1. Plasminogen domain resembles
A. Fibrinogen
B. LDL receptor
C. Apolipoprotein
D. Prothrombin
Answer: C
2. Boiled cabbage or rancid butter smelling urine is seen in
A. Phenylketonuria
B. Tyrosinemia
C. Isovaleric Acidaemia
D. Multiple carboxylase deficiency
Answer: B
3. True about G protein coupled receptors is:
A. G proteins bind to hormones on the cell surface
B. All the three subunits alpha, beta and gamma should bind to
each other for G protein to act
C. G proteins act as inhibitory and excitatory because of difference
in alpha subunit
D. G protein is bound to GTP in resting state
Answer: C
4. Respiratory quotient of carbohydrate is:
A. 0.5
B. 0.8
C. 0.75
D. 1
Answer: D
5. Essential fatty acids are except:
A. Arachidonic acid
B. Linoleic acid
C. Palmitic acid
D. Linolenic acid
Answer: A
6. The predominant isozyme of LDH in Lung is:
A. LD-1
B. LD-2
C. LD-3
D. LD-5
Answer: C
7. Substrate level phosphorylation occur in step catalysed by which of the following enzyme in TCA cycle?
A. Isocitrate dehydrogenase
B. Malate dehydrogenase
C. Aconitase
D. Succinate thiokinase
Answer: D
8. Phosphofructokinase-1 occupies a key position in regulating glycolysis and is also subjected to feedback control. Which among the following is the allosteric activators of phosphofructokinase-1?
