1.Grievous hurt comes under which section of IPC?
A. Section 319
B. Section 320
C. Section 324
D. Section 326
Answer: B
2. Four carpal bones are present at what age?
A. 3 years
B. 4 years
C. 5 years
D. 6 years
Answer: B
3. Grevious hurt comes under section:
A. 319
B. 320
C. 324
D. 326
Answer: B
4. Magnan’s phenomenon occurs in addiction of:
A. Alcohol
B. Cocaine
D. Opiates
Answer: B
5. “Last” to putrefy in male is:
A. Uterus
B. Prostate
C. Testes
D. Liver
Answer: B
6. All the following are true regarding pseudocyesis, EXCEPT:
A. The patients usually have an intense desire to have children
B. Change in the breast may be present
C. There may be considerable increase in the size of the abdomen
D. The labour pain invariably continue to persist even if she is told that she is not pregnant
Answer: D
7. Minimum age for giving consent for organ donation in India is?
A. 16 years
B. 18 years
C. 21 years
D. No age limit
Answer: B
8. Choking is characteristic of the following weapon:
A. Revolver
B. Pistol
C. Shotgun
D. Rifle
Answer: C
9. Which of the following is meant by the term ‘Sin of Gomorrah’?
A. Oral sex
B. Anal sex
C. Bestiality
D. Lesbianism
Answer: A
10. Disputed maternity can be solved by using the following tests, EXCEPT:
A. Blood grouping
B. HLA typing
C. Preciptin test
D. DNA fingerprinting
Answer: C
11. Post mortem staining gets fixed after :
A. 2-3 hrs.
B. 3-4 hrs.
C. 5-6 hrs..
D. 7-8 hours
Answer: D
12. True about cadaveric spasm :
A. Develops immediately after death
B. May develop hours after death
C. Develops only in facial muscles
D. All
Answer: A
13. Adipocere formation is seen in:
A. Dead body exposed to air
B. Dead body buried in damp, clay soil
C. Burial in dry hot air
D. All
Answer: B
14. Heat Rupture is characterized by:
A. Regular margins
B. Irregular margins
C. Ruptured blood vessels
D. Ruptured Red Blood cells/clotted blood
Answer: B
15. Emphysema aquosum is seen in:
A. Wet drowning
B. Dry drowning
C. Immersion syndrome
D. Secondary drowning
Answer: A
16. In a case of hanging neck ligature marks are example of
A. Contussion
B. Printed abrasion
C. Laceration
D. Bruise
Answer: B
17. In case of death in lock up, the inquest is held by
A. A police officer
B. Magistrate
C. Panchayat officer
D. District Attorney
Answer: B
18. Which of following tests in used to detect semen?
A. Phenolphthalein test
B. Reine’s test
C. Barberio’s test
D. Paraffin test
Answer: C
19. Transvestism is :
A. Wearing clothes of opposite sex
B. Touching ones own private parts to others
C. Desire for sexual intercourse with dead bodies
D. Orgasm from visualisation part of the body of a woman
Answer: A
20. Paraphilias are all except :
A. Bisexuality
B. Homosexuality
C. Bestiality
D. Frottuerism
Answer: A
21. Widmark’s formula helps in the measurements of blood level of:
A. Barbiturates
B. Cocaine
C. Alcohol
D. Benzodiazepines
Answer: C
22. Postmortem wound best differs from the antemortem wound by :
A. Gaps on incising
B. No clots
C. Absence of erythema and cellular changes
D. All
Answer: C
23. Arsenic poisoning presents with symptoms mimicking
A. Cholera
B. Dhatura poisoning
C. Barbiturates poisoniong
D. Morphine poisoning
Answer: A
24. Amyl Nitrate is used as an antidote in…poisoning :
A. CO2
C. Cyanide
D. Nitric acid
Answer: C
25. Meaning of term vitriolage is:
A. Using vitriol for suicide
B. Using vitriol for murder
C. Vitriol throwing
D. Perforation of stomach caused by H2SO4
Answer: C
26. Best method of treatment of Methyl alcohol poisoning is :
A. Calcium gluconate
B. Ethyl alcohol
C. Amphetamines
D. 1 % Ammonia
Answer: B
27. Charas is :
A. Leaves of Cannabis Indica
B. Flowers of Cannabis Indica
C. Stem of Cannabis Indica
D. Resin exudate of Cannabis Indica
Answer: D
28. True about strychnine poisoning is :
A. All muscles affected at the same time
B. Shoulder girdle affected first
C. Pelvic girdle affected first
D. None of the above
Answer: A
29. Nux vomica seeds contain 2 alkaloids, strychnine and :
A. Hyoscine
B. Hyoscyamine
