Society is companionship or grouping of individuals associated together for religious, cultural, patriotic, scientific and other purposes. Society is combination of environment and people and how they use technology.
But regardless of all these. The covid-19 outbreak affects all the chunk of the population. The social and economic costs of the pandemic are many and varied. This has impact on every segment of life like education, Religion, economy, transport, tourism, employment, food security and so on. This had distrurbed globally and made people to fall at risk moving in to extreme poverty.
Millions of people are at risk and workforce are losing their livelihood. Informal economy workers are particularly endangered because of lack of social protection and access to quality healthcare and have lost way to productive benefit. Due to the societal ill condition with health. They have announced lockdown. Without means to earn an income during lockdowns, many people are helpless to feed their families and themselves for most no income no food.
Due to this pandemic breadwinners lose their jobs, fall ill and die, many men and women are under threat and due to low nutrition. Some low income countries are at risk particularly the most marginalised population includes small scale farmers.
Many places got dissappeared due to pandemic with lack of food supply chains and reducing access to healthy, safe and diverse diets. The pandemic has affected the entire food system and have been preventing farmers from accessing, markets including for buying inputs and selling their products. Thus disrupting domestic and international food supply chains.
Agriculture workers faced abusive situation with less wages while feeding the world by facing high level poverty and poor health and lack of protection.
Many families are at risk migrant workers facial transport issues. They are vulnerable working and living conditions and struggle to have support and measures places by governments. At one point of time Government guaranteeing the safety and health concerns of all workers which includes street food vendors, processing and so on. By protecting public health and people’s lives and food security.
Many people have lost their life and their family. The crisis of food, employment and health. Some of the migrants have not returned to their home town, they have dead before reaching home due pandemic, lack of security, food and transportation. To overcome all the crucial lives and from crisis, immediate and purposeful actions to save lives and livelihood included extending social protection towards universal health and income support for those most affected. Different forms of support includes, shelter, food, financial help for business and support for employment and school meals.
Regarless of all ohter crisis education system has been devastated very badly. All the schools and education systems were closed. This pandemic has a worst impact on educaion system and on students. But after this recovery assistance reaches those most in need and helped out the suffereous. This is the time for global unity and support for making with socieities and with teh developing world. We should be supprtive and committed to develop our goals and challenges.
We must rethink and should have committed to take care of our environment. Give and take policy what ever we are giving to the environment, it is returning to us. Global warming, depletion of ozone layer, Greenhoue effect are some of the reasons for this air pollution.
For example: People staying at villages, surrounded by greenary were not effected by this covid, but people at cities only got effected. This reflectes that how we need to tackle climate change and envioronmental degradation with ambition and urgency.
Only then we can protect ourselves and our health,livelihoods and nutruition of all people. Let all of us hope for best for our future genreation.