Types of Movement
1. How many types of movement do the cells of the human body exhibit?
A. 4
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
Answer: D
Explanation: The human body has various types of cells which have different morphologies and perform specific functions. The cells have mainly three types of movement- amoeboid, ciliary and muscular.
2. Which of these is not a type of movement mainly shown by cells of the human body?
A. Amoeboid
B. Ciliary
C. Flagellar
D. Muscular
Answer: C
Explanation: The human body has various types of cells which perform various functions. The most common types of movements seen are amoeboid, ciliary and muscular. Flagellar locomotion is rare in human cells.
3. Which of these cells can be found in blood?
A. Islet cells
B. Zymogenic cells
C. Macrophages
D. Thymocytes
Answer: C
Explanation: Macrophages can be found in blood as well as in various tissues of the body. They are phagocytic cells that show amoeboid movement. Macrophages can especially be found at sites of infection.
4. Which of these cells show amoeboid movement?
A. Macrophages
B. Ciliated epithelia
C. Columnar epithelia
D. Squamous epithelia
Answer: A
Explanation: Macrophages show amoeboid movement. They can be found in blood as well as in various tissues of the body. Epithelia do not usually show such movement. Ciliated epithelia show ciliary movement.
5. Which blood corpuscle exhibits amoeboid locomotion?
A. Erythrocytes
B. Leucocytes
C. Thrombocytes
D. Blood platelets
Answer: B
Explanation: The three types of blood corpuscles are erythrocytes or red blood cells, leucocytes or white blood cells and thrombocytes or blood platelets. Leucocytes or white blood cells show amoeboid movement.
6. Which of these structures is used to carry out amoeboid movement?
A. Pili
B. Flagella
C. Pseudopodia
D. Cilia
Answer: C
Explanation: The human body has various types of cells which perform various functions. The most common types of movements seen are amoeboid, ciliary and muscular. Amoeboid movement is carried out by pseudopodia.
7. Where does pseudopodia arise from?
A. Protoplasm
B. Nucleoplasm
C. Cell membrane
D. Nuclear membrane
Answer: A
Explanation: The most common types of movements seen in cells of the human body are amoeboid, ciliary and muscular. Amoeboid movement is carried out by pseudopodia, which are formed from the protoplasm.
8. Which of these cells do not use pseudopodia?
A. Macrophages
B. Amoeba
C. Entamoeba histolytica
D. Sperm cells
Answer: D
Explanation: Entamoeba histolytica, amoeba and macrophages show amoeboid movement. Hence, they make use of pseudopodia to carry out their movement. However, sperm cells do not locomote using pseudopodia.
9. Which of these structures are involved in amoeboid movement?
A. Cilia
B. Pili
C. Microfilaments
D. Flagella
Answer: C
Explanation: The most common types of movements seen in cells of the human body are amoeboid, ciliary and muscular. Amoeboid movement makes use of pseudopodia and cytoskeletal elements such as microfilaments.
10. Epithelia of the trachea show ciliary movement. True or false?
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Explanation: The inner surface of the trachea is lined by ciliary epithelium. Ciliary epithelium shows ciliary movement. This movement drives the dust particles which are inhaled by us, away from the lungs.
11. Which of these do not show ciliary movement?
A. Inner lining of trachea
B. Oviducts
C. Vasa efferentia
D. Vas deferens
Answer: D
Explanation: The ciliated epithelium of the inner surface of the trachea, the movement of ova through the oviducts and the vasa efferentia show ciliary movement. The vas deferens does not show ciliary movement.
12. The passage of ova through oviducts involves what type of movement?
A. Muscular
B. Flagellar
C. Ciliary
D. Amoeboid
Answer: C
Explanation: The most common types of movements seen in cells of the human body are amoeboid, ciliary and muscular. The passage of ova through oviducts involves ciliary movement due to the presence of cilia.
13. Which of these statements is false regarding trachea?
A. Some cells show ciliary movement
B. Foreign particles are directed towards the throat
C. The inner lining is made of pseudostratified columnar epithelium
D. Ciliated epithelium direct dust away from the bronchi
Answer: C
Explanation: The inner lining of the trachea is made of ciliated epithelium. the ciliated epithelia show ciliary movement. This movement helps in directing dust and various foreign particles away from the lungs.
14. Which of these systems do not influence locomotion?
A. Integumentary
B. Neural
C. Muscular
D. Skeletal
Answer: A
Explanation: The neural system, the muscular system and the skeletal system influence locomotion and the coordinated activity of these systems is required for locomotion. The integumentary system does not influence it.
15. Which property of muscles is used for locomotion?
A. Excitability
B. Contractility
C. Extensibility
D. Elasticity
Answer: B