C. Brucine
D. Atropine
Answer: C
30. A sea snake is:
A. Neurotoxic
B. Hemotoxic
C. Musculotoxic
D. All of the above
Answer: C
31. Not a grievous injury:
A. Multiple scars of face
B. Fracture of femur
C. Emasculation
D. Contusion of breast
Answer: D
32. Police inquest is required in all except:
A. Accidental death
B. Dowry death
C. Murder
D. Non of the above
Answer: C
33. Brain death is said to occur if there is:
A. Absent spinal reflexes
B. Cortical death following widespread brain injury
C. Absence of brainstem reflexes
D. Core temperature of the body is below 35 degree C
Answer: C
34. First permanent teeth to erupt is:
A. First premolar
B. Second premolar
C. First molar
D. Second molar
Answer: C
35. Rigor mortis occurs due to:
A. Muscle of the body began to relax
B. Capillo-venous distension in the most dependent body parts
C. Muscle of the body began to stiffen
D. Mummification of the body tissues
Answer: C
36. Best method for methanol poisoning treatment:
A. Ethanol
B. Calcium gluconate
C. Desferroxamine
Answer: A
37. Gastric lavage is contraindicated in which of the following:
A. Arsenic poisoning
B. Kerosene poisoning
C. Organophosphorus Poisoning
D. Dhatura poisoning
Answer: B
38. Which of the following poisoning presents with abdominal pain, diarrhea, Mees line on nails and myelosuppression:
A. Lead
B. Arsenic
C. Alcohol
D. Mercury
Answer: B
39. Contributory negligence is negligence due to:
A. Doctor only
B. Patient only
C. Both doctor and patient
D. Hospital administrator and doctor
Answer: C
40. Police inquest is done in all, except:
A. Suicidal death
B. Homicidal death
C. Dowry death
D. Death by animals
Answer: C
41. In criminal cases, conduct money is paid by:
A. Court
B. Opposite party
C. Judge
D. No conduct money is given
Answer: D
42. IPC 197 is related to:
A. Causing disappearance of evidence
B. Issuing false certificate by doctor
C. Giving false evidence
D. b and c both
Answer: B
43. Dying declaration is a:
A. Circumstantial evidence
B. Oral evidence
C. Documentary evidence
D. Hearsay evidence
Answer: C
44. Oral evidence is more important than written testimony as:
A. Oral evidence cannot be cross-examined
B. Oral evidence can be cross-examined
C. Documentary evidence requires no proof
D. None
Answer: B
45. Crural index is:
A. Length of tibia/femur x 100
B. Length of radius/humerus x 100
C. Length of fibula/tibia x 100
D. Length of radius/ulna x 100
Answer: A
46. Four carpal bones are present at what age:
A. 3 years
B. 4 years
C. 5 years
D. 6 years
Answer: B
47. Corneal tattooing may be done with:
A. Gold chloride
B. Calcium chloride
C. Copper sulfate
D. Potassium permanganate
Answer: A
48. Method of identification using lips:
A. Dactylography
B. Poroscopy
C. Cheiloscopy
D. Tricology
Answer: C
49. Postmortem caloricity is seen in all, except:
AP 06; Bihar 12; BHU 12
A. Burns
B. Sunstroke
C. Tetanus
D. Septicemia
Answer: A
50. Elderly individual living alone in a temperate zone is found dead one morning. The electric heater is found to be damaged. The rigor mortis will set in:
A. Earlier than expected
B. Later than expected
C. Will not set in
Answer: A
51. Foamy liver is seen in:
A. Arsenic poisoning
B. Electrocution
C. Hanging
D. Putrefaction
Answer: D
52. Last organ to putrefy in females is:
A. Kidney
B. Uterus
C. Brain
D. Spleen
Answer: B
53. Following is most suggestive of antemortem hanging:
A. Salivary dribbling
B. Congestion of lungs
C. Ligature marks
D. Petechial hemorrhages
Answer: A
54. Bansdola is a form of strangulation by:
A. Ligature
B. Hands
C. Wooden sticks
D. Bend of elbow
Answer: C
55. Hyoid bone fracture does not occur in:
A. Hanging
B. Strangulation
C. Throttling
D. Choking
Answer: D
56. Burking includes:
A. Choking
B. Ligature
C. Overlaying
D. Traumatic asphyxia
Answer: D
57. Cause of death for drowning in cold water:
A. Vagal inhibition
B. Asphyxia
C. Loss of consciousness
D. Ventricular fibrillation
Answer: A
58. Best indicator of antemortem drowning is:
A. Froth in nostrils
B. Cutis anserina