A. Fructose 2, 3 bisphosphate
B. Fructose 2, 6 bisphosphate
C. Glucokinase
Answer: B
9. Enzymes of glycolysis are found in:
A. Cytosol
B. Cell membrane
C. Mitochondria
D. Ribososmes
Answer: A
10. The Fenton reaction leads to free radical generation when:
A. Radiant energy is absorbed by water
B. Ferrous ions are converted to ferric ions
C. Nitric oxide is converted to peroxynitrite anion
D. Hydrogen peroxide is formed by, myeloperoxidase
Answer: B
11. The mechanism of action of uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation involves:
A. Inhibition of ATP synthase
B. Stimulation of ATP synthase
C. Disruption of proton gradient across the inner membrane
D. Disruption of proton gradient across outer membrane
Answer: C
12. Which of the following is the rate limiting step in cholesterol synthesis?
A. HMG CoA synthase
B. HMG CoA reductase
C. Thiokinase
D. Mevalonate kinase
Answer: B
13. Which one of the following can be a homologous substitution for isoleucine in a protein sequence?
A. Methionine
B. Aspartic acid
C. Valine
D. Arginine
Answer: C
14. Albinism is due to deficiency of the following enzyme?
A. Phenylalanine hydroxylase
B. Homogentisic acid oxidase
C. Tyrosinase
D. Decarboxylase
Answer: C
15. Which among the following glucose transporter present in beta cells ?
Answer: B
16. What is the role of catabolite activator protein (CAP) in LAC operon?
A. Positive regulator
B. Negative regulator
C. Attenuation
D. Constitutive expression
Answer: A
17. True about glutamate dehydrogenase is A/E
A. Liver mitochondrial enzyme
B. Use both NAD* or NADP+ coenzyme
C. Inhibited by ADP & activated by GTP
D. Reversible oxidative deamination
Answer: C
18. Among the following, the maximum redox potential is for:
B. Succinate/Fumarate
C. Ubiquinone
D. Fe+3/ Fe+2
Answer: D
19. (ß-oxidation of palmitic acid yields
A. 3 acetyl CoA
B. 129 ATP net
C. 131 ATP net
D. 16 Acetyl CoA
Answer: B
20. Refsum’s disease is due to deficiency of which of the following enzyme?
A. Malonate dehydrogease
B. Thiophorase
C. Succinate thiokinase
D. Phytanic alpha oxidase
Answer: D
21. Energy source used by brain in later days of Starvation is
A. Glucose
B. Ketone bodies
C. Glycogen
D. Fatty acids
Answer: B
22. In starvation, nitrogen is carried from muscle to liver and kidney by:
A. Alanine
B. Aspartic acid and Serine
C. Glycine
D. Asparagines
Answer: A
23. The gaps between segments of DNA on the lagging strand produced by restriction enzymes are re-joined sealed by:
A. DNA Ligases
B. DNA Helicase
C. DNA topoisomerase
D. DNA phosphorylase
Answer: A
24. Replication and transcription are similar processes in mechanistic terms because both :
A. Use RNA primers for initiation.
B. Use deoxyribonucleotides as precursors.
C. Are semi conserved events
D. Involve phosphodiester bond formation with elongation
occurring in the 5′ – 3′ direction
Answer: D
25.The anticodon region is an important part of the
A. r-RNA
B. m-RNa
C. t-RNa
D. hn-RNa
Answer: C
26. Km value is defined as:
A. Substrate concentration at Vmax/2
B. Substrate concentration of twice Vmax
C. Substrate concentration of thrice Vmax
D. Substrate concentration of one third Vmax
Answer: A
27. Enzyme activity is expressed as:
A. Millimoles /lit?
B. Milli gm/lit?
C. Mg/ dl
D. Micromoles/min
Answer: D
28. Which of the following is a serine protease
A. Chymotrypsin
B. Pepsin
C. Carboxypeptidase
D. Caspases
Answer: A
29. Creatinine is formed from :
A. Arginine
B. Lysine
C. Leucine
D. Histamine
Answer: A
30. Acidic amino acids are
A. Asparagine
B. Arginine
C. None
D. Lysine
Answer: A
31. Non-Essential amino acid is
A. Tyrosine
B. Phenylalanine
C. Lysine
D. Threonine
Answer: A
32. Detergent action of bile salts is due to:
A. Hydropathic
B. Acts as a zwitter ion
C. Amphipathic
D. All
Answer: C
33. Heme synthesis requires
A. Ferrous iron
B. Glycine
C. Succhyl CoA
D. All
Answer: D
34. Tumor suppressor gene is not involved in ?
A. Breast cancers
B. Neurofibromatosis
C. Multiple endocrine neoplasia
D. Retinoblastoma
Answer: C
35. In Endometrial carcinoma, which of the following tumor suppressor gene occurs?
A. P53
B. Rb
Answer: C
36. Telomerase
A. RNA polymerase
B. Causes carcinogenesis
C. Present in somatic cells
D. Absent in germ cells
Answer: B
37. E cadherin gene deficiency is seen in
A. Gastric ca
B. Intestinal ca
C. Thyroid ca
D. Pancreatic ca
Answer: A
38. Li–Fraumeni syndrome is due to mutation of which gene
A. P 21
B. P 53
C. P 41
D. P 43
Answer: B
39. Which element is required by phosphofructokinase?
A. Magnesium
B. Inorganic phosphate
C. Manganese
D. Copper
Answer: A
40. Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I is:
