation is caused due to vibration between materials forming a concrete.
One material being high in weight & one being less tend to be uneven while in a liquid state. The heavier material gets settled at the bottom of the concrete & lighter material moves on top.
Q. Cement Expire After?
Ans: 3 month
Q. What is the IS code for Plain and Reinforced Concrete
Ans: IS :456
Q. One square meter = Sq. ft?
Ans: 10.76 Sq. ft
Q. What are the standard American codes for steel and concrete
Ans: ACI and AISC
Q. What is the code of practice for General Construction in steel
Ans: IS :800
Q. What is unit weight of 25 mm Steel Bars
Ans: 3.85 kg/m
Q. One Hectare = _______Acres
Ans: 2.47 Acres
Q. Which type of cement is used is construction of massive Dam structures
Ans: Low heat cement
Q. One kilonewton is equal to kilograms
Ans: 101.97 KG
Q. For Steel structures what is permissible vertical deflection
Ans: Span / 325
Q. One Tonne is equal to kilograms
Ans: 1000 KG
Q. Maximum Free fall of concrete allowed is ?
1.5 m
Q. Instrument used for level work on a construction site?
Ans: Dumpy Level
Q. What is the minimum reinforcement in beams
Ans: Ast/b*d = 0.85/ fy