C. Washerwoman’s hand
D. Water in stomach
Answer: A
59. Ectopic bruise is most commonly seen in:
A. Leg
B. Eye
C. Pinna
D. Scalp
Answer: B
Ans. Eye
60. Blackening of eye most common because of:
A. Friction abrasion
B. Patterned abrasion
C. Imprint abrasion
D. Contusion
Answer: D
61. Incised looking laceration is seen in all, except
A. Iliac crest
B. Zygomatic bone
C. Shin
D. Chest
Answer: D
62. Shotgun does not contain use:
A. Barrel
B. Choke bore
C. Bullets
D. Muzzle
Answer: C
63. Dirt collar or grease collar is seen in:
A. Punctured wound by sharp weapon
B. Lacerated wound
C. Firearm entry wound
D. Stab wound
E. None
Answer: C
64. Kennedy phenomenon is seen in:
A. Road traffic accident
B. Gunshot injury
C. Burns
D. Contusion
Answer: B
65. Gunshot residue on hands can be detected by:
A. Phenolphthalein test
B. Dermal nitrate test
C. Benzidine test
D. H2 activation test
Answer: B
66. Hinge fracture is:
A. Depressed fracture
B. Sutural fracture
C. Orbital fracture
D. Basilar fracture
Answer: D
67. Most common location of hypertensive intracranial hemorrhage is:
A. Subarachnoid space
B. Basal ganglia
C. Cerebellum
D. Brainstem
Answer: B
68. Most common organ injured in penetrating injury of the abdomen:
A. Liver
B. Spleen
C. Small bowel
D. none of these
Answer: C
69. Color of postmortem lividity in hypothermic deaths:
A. Purple
B. Deep red
C. Cherry red
D. Bright pink
Answer: D
70. Miner’s cramps are also called:
A. Heat collapse
B. Heat cramps
C. Sunstroke
D. Heat exhaustion
Answer: B
71. True about heat hematoma:
A. Inside the brain
B. Between skull and dura mater
C. Between skull and pericranium
D. Between scalp and pericranium
Answer: B
72. Filigree burn occur in:
A. Lightning
B. Electrocution
C. Vitriolage
D. Infanticide
Answer: A
73. Organs first to be injured in air blast:
A. Ear, lung
B. Kidney, spleen
C. Pancreas, duodenum
D. Liver, muscle
Answer: A
74. If a woman is assaulted by her husband then he is charged under:
A. Sec. 498-A IPC
B. Sec. 304-A IPC
C. Sec. 304-B IPC
D. Sec. 504 IPC
Answer: A
75. All sections of IPC are related to grievous hurt, except
A. Sec. 320
B. Sec. 331
C. Sec. 326
D. Sec. 319
Answer: D
76. True about reactionary hemorrhage following surgery:
A. Hemorrhage occurring within 48 h
B. Hemorrhage occurring within 36 h
C. Hemorrhage occurring within 24 h
D. Hemorrhage occurring during surgery
Answer: C
77. In a 3 month fetus, characteristic feature seen is:
A. Nails are visible
B. Limbs well formed
C. Anus is seen as dark spot
D. Meconium is found in duodenum
Answer: A
78. Miscarriage is punishable under which
A. Sec 320 IPC
B. Sec 311 IPC
C. Sec 312 IPC
D. Sec 314 IPC
Answer: C
79. Gestational sac can be seen using ultrasonography at the earliest by:
A. 3rd week
B. 4th week
C. 5th week
D. 8th week
Answer: C
80. In sexual assault of a child, the hymen is usually not ruptured due to:
A. Deep seated
B. Underdeveloped
C. Too tough to rupture
D. Distensible
Answer: A
81. Irresistible sexual desire in a male is known as:
A. Nymphomania
B. Tribadism
C. Satyriasis
D. Sadism
Answer: C
82. Masochism means:
A. Sexual intercourse with dead body
B. Sexual pleasure by contact with articles of opposite sex
C. Sexual pleasure by suffering of pain
D. Sexual pleasure by self-stimulation
Answer: C
83. Erotomania is seen in:
A. Bipolar mania
B. Unipolar mania
C. Neurosis
D. Obsessive compulsive disorder
Answer: A
84. Type of schizophrenia with mental retardation:
A. Von-Gogh syndrome
B. Paranoid schizophrenia
C. Catatonic schizophrenia
D. Pfropf schizophrenia
Answer: D
85. Hydrogen peroxide is used in all of the following chemical tests for blood except:
A. Benzidine test
B. Kastle Mayer test
C. Ortho toludine test
D. Teichmann test
Answer: D
86. Father of toxicology is:
A. Paracelsus
B. Galen
C. Galton
D. Orfila
Answer: A
87. Tetany is caused by poisoning with:
A. Oxalic acid
B. Carbolic acid
C. Sulphuric acid
D. Nitric acid
Answer: A
88. Chronic arsenic poisoning does not cause:
A. Mixed sensory and motor neuropathy