A. Lysosolic enzyme
B. Cytosolic enzyme
C. Mitochondrial enzyme
D. All of the above
Answer: C
41. Which of the following is required for proper effects of Insulin?
A. Selenium
B. Iron
C. Copper
D. Chromium
Answer: D
42. Glycemic index is defined as:
A. Glucose control in last 3 months
B. Measure of the change in the blood glucose following ingestion of proteins
C. Measure of the change in the blood glucose following ingestion of carbohydrate
D. Measure of the change in the blood glucose following ingestion of fats.
Answer: C
43. Which of the following is known as suicidal enzyme?
A. Lipoxygenase
B. Cyclooxygenase
C. Thromboxane synthatase
D. 5′ nucleotidase
Answer: B
44. Which of the following enzyme is not a component of fatty acid synthase complex?
A. Acetyl Co-A carboxylase
B. Ketoacyl synthase
C. Enoyl reductase
D. Acetoacetyl
Answer: A
45. Umami taste is evoked by ?
A. Glucose
B. Glutamic acid
C. Quinine
D. Sodium chloride
Answer: B
46. Sirtuins are associated with ?
A. Memory
B. Metabolism
C. Vision
D. Olfaction
Answer: B
47. Normal uric acid level is ?
A. 1-2 mg/dl
B. 2-3 mg/dl
C. 3-6 mg/dl
D. 10-15
Answer: C
48. All are true about phosphorus except ?
A. Comprises 1 % of the total body weight
B. 85% remains in the bones
C. Diet is not a common source
D. Parathormone acts on NaPiIIc receptors
Answer: D
49. Carbohydrate in ABO blood group antigens is ?
A. Glucose
B. Fructose
C. Inulin
D. Maltose
Answer: B
50. In argininosuccinase deficiency, what should be supplemented to continue the urea cycle ?
A. Aspartate
B. Arginine
C. Citrullin
D. Argininosuccinate
Answer: B
51. Tay-Sach disease is due to deficiency of
A. Hexosaminidase A
B. Hexosaminidase B
C. Sphingomyelinase
D. a-galactosidase
Answer: A
52. Maximum energy is liberated by hydrolysis of ?
A. Creatine phosphate
C. Phosphoenol pyruvate
D. Glucose-6-phosphate
Answer: C
53. Which of the following is an aldose sugar?
A. Ribulose
B. Fructose
C. Glyceraldehyde
D. All of the above
Answer: C
54. Bond involved in formation of primary structure of protein/polypeptide ?
A. Hydrogen
B. Peptide
C. Disulfide
D. a and b both
Answer: D
55. Main source of energy in 1 min is ?
A. Glycogen
C. Phosphates
D. Glucose
Answer: A
56. Quarternary ammonium compound disinfectants are ?
A. Anionic
B. Cationic
C. Neutral
D. Gases
Answer: B
57. Not a component of PCR ?
A. Primer
B. Taq polymerase
C. DNA Polymerase
D. Restriction enzyme
Answer: D
58. Which of the following is increased in lipoprotein lipase deficiency?
D. Chylomicrons
Answer: D
59. NADH CoQ reductase is inhibited by ?
A. Rotenone
B. Carbonmonoxide
C. Antimycin
D. Atractyloside
Answer: A
60. Rate limiting step in urea cycle is catalyzed by ?
A. Arginase
B. Argininosuccinase
C. Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase
D. Ornithine transcarbamylase
Answer: C
61. Citrullinemia is due to deficiency of ?
A. Argininosuccinate lyase
B. Argininosuccinate synthase
C. Arginase
D. Ornithine transcarbamylase
Answer: B
62. Urease is a/an ?
A. Oxidoreductase
B. Lyase
C. Ligase
D. Hydrolase
Answer: D
63. Vitamin involved in decarboxylation ?
A. Biotin
B. Pyridoxine
C. Niacin
D. Thiamine
Answer: B
64. Nitrogen-9 of purine ring is provided by ?
A. Glycine
B. Aspartate
C. Glutamine
D. CO2
Answer: C
65. Rate limiting step in fatty acid synthesis is ?
A. Production of acetyl CoA
B. Production of oxaloacetate
C. Production of malonyl-CoA
D. Production of citrate
Answer: C
66. Which is not a common enzyme for glycolysis and gluconeogenesis?
A. Aldolase
B. Glucose-6-phosphatase
C. Phosphoglycerate mutase
D. Phosphoglycerate kinase
Answer: B
67. Which is not a step of gluconeogenesis?
A. Conversion of glucose-6-phosphate to glucose
B. Carboxylation of pyruvate
C. Conversion of oxaloacetate to phosphoenolpyruvate
D. Conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate to pyruvate
Answer: D
68. Vitamin C is required for ?
A. Posttranslational modification
B. Synthesis of epinephrine
C. Tyrosine metabolism
D. All of the above
Answer: D
69. First product of purine metabolism
