MCQ’s on CAD
1. The abbreviation WCS stands for _________
a) Windows Coordinate System
b) Wide Coordinate system
c) World Coordinate System
d) World CAD system
Answer: c
Explanation: 3-dimensional coordinate system with X, Y and Z axes considered up to infinity is termed as WCS. WCS is an abbreviation of World Coordinate System. Icon of WCS is shown at the lower left corner of drawing area.
2. Which type of coordinate system is used in AutoCAD?
a) 2-Dimensional
b) 3-Dimensional
c) 1-Dimensional
d) User dependent
Answer: b
Explanation: Coordinate system is used in AutoCAD is a 3-Dimensional coordinate system. The axes of this coordinate system are considered up to infinity. This coordinate system is termed as the World Coordinate System.
3. Origin of User Coordinate System ___________
a) must coincide with WCS
b) at the left lower corner of drawing area
c) at the center of drawing area
d) can be anywhere in the WCS
Answer: d
Explanation: Origin of UCS can be anywhere in the WCS. It may or may not coincide with WCS. It can be moved/shifted anywhere in the drawing area.
4. When working with User Coordinate System display of square of an icon can be put ON or OFF using ____________
a) UCSICON command
b) UCS command
c) Double click on axes
d) VIEW command
Answer: a
Explanation: When working with User Coordinate System, square of an icon is not displayed. It can be put ON or OFF using UCSICON command. That command further prompts for options.
5. When you see a small square at the intersection of two axes of the coordinate system, you are working with UCS.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: When you see a small square at the intersection of two axes of the coordinate system, you are working with WCS. If there is no box/square at the intersection then you are using UCS. Square or box is the indication of type of coordinate system.
6. UCS icon is displayed using a line width of _________ by default.
a) 5 pixel
b) 1 pixel
c) 3 pixel
d) 4 pixel
Answer: b
Explanation: UCS icon is displayed using a line width of 1 pixel, by default. User can change these widths of line. A user can beef it to 2 or 3 pixel widths.
7. The position and orientation of the UCS origin is controlled by ________
a) UCS command
b) UCSICON command
c) VIEW command
d) MOVE command
Answer: a
Explanation: Position and orientation of the origin are user coordinate system is controlled by UCS command. VIEW command is used to display the view dialogue box only. MOVE is the command used to move a drawing from one place to another.
8. Ortho command can be operated by pressing F9.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: Ortho command is operated with a function key F8. It is a toggle key. If it is pressed once ortho command is set on and if pressed again ortho command is set off. Function key F9 is used for snap command.
9. Select the incorrect statement about Snap from the following options.
a) It is the smallest invisible distance of increment that can be set for the mouse
b) If it is set ON, the mouse moves in steps of the set increment
c) If it is set OFF, the mouse cannot move to any intermediate point between the dots of the grid
d) Function key F9 is used to make Snap on/off
Answer: c
Explanation: Snap command is used to control the movement of a mouse. If it is set on, the mouse moves in steps of the set increment. If it is set off, the mouse can move to any intermediate point between the dots of the grid.
10. If _______ mode is set on then all lines are drawn along the X and Y direction only.
a) snap
b) osnap
c) ortho
d) grid
Answer: c
Explanation: Word ‘Ortho’ is used for orthogonal. It means 90 degrees to each other. If it is set on then all lines are drawn along the X and Y direction only.
11. Function key F9 is used to toggle _______
a) snap
b) ortho
c) osnap
d) grid
Answer: a
Explanation: Function key F9 is used to toggle Snap. If a designer has to select any intermediate distance between the dots of the grid, snap should be put off by pressing F9. Again pressing of F9 makes the snap on and then the mouse moves in steps of increments.
12. Which function key is used to set Grid on or off?
a) F7
b) F4
c) F3
d) F5
Answer: a
Explanation: Function key F7 is used to set grid on or off. It is a toggle key. If it pressed once, puts the grid on and if pressed again, puts the grid off.
13. Symbol for quadrant snap, which appears on the entity while selecting is ____________
a) □
b) ◊
c) ○
d) ×
Answer: b
Explanation: Various symbols of object snaps appear on the entity while selecting. ◊ denotes quadrant snap. ○, × and □ represent for Center, Intersection and Endpoint respectively.
14. It is difficult to pick a point exactly and quickly with the mouse. In order to allow specifying a point exactly, which of the following command will help?
a) Grid
b) Ortho
c) Snap
Answer: d
Explanation: Object snap allows specifying a point exactly. It is also called OSNAP in short. This option is shown in the draft setting dialog box.
15. Object snap increases ________
a) speed, accuracy and ease of drafting
b) speed of drawing
c) memory utilization
d) accuracy while drafting
Answer: a
Explanation: OSNAP or Object snap is helpful in specifying a point exactly. As a result of which, it increases speed, accuracy and ease of drafting. If OSNAP is set off it takes a larger time or may be difficult to specify a point on the drawing.
16. Which function key is used to make OSNAP on/off?
a) F5
b) F3
c) F4
d) F7
Answer: b
Explanation: To enable or disable the object snap function key F3 is used. Osnap tab on the task bar can also be used for this purpose. It can also be displayed by selecting the tab for object snap in dialog box which is displayed by DDRMODES command.