B. Mesothelioma
C. Hyperkeratosis of skin
D. Anemia
Answer: B
89. Barium carbonate poisoning causes:
A. Respiratory distress
B. Gastrointestinal irritation
C. Muscular weakness
D. Cyanosis
Answer: C
90. Opium is derived from:
A. Leaf
B. Root
C. Poppy seed
D. Unripe capsule
Answer: D
91. Ethylene glycol when ingested affects kidney by forming:
A. Formaldehyde
B. Oxalates
C. Phytates
D. Phosphates
Answer: B
92. Muttering delirium is seen with:
A. Ricinus
B. Dhatura
C. Cocaine
D. Aconite
Answer: B
93. In strychnos nux vomica poisoning, patient:
A. Becomes unconscious immediately
B. Becomes unconscious in 1 h or so
C. Becomes unconscious at end stage
D. Remains conscious throughout
Answer: D
94. In nux vomica poisoning, posture commonly assumed by the spine is:
A. Opisthotonus
B. Emprosthotonus
C. Pleurosthotonus
D. B and C
Answer: A
95. Antidote for strychnine poisoning is:
A. Fomepizole
B. Physotigmine
C. Barbiturates
D. Naloxone
Answer: C
96. Mechanism of cyanide poisoning is by inhibiting:
A. DNA synthesis
B. Cytochrome oxidase
C. Protein breakdown
D. Protein synthesis
Answer: B
97. In CO poisoning, immediate emergency treatment:
A. 5% CO2 inhalation
B. 10% CO2 inhalation
C. High flow O2
D. Nitroglycerine
Answer: C
98. Not a contact poison:
A. Pyrethrum
B. Paris green
C. Rotenone
D. Eucalyptus oil
Answer: A
99. Oximes are contraindicated in which poisoning:
A. Malathion
B. Diazinon
C. Phorate
D. Carbamate
Answer: D
100. Treatment of acute alcohol withdrawal:
A. Diazepam
B. Bupropion
C. Disulfiram
D. Acamprosate
Answer: A
101. All are true of opioid withdrawal, except:
A. Yawning
B. Hallucinations
C. Lacrimation
D. Piloerection
Answer: B
102. Amotivational syndrome is seen with:
A. Heroin
B. Cannabis
C. Cocaine
D. Clonidine
Answer: B
103. Toxin responsible for epidemic dropsy:
B. Aflatoxin
C. Sanguinarine
D. Pyrrozolidine
Answer: C
104. Nullity of marriage is considered when ?
A. Adultery in first 7 years
B. Infertility of husband
C. Assault in first 7yrs
D. Age > 55years
Answer: B
105. WHO definition of abdominal obesity is ?
A. Waist – hip ratio > 0.80 in females
B. Waist – hip ratio > 0.85 in females
C. Waist – hip ratio > 0.90 in females
D. Waist – hip ratio > 0.95 in females
Answer: B
106. Commonly used long bone for identification ?
A. Femur
B. Radius
C. Ulna
D. Humerus
Answer: A
107. Soft friable extradural hematoma with honeycomb appearance seen in autopsy in cases of death due to?
A. Coagulopathy
B. Thermal injury
C. Post mortem trauma
D. None of the above
Answer: B
108. Which of the gustafson’s parameter is the most accurate ?
A. Attrition
B. Periodontosis
C. Root resorption
D. Transperency of the tooth
Answer: D
109. Maximum soft tissue bruising in neck is seen in
A. Strangulation
B. Hanging
C. Burking
D. Smothering
Answer: A
110. Constitution by which we can force people on hunger strike to eat is ?
A. Article 21
B. Article 35
C. Article 48
D. Article 52
Answer: A
111. Following is false regarding the bullet entry wound in skull ?
A. Punched in hole in outer table
B. Inner table shows bevelling surface
C. No pieces of bone are present in the bullet track
D. Wound is funnel shaped with the funnel opening in the direction
in which the bullet is travelling
Answer: C
112. Frigidity is ?
A. Inability to initiate sexual arousal in males
B. Inability to initiate sexual arousal in females
C. Inability to initiate and maintain sexual arousal in males
D. Inability to initiate and maintain sexual arousal in females.
Answer: D
113. Which of the following teeth erupt earlier in the upper jaw ?
A. Central incisor
B. Lateral incisor
C. Canine
D. First molar
Answer: B
114. Fencing attiude of the dead bodies is caused by ?
A. Ciagulation of proteins
B. Emulsification of fact
C. Exposure to excess cold
D. Electric shock
Answer: A
115. Lucid interval may be seen in ?
A. Intracerebral hemorrhage
B. Alcohol intake
C. Insanity
D. Subdural hemorrhage
Answer: C
116. Alkaline diuresis is treatment of choice
in poisoning with ?