A. Uric acid
B. Xanthine
C. P-alanine
D. CO2
Answer: B
70. Which of the following metabolic pathway in carbohydrate metabolism is required for synthesis of nucleic acids?
A. Gluconeogenesis
B. Glycolysis
C. HMP shunt
D. Glycogenesis
Answer: C
71. Mineral required for cholesterol biosynthesis ?
A. Fe
B. Mn
C. Mg
D. Cu
Answer: C
72. Source of energy in Kreb’s cycle is
Answer: D
73. Coenzyme used in Kreb’s cycle ?
Answer: A
74. Mousy odor of urine is seen in ?
A. Alkaptunuria
B. Phenylketonuria
C. Hartnup disease
D. Albinism
Answer: B
75. Cabbage-like odour is seen in ?
A. Alkaptonuria
B. Phenylketonuria
C. Hartnup disease
D. Tyrosinemia
Answer: D
76. Immediate energy supply for muscle contraction ?
C. Creatine phosphate
D. Fatty acid
Answer: C
77. Cofactor for dopamine hydroxylase ?
A. Fe
B. Mg
C. Mn
D. Cu
Answer: D
78. Lipoprotein involved in reverse cholesterol transport?
Answer: D
79. Allantoin is the end product of metabolism of ?
A. Glycogen
B. Purine
C. Pyrimidine
D. Histidine
Answer: B
80. Pyruvate dehydrogenase contains all, except
C. Biotin
D. CoA
Answer: C
81. Northern blot is used to detect ?
A. Protein
B. Immunoglobulin
Answer: C
82. Not an essential amino acid ?
A. Arginine
B. Histidine
C. Glutamate
D. Lysine
Answer: C
83. Enzyme deficient in gangliosidoses ?
A. ß-glucuronidase
B. Iduronidase
C. ß-galactosidase
D. Hyaluronidase
Answer: C
84. Defect in type II hyperlipidemia
A. Apo-E
B. Lipoprotein lipase
C. LDL receptor
D. None
Answer: C
85. Major source of energy for brain in fasting/ starvation ?
A. Glucose
B. Glycogen
C. Fatty acids
D. Ketone bodies
Answer: D
86. Nicotinic acid is derived from ?
A. Glutamine
B. Tryptophan
C. Glutathione
D. Phenylalanine
Answer: B
87. Sex determining region is located on ?
A. Long arm of Y chromosome
B. Short arm of Y chromosome
C. Long arm of X chromosome
D. Short arm of X chromosome
Answer: B
88. Transferases are classified as ?
A. EC-1
B. EC-2
C. EC-3
D. EC-4
Answer: B
89. True about acid phosphatase is ?
A. Acts at pH 8-9
B. Prostate isoform is tartarate resistant
C. Erythrocyte isoform is inhibited by cupric ions
D. All of the above
Answer: C
90. Alcohol is metabolized by ?
A. Alcohol dehydrogenase
C. Catalase
D. All of the above
Answer: D
91. Amino acid which is optically inert ?
A. Valine
B. Alanine
C. Glycine
D. Threonine
Answer: C
92. First purine nucleotide, which is synthesized in purine biosynthesis ?
Answer: C
93. Rate limiting step in heme synthesis is catalyzed by ?
A. ALA dehydratase
B. ALA synthase
C. UPG decarboxylase
D. Ferrochelatase
Answer: B
94. Rate limiting step in porphyrine synthesis
A. ALA dehydratase
B. ALA synthase
C. UPG decarboxylase
D. Ferrochelatase
Answer: B
95. Oxidation of very long chain fatty acids takes place in ?
A. Cytosol
B. Mitochondria
C. Ribosomes
D. Peroxisomes
Answer: D
96. Salvage pathway of purine biosynthesis is important for ?
A. Liver
C. Kidney
D. Lung
Answer: B
97. Lipoprotein associated with carrying cholesterol from peripheral tissues to liver is ?
Answer: A
98. Which of the following is a nucleoside?
A. Adenine
B. Uridine
C. Thymine
D. Guanine
Answer: B
99. Amino acids with extra NH (amino group) in structure2
A. Aspartate
B. Glutamate
C. Histidine
D. Alanine
Answer: C
100. Number of ATP produced by RBC when Glycolysis occurs through Rapoport Leubering pathway
A. 2
B. 6
C. 8
D. 0
Answer: D
101. Most important vitamin, which promotes wound healing ?
A. Vitamin C
B. Vitamin D
C. Vitamin A
D. Niacin
Answer: A
102. Which of the following is not a glycerosphingolipid?
A. Lecithin
B. Cardiolipin
C. Plasmalogens
D. Sphingomyelin
Answer: D
103. Immediate precursor of creatine
A. Carbamoyl phosphate
B. Arginosuccinate
C. Guanidoacetate
D. Citrulline
Answer: C
104. Tyrosine enters gluconeogenesis by forming which substrate
A. Succinyl CoA
B. Alpha-ketoglutarate
C. Fumarate
D. Citrate
Answer: C
105. Fumarate of TCA is derived from transmination of which amino acid
A. Phenylalanine
B. Methionine
C. Valine
D. Glutamine
Answer: A