17. Before you use modify commands, you need to make a selection of _________
a) only one object
b) one or more objects
c) minimum two objects
d) maximum two objects
Answer: b
Explanation: To edit an object, designer needs to select the object to be edited. To edit or to modify the design minimum one object is to be selected. AutoCAD has a whole range of tools to select the specific needed object only.
18. Which items are selected in a fence selection option?
a) Around the fence
b) Lower the fence
c) Above the fence
d) Crosses the fence
Answer: d
Explanation: The fence option allows a designer to draw a polyline. All objects which cross the fence will be selected. This option is invoked by typing F at the “Select objects” prompt.
19. The most obvious way to select an object in AutoCAD is _________
a) to simply pick it
b) give the selection command
c) right click on the object
d) move the cursor over it
20. To select an object designer has to place the pickbox over a part of the object and left click the mouse. When the object has been picked ___________
a) it is highlighted in a black colour
b) it is highlighted in a thick line
c) it becomes darker
d) it is highlighted in a dashed line
Answer: d
Explanation: To select an object designer has to place the pickbox over a part of the object and left click the mouse. Picked object is highlighted in a dashed line. It shows that it is a part of the current selection and the command line reports, 1 found.
21. For object selection once the window is defined, objects which are ____________ will be selected.
a) around the window
b) lie entirely within the window
c) touching the window
d) only partially enclosed
Answer: b
Explanation: Window allows the designer to define a rectangle using two points exactly the same way as the rectangle command. Once the window is defined, all objects which lie completely within the window will be selected. Objects which are only touching or partially enclosed will not be selected.
22. If the window is created from left to right, the items partially enclosed in the window will not be selected.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: If the window is created from left to right, only the items fully enclosed in the window will get selected. If the window is created from right to left, even the items partially enclosed in the window will get selected. That type of window is called a crossing window.
23. Which type of command works only with a crossing window?
a) Stretch
b) Erase
c) Copy
d) Mirror
Answer: a
Explanation: Commands like Stretch work with a crossing window only. It is done by specifying the right corner first and then the left diagonal corner. Stretch command is used to stretch or shrink a portion of drawing in a single specific direction only.
24. Which command is used to create multiple copies of selected objects in rectangular or polar form?
a) Change
b) Polar copy
c) Array
d) Pedit
Answer: c
Explanation: Array command is used when an object is to be copied at different positions at regular intervals in polar form. It can be in the rectangular fashion also. To make multiple copies, first select an object, and then type ARRAY at the command line.
25. __________ command is exclusively used for editing of polygon properties or plines.
a) Grips
b) Line
c) Pedit
d) Explode
Answer: c
Explanation: Pedit command is used to edit polygon properties or polyline or plines. Pline is a single entity which is made up of a continuous series of line and arc segments. The selected line, arc and polyline can be added to an existing polyline with a join option.
26. By default, for any corner, radius of fillet is _______
a) zero
b) one
c) infinite
d) two
Answer: a
Explanation: Fillet is used to create a round corner between two lines at the corner. The lines are shortened or lengthened to fit a tangent arc of specified radius. Radius of fillet before applied is zero by default.
27. Grips are used to ________
a) hide the drawing
b) modify operations
c) stop an object from moving
d) lock an object to fix the properties
Answer: b
Explanation: Grips are small boxes that appear at specific locations on an object when clicked on it. Grip command is used to modify the objects, such as Move, Rotate, Scale and Mirror. Grips are ON by default.
28. Command used to bevel the corner at specified distances of intersecting lines is _________
a) Join
b) Fillet
c) Chamfer
d) Align
Answer: c
Explanation: Chamfer is the command which works on two lines or a single polyline to create a beveled edge. This command is not directly shown on the modify panel. Designer has to click the triangle on the right side of the fillet icon, to get an option of fillet and chamfer.
29. A hexagon drawn with a polygon command has six lines. If you try to delete one of its lines, whole hexagon will be deleted. What should be done to edit it?
a) With Explode command break into separate entities
b) Erase with Erase command
c) Delete the hexagon and draw again
d) Use array command
Answer: a
Explanation: Explode is the command which can break the multi-entity objects. Hexagon or any polygon should be broken into separate entities. Separated entities can be edited easily.
30. Pressing Ctrl and 1 key together is used for ________ command.
a) object selection
b) correcting mistakes
c) match properties
d) modify properties
Answer: d
Explanation: Press Ctrl and 1 key together are used to modify properties command. Another method for it is to type PROPERTIES command on the command line. One of the methods is used to modify properties of existing drawing entity.
31. To modify the properties of an existing entity, it is not necessary to select the item.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: To change any property of the existing entity, it is necessary to select the item first. In order to modify properties, select the object first. Then, click Home tab on the ribbon and click the triangle at the bottom of Properties panel.
32. Which of the following short-cut key is useful for modifying the 3-dimensional visualization properties?
a) CTRL + 1
b) CTRL + 5
c) CTRL + 3
d) CTRL + 4
Answer: a
Explanation: Three-dimensional visualization properties can be changed by modifying properties. CTRL + 1 is the key used for modifying properties. Shadow display and material properties can be changed in these options.