106. Alpha helix and Beta pleated sheet are examples of?
A. Primary
B. Secondary structure
C. Tertiary
D. Quaternary structure
Answer: B
107. RNA polymerase has which activity
A. Primase
B. Helicase
C. Ligase
D. Topoisomerase
Answer: A
108. which of the following occurs only in mitochondria
B. Ketogenesis
C. Urea cycle
D. Steroid synthesis
Answer: C
109. Number of structural gene in Lac operon
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Answer: A
110. The enzyme involved in initiation of peptide chain synthesis
A. Topoisomerase
B. Transformylase
C. RNA polymerase
D. Peptidyl transferase
Answer: B
111. Strongest interactions among the following
A. Covalent
B. Hydrogen
C. Electrostatic
D. Van der Waals
Answer: A
112. Highest mobility on electrophoresis
D. Chylomicrons
Answer: A
113. Regulating enzymes in Gluconeogenesis are all, except
A. Pyruvate carboxylase
B. PEP carboxykinase
C. PFK-1
D. Glucose-6-phosphatase
Answer: C
114. Glucagon stimulates
A. Gluconeogenesis
B. Glycogenesis
C. Fatty acid synthesis
D. Glycolysis
Answer: A
115. Which of the following amino acids is purely ketogenic?
A. Phenylalanine
B. Leucine
C. Proline
D. Tyrosine
Answer: B
116. Cystathionine lyase requires which cofactor ?
A. Thiamine
B. Riboflavin
C. Pyridoxine
D. Niacin
Answer: C
117. Most common physiological form of DNA
A. A-form
B. B-form
C. Z-form
D. C-form
Answer: B
118. CO acts by inhibiting which component of respiratory chain ?
A. Cytochrome b
B. Cytochrome C oxidase
C. NADH CoQ reductase
D. Oxidative phosphorylation
Answer: B
119. Specific inhibitor of succinate dehydrogenase?
A. Fluoroacetate
B. Arsenite
C. Malonate
D. Fluoride
Answer: C
120. In citric acid cycle, NADH is produced by
A. Succinate thiokinase
B. Succinate dehydrogenase
C. Isocitrate dehydrogenase
D. Fumarase
Answer: C
121. Urea is synthesized in all except
A. Liver
B. Brain
C. Kidney
D. Spleen
Answer: D
122. Which of the following step is specific for gluconeogenesis
A. Pyrovate to acetyl CoA
B. Oxaloacetate to citrate
C. Oxaloacetate to PEP
D. Oxaloacetate to PEP
Answer: C
123. Pyruvate can be a substrate for
A. Fatty acid synthesis
B. TCA cycle
C. Cholesterol synthesis
D. All of the above
Answer: D
124. In oxidative pathway, NADPH is produced in ?
A. Cytosol
B. Mitochondria
C. Ribosome
D. Peroxisomes
Answer: A
125. Glucose is converted to sorbitol by ?
A. Aldolase B
B. Aldose reductase
C. Sorbitol dehydrogenase
D. All of these
Answer: B
126. Lactose intolerance is due to ?
A. Deficiency of Galactokinase
B. Deficiency of Uridyl transferase
C. Deficiency of Lactase
D. Deficiency of Enteropeptidase
Answer: C
127. Deficiency of which vitamin causes excretion of xantheurenic acid in urine ?
A. Folic acid
B. Pyridoxin
C. Niacin
D. Vitamin B12
Answer: B
128. Total number of dehydrogenases Krebs cycle ?
A. 3
B. 2
C. 4
D. 5
Answer: C
129. Number of ATP generated in one TCA cycle ?
A. 2
B. 8
C. 10
D. 11
Answer: C
130. If urine sample darkens on standing: the most likely conditions is ?
A. Phenylketonuria
B. Alkaptonuria
C. Maple syrup disease
D. Tyrosinemia
Answer: B
131. Which of the following enzyme does not catalyzes irreversible step in glycolysis ?
A. Hexokinase
B. Phosphoglycerate kinase
C. Pyruvate kinase
D. Phosphofructokinase
Answer: B
132. Taurine is made from ?
A. Glycine
B. Tyrosine
C. Cysteine
D. Phenylalanine
Answer: C
133. Amino acid carrying ammonia from muscle to liver?
A. Alanine
B. Glutamine
C. Arginine
D. Lysine
Answer: A
134. FIGLU excretion test is used for assessment of deficiency of ?
A. Vitamin B12
B. Niacin
C. Folic acid
D. Pyridoxin
Answer: C
135. Role of molecular oxygen in ETC ?
A. Transfer of reducing equivalent to CoQ
B. Transfer of reducing equivalent from cytosol to mitochondria
C. To act as last electron acceptor
D. Generation of ATP
Answer: C
136. Which of the following is a homopolysaccharide?
A. Heparin
B. Chitin
C. Hyaluronic acid
D. Chondroitin sulfate
Answer: B
137. If tyrosine level in blood is normal without external supplementation, deficiency of which of the following is ruled out ?
A. Tryptophan
B. Phenylalanine
C. Histidine
D. Isoleucine
Answer: B
138. End product of porphyrin metabolism ?
A. Albumin
B. CO2 & NH2
C. Bilirubin
D. None
Answer: C
139. Hunter syndrome is due to deficiency of
A. Beta galactosidase
B. Sphingomyelinase
C. Iduronate Sulfatase
D. Hyaluronidase
Answer: C
140. UDP glucose is not used in ?
A. Uronic acid pathway
B. Glycogen synthesis
C. Galactose metabolism
D. HMP shunt
Answer: D
141. Number of ATP molecules and NADH formed in each cycle of glycolysis ?
A. 4 ATP, 2 NADH
B. 2 ATP, 2 NADH
C. 4 ATP, 4 NADH
D. 2 ATP, 4 NADH
Answer: A
142. Which of the following is not true regarding ETC?
A. Occurs in mitochondria
B. Generates ATP
C. No role of inorganic phosphate
D. Involves transport of reducing equivalent
Answer: C
143. Proteins are separated on the basis of charge in ?
B. Ultracentrifugation
C. Affinity chromatography
Answer: D
144. Isoform of LDH in skeletal muscles ?
A. LDH-1
B. LDH-2
C. LDH-3
D. LDH-4
Answer: D
145. Following is true regarding sulhydryl groups except?
A. They are present in coenzyme A and lipoic acid
B. They are present in Captopril and penicillamine
C. They are not involved in reduction of peroxides
D. They are present in cysteine
Answer: C
146. Cause of Herpes Zoster ?
A. Primary infection with VZV
B. Recurrent infection with VZV
C. Reactivation of latent infection of VZV
D. Multiple infection with VZV
Answer: C
147. Bile acids are synthesized from ?
A. Heme
B. Cholesterol
C. Ribulose
D. Arachidonic acid
Answer: B
148. Not a substrate for gluconeogenesis A. Glycerol
B. Leucine
C. Lactate
D. Propionate
Answer: B
149. Rate limiting enzyme in bile acid synthesis ?
A. Desmolase
B. 21 a-hydroxylase
C. 7a-hydroxylase
D. 12a-hydroxylase
Answer: C
150. Rate limiting enzyme in catecholamine synthesis?
A. Dopa decarboxylase
B. N-methyltransferase
C. Dopamine hydroxylase
D. Tyrosine hydroxylase
Answer: D
151. NAD+ Acts as a coenzyme for ?
A. Xanthine oxidase
B. L-amino acid oxidase
C. Succinate dehydrogenase
D. Malate dehydrogenase
Answer: D
152. True about tRNA ?
A. 80% of total RNA
B. Contains 50-60 nucleotides
C. CCA sequence is transcribed
D. Longest RNA
Answer: C
153. Selenocysteine is associated with ?
A. Carbonic anhydrase
B. Catalase
C. Deiodinase
D. Transferase
Answer: C
154. Which vitamin is required for transfer of 1-carbon unit?
A. Vitamin A
B. Folic acid
C. Vitamin B12
D. Niacin
Answer: B
155. Heme is synthesized from ?
A. Lysine + succinyl CoA
B. Glycine + succinyl CoA
C. Arginine + Malonyl CoA
D. Glycine + Malonyl CoA
Answer: B
156. Splicing is a process of ?
A. Activation of protein
B. Removal of introns
C. Synthesis of protein
D. Replication of DNA
Answer: B
157. Creatinine is formed from A. Glycine
B. Lysine
C. Leucine
D. Histamine
Answer: A
158. Most commonly used vector for DNA cloning ?
A. Plasmid
B. Virus
C. Cosmid
D. Phage
Answer: A
159. Richest source of vitamin B12 ?
A. Meat
B. Green leafy vegetables
C. Corn oil
D. Sunflower oil
Answer: A
160. Keshan disease in due to deficiency of
A. Selenium
B. Copper
C. Zinc
D. Iron
Answer: A
161. PFK-I inhibitor ?
B. Citrate
C. Glucose 6 phosphate
D. Insulin
Answer: B
162. All are used in gluconeogenesis except ?
A. Oleate
B. Succinate
C. Glutamate
D. Aspartate
Answer: A
163. Main enzyme for glycogen metabolism ?
A. Glucose-6-phosphatase
B. Glycogen synthase
C. PFK – 1
D. None of the above
Answer: B
164. Action of metalloproteinase ?
A. Degradation of collagen
B. Polymerization of collagen
C. Oxidation of collagen
D. Stimulation of collagen
Answer: A
165. Protein catabolism is increased in ?
A. Starvation
B. Burns
C. Surgery
D. All of the above
Answer: D
166. TATA box is seen in ?
A. Promoter region
B. Palindromic region
C. Enhancer region
D. Silencer region
Answer: A
167. Frame shift mutation does not effect complete amino acid sequence if it occurs in multiple of ?
A. I
B. 2
C. 3
D. None
Answer: C
168. Coris disease is due to defect in
A. Branching enzyme
B. Debranching enzyme
C. Myophosphorylase
D. Hepatic phosphorylase
Answer: B
169. Oxidative deamination is catalyzed by ?
A. Glutaminase
B. Glutamine synthase
C. Glutamate dehydrogenase
D. None of the above
Answer: C
170. Glucose is transported in pancreas through which receptor ?
Answer: B
171. Immediate source of energy is ?
A. Cori’s cycle
D. TCA cycle
Answer: C
172. Which of the following vitamins does not participate in oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate to acetyl CoA ?
A. Thiamine
B. Niacine
C. Riboflavin
D. Biotin
Answer: D
173. Salvage pathway of purine nucleotide synthesis are used by all except ?
A. Brain
B. Liver
D. Leukocytes
Answer: B
174. Carboxypeptidase contains which mineral ?
A. Copper
B. Zinc
C. Iron
D. None
Answer: B
175. Krabbes disease is due to deficiency of ?
A. Sphingomyelinase
B. Beta galactocerebrosidase
C. Hexosaminidase
D. Arylsulfatase
Answer: B
176. True about gluconeogenesis ?
A. Occurs mainly in muscle
B. It is reverse of glycolysis
C. Alanine & lactate both can serve as substrate
D. Glycerol is not a substrate
Answer: C
177. Which enzyme polymerises okazaki fragments ?
A. DNA polymerase I
B. DNA polymerase II
C. DNA polymerase III
D. RNA polymerase
Answer: C
178. Riboflavin deficiency is assessed by ?
A. Transketolase
B. Glutathione reductase
D. None
Answer: B
179. Heme is which porphyrin ?
A. Type I
B. Type II
C. Type III
D. Type IV
Answer: C
180. Which of the following is a lyase ?
A. Decarboxylase
B. Synthetase
C. Kinase
D. Oxygenase
Answer: A
181. Not present in DNA ?
A. Uracil
B. Thymine
C. Cytosine
D. Adenine
Answer: A
182. Neutral amino acid is ?
A. Aspartate
B. Arginine
C. Glycine
D. Histidine
Answer: C
183. All are true about ketone bodies except ?
A. Acetoacetate is primary ketone body
B. Synthesized in mitochondria
C. Synthesized in liver
D. HMG CoA reductase is the rate-limiting enzyme
Answer: D
184. The mineral having action like vitamin E ?
A. Calcium
B. Iron
C. Selenium
D. Magnesium
Answer: C
185. Which is an abnormal lipoprotein ?
B. Chylomicron
C. Lp (A.
Answer: C
186. Okazaki fragments are formed during ?
A. Transcription
B. Translation
C. DNA replication
D. None
Answer: C
187. Hay’s sulpher test is used to detect
which of the following ?
A. Bile salts in urine
B. Reducing sugar in urine
C. Ketone bodies in urine
D. Urobilinogen in urine
Answer: A
188. Which of the following accumulates in maple syrup urine disease
A. Leucine
B. Valine
C. Isoleucine
D. All
Answer: D
189. Keratin is a ?
A. Globular protein
B. Cylindrical protein
C. Fibrous protein
D. None of the above
Answer: C
190. Keratin contains ?
A. Arginine
B. Histidine
C. Lysine
D. All
Answer: D
191. Which of the following is high energy compound?
B. Glucose-6-phosphate
C. Creatine phosphate
D. Fructose-6-phosphate
Answer: C
192. True statement about hemoglobin is ?
A. Each hemoglobin molecule is made of 4 polypep tides of each subunit
B. Two alpha and two beta subunits having a 02 attached to each subunit
C. Each hemoglobin molecule binds to only one 02 molecule
D. Each hemoglobin has one heme molecule
Answer: A
193. All are true about LDL except ?
A. More dense than chylomicron
B. Smaller than VLDL
C. Transports maximum amount of lipid
D. Contains maximum cholesterol
Answer: C
194. Gluconeogenesis from lactate needs all except ?
A. Transport of lactate from muscle to liver
B. Conversion of lactate to pyruvate
C. Transamination of pyruvate to alanine
D. None of the above
Answer: C
195. All are true about Vitamin B12,except ?
A. Active form is methylcobalamine
B. Requires for conversion of homocysteine to methionine
C. Requires in metabolism of methylmalonyl CoA
D. Requires for conversion of pyruvate to lactate
Answer: D
196. Polar amino acids are all except ?
A. Glutamic acid
B. Histidine
C. Glutamine
D. Methionine
Answer: D
197. Major form of folic acid to transfer one carbon is ?
A. Methylene THF
B. Formyl THF
C. Methyl THF
D. All
Answer: A
198. During starvation, muscle uses ?
A. Fatty acids
B. Ketone bodies
C. Glucose
D. Proteins
Answer: A
199. Serotonin is derived from A. Tyrosine
B. Tryptophan
C. Phenylalanine
D. Methionine
Answer: B
200. Major apolipoprotein of chylomicrons ?
A. B-100
B. D
C. B-48
D. None
Answer: C
201. True about Glutathione except ?
A. Tripeptide
B. Formed from glutamic acid, glycine, cysteine
C. Act as antioxidant in reduced state
D. All of the above
Answer: D
202. Concentration of which is inversely related to the risk of coronary heart disease ?
D. None
Answer: C
203. Maximum cholesterol is seen in ?
D. Chylomicrons
Answer: B
204. In humans, end product of purine metabolism
A. Allantoin
B. Uric acid
C. CO2
D. None
Answer: B
205. All are true about chaperones except ?
A. Cause folding of proteins
B. Are lipid in nature
C. May have ATPase activity
D. Include heat shock proteins
Answer: B
206. Which Vitamin is involved in Redox reactions
A. Pyridoxin
B. Biotin
C. Folic acid
D. Riboflavin
Answer: D
207. Ninhydrin test is used for ?
A. Bile salts
B. Amino acids
C. Nucleic acid
D. Lipids
Answer: B
208. Which is not a dietary fiber ?
A. Lignin
B. Lactulose
C. Pectin
D. Cellulose
Answer: B
209. ATP is generated in ETC by ?
A. Na’ ATPase
B. Cl- ATPase
C. FoF, ATPase
D. ADP Kinase
Answer: C
210. Atractiloside act as ?
A. Uncoupler
B. Inhibitor of oxidative phosphorylation
C. Inhibitor of complex I of ETC
D. Inhibitor of complex III of ETC
Answer: B
211. Riboflavin is a constituent of ?
Answer: A
212. Rate limiting step in pyrimidine synthesis ?
A. Dihydro-orotase
B. Ornithine transcarbomoylase
C. Aspartate transcarbomoylase
D. Carbamoyl phosphate synthase-I
Answer: C
213. All are characteristics of genetic code ?
A. Overlapping
B. Nonambiguous
C. Universal
D. Degeneracy
Answer: A
214. Which of the following is an example of Trinucleotide repeat mutation ?
A. Huntington’s chorea
B. Fragile-X-syndrome
C. Friedreich ataxia
D. All of the above
Answer: D
215. Which of the following is the major proteoglycan of synovial fluid ?
A. Chondroitin sulfate
B. Dermatan sulfate
C. Heparan sulfate
D. Hyaluronic acid
Answer: D
216. The main function of Vitamin C in the body is
A. Coenzyme for energy metabolism
B. Regulation of lipid synthesis
C. Involvement as antioxidant
D. Inhibition of cell growth
Answer: C
217. Enzyme specificity is given by ?
A. Km
B. Vrm„
C. Both
D. None
Answer: A
218. Natural uncoupler is ?
A. Thermogonin
B. 2, 4 nitrophenol
C. 2, 4 Dinitrophenol
D. Oligomycin
Answer: A
219. Lipid with highest mobility is ?
D. Chylomicrons
Answer: A
220. Apolipoprotein E is rich in ?
A. Lysine
B. Arginine
C. Histidine
D. Methionine
Answer: B
221. Which energy molecule gives 10.5 kcal/ molecule?
C. Creatine phosphate
D. Glucose-6-phosphate
Answer: C
222. Branching enzyme is found in ?
A. Glycogenesis
B. Glucogenesis
C. Glycogenolysis
D. Glycolysis
Answer: A
223. Which of the following is not a phospholipid ?
A. Lecithine
B. Plasmalogen
C. Cardiolipin
D. Ganglioside
Answer: D
224. The mechanism by which mercury causes damage ?
A. Binds to -SH group of enzyme
B. Directly toxic
C. Inhibits ETC
D. Inhibits protein synthesis
Answer: A
225. Q10 in enzyme matches with ?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 8
D. 10
Answer: A
226. Creatine is made up of all, except ?
A. Glycine
B. Alanine
C. Methionine
D. Arginine
Answer: B
227. In urea cycle which defect is an X linkeddisease ?
A. Ornithine transcarbamylase
B. Aspartate transcarbamylase
C. Arginase
D. Argininosuccinate synthase
Answer: A
228. True regarding collagen synthesis is all except ?
A. Synthesized in ribosomes as preprocollagen
B. Hydroxylation of proline occurs in Golgi apparatus
C. Hydroxylation of lysine occurs in ER
D. Triple helix assembly occurs in ER
Answer: B
229. Type of collagen found in space of Disse in liver is A. Collagen I & II
B. Collagen III & IV
C. Collagen II &
D. Collagen II & V
Answer: B
230. Which is predominant in normal healthy human ?
A. LDH 1
C. LDH 3
Answer: B
231. Physiological uncoupler is ?
A. Thyroxine
B. Free fatty acids
C. Thermogenin
D. All of the above
Answer: D
232. Which of the following is Aldosugar ?
A. Fructose
B. Erythrulose
C. Glucose
D. None
Answer: C
233. Key enzyme of gluconeogenesis are all except?
A. Pyruvate carboxylase
B. PEP carboxykinase
C. Pyruvate kinase
D. Glucose-6-phosphatase
Answer: C
234. Fructose intolerance is due to deficiency of ?
A. Aldolase B
B. Fructokinas
C. Triokinas
D. Aldolase A
Answer: A
235. What is essential for transfer of fatty acid across mitochondrial membrane
A. Creatine
B. Creatinine
C. Carnitine
D. None
Answer: C
236. Hexokinase is ?
A. Ligase
B. Transferase
C. Oxidoreductase
D. Reductase
Answer: B
237. Ketone body formation without glycosuria is seen in ?
A. Diabetes mellitus
B. Diabetes insipidus
C. Starvation
D. Obesity
Answer: C
238. Amino acid with double chiral is ?
A. Phenyalanine
B. Threonine
C. Tryptophane
D. Tyrosine
Answer: B
239. At physiological pH DNA is ?
A. Acidic
B. Negatively charged
C. Amphipathic
D. All of the above
Answer: D
240. Source of ammonia in urine ?
A. Glutaminase
B. Urease
C. Glutamate dehydrogenase
D. Arginase
Answer: A
241. Albumin binds with all except ?
A. Steroid
B. Calcium
D. Thyroxine
Answer: D
242. Chemical process involved in conversion of progesterone to glucocorticoids is
A. Methylation
B. Hydroxylation
C. Carboxylation
D. None
Answer: B
243. Gluconeogenesis occurs in all except ?
A. Liver
B. Kidney
C. Gut
D. Muscle
Answer: D
244. GLUT 2 receptors ?
A. Insulin dependent
B. Insulin independent
C. Found in cardiac muscle
D. Found in brain
Answer: B
245. Which of the following has antioxidant property?
A. Selenium
B. Copper
C. Zinc
D. All
Answer: D
246. The number of ATPs generated in krebs cycleare ?
A. 12
B. 24
C. 15
D. 30
Answer: B
247. One Krebs cycle generates how many ATP ?
A. 6
B. 12
C. 24
D. 36
Answer: B
248. Glutathione requires which vitamin to act as antioxidant ?
A. Vitamin E
B. Niacin
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin A
Answer: B
249. Metabolic change seen in starvation are all except?
A. Increased gluconeogenesis
B. Increased glycolysis
C. Ketogenesis
D. Protien degradation
Answer: B
250. Catecholamines are synthesized from ?
A. Tryptophan
B. Tyrosine
C. Methionine
D. Histidine
Answer: B
251. Which of the enzyme of glycolysis is a part of gluconeogenesis ?
A. Pyruvate kinase
C. Hexokinase
D. Phosphoglycerate kinase
Answer: D
252. Molecular interaction, found in the structure of DNA
A. Hydrogen bond
B. Glycosidic bond
C. Covalent interactions
D. All of the above
Answer: D
253. Pyridoxine is used in treatment of ?
A. Galactosemia
B. Phenylketonuria
C. Propionic acidemia
D. Homocystinuria
Answer: D
254. Membrane proteins are synthesized in ?
A. Free ribosome
B. Bound ribosome
C. Nucleolus
D. Mitochondria
Answer: B
255. Transmination of Aspartate forms ?
A. Pyruvate
B. Acetly-CoA
C. Oxaloacetate
D. Alanine
Answer: C