A. Benzodiazepine
B. Barbiturates
C. Dhatura
D. Morphine
Answer: B
117. Phossy jaw is caused by ?
A. White phosphorus
B. Red Phosphorus
C. Arsenic
D. Antimony
Answer: A
118. Presence of spiral grooves in the barrel of weapon is referred to as ?
A. Rifling
B. Incendiary
C. Cocking
D. None of the above
Answer: A
119. Evidence not used in rape?
A. Semen in vagina
B. Semen on clothes
C. Presence of smega bacilli in vagina
D. Presence of smegma under prepuce
Answer: D
120. Which IPC includes vitriolage ?
A. 318
B. 319
C. 320
D. 321
Answer: C
121. Which type of neuropathy is seen in arsenic poisoning ?
A. Symmetric peripheral motor neuropathy
B. Asymmetrical peripheral motor neuropathy
C. Symmetrical peripheral sensory neuropathy
D. Asymmetrical peripheral sensory neuropathy
Answer: D
122. Incised looking laceration is seen at ?
A. Forehead
B. Hand
C. Thorax
D. Abdomen
Answer: A
123. How much is punishment for sex determination ?
A. 3 years
B. 5 years
C. 7 years
D. 9 years
Answer: A
124. Pre auricular sulcus is a part of ?
A. Humerus
B. Femur
C. Pelvis
D. Skull
Answer: C
125. What is the upper permissible limit of alcohol allowed while driving in India
A. 20 mg%
B. 30 mg%
C. 40 mg%
D. 50 mg%
Answer: B
126. What is the level of alcohol in blood beyond which person is condidered intoxicated ?
A. 40 mg%
B. 80 mg%
C. 120 mg%
D. 140 mg%
Answer: D
127. The pathways followed by corrosive acids in stomach is called ?
A. Curling ulcer
B. Cushing ulcer
C. Magenstrasse
D. None
Answer: C
128. Chocolate Brown postmortem staining is seen in ?
A. KCl poisoning
B. Opium poisoning
C. H2S poisoning
D. Cyanide poisoning
Answer: A
129. Immersion syndrome occurs due to ?
A. Vagal inhibition
B. Vagal Stimulation
C. Sympathetic stimulation
D. Sympathetic inhibition
Answer: A
130. What of the following is seen in fresh water drowning ?
A. Hypovolemia
B. Hemoconcentration
C. Hyperkalemia
D. Hypernatremia
Answer: C
131. What is the proof of eyes being open for few hours after death ?
A. Kevokian sign
B. Tache noir
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
Answer: B
132. Majority is obtained by a person under court guardianship by age of ?
A. 19 years
B. 20 years
C. 21 years
D. 22 years
Answer: C
133. Which method is not used for autopsy ?
A. Virchow
B. Rokitansky
C. Lettulle
D. Thomas
Answer: D
134. Spalding sign is seen in ?
A. Drowning
B. Mummification
C. Maceration
D. Starvation
Answer: C
135. According to juvenile justice act, age of juvenile is ?
A. < 14 years
C. < 18 years
D. < 20 years
Answer: C
136. Following is not true about adipocere formation ?
A. It is a modification of putrefaction
B. It is developed in presence of air
C. It occurs in dead bodies lying in water
D. Body has an offensive sweet smell
Answer: B
137. Legal age by which fetus is capable of independent existence is ?
A. 240 days
B. 230 days
C. 220 days
D. 210 days
Answer: D
138. Trousseau sign positive in which poisoning ?
A. Citric acid
B. Oxalic acid
C. Acetic acid
D. Carbolic acid
Answer: B
139. Tactile hallucination seen in abuse with ?
A. Heroine
B. Cocaine
C. Cannabis
D. Alcohol
Answer: B
140. Counter coup injury seen in when ?
A. Moving head is suddenly decelerated
B. Stationery head is suddenly accelerated
C. Fall of heavy object on head
D. None of the above
Answer: A
141. Most common finger print type is ?
A. Loops
B. Whorls
C. Composite
D. Arches
Answer: A
142. Back of 10 – 14 years old contributes how much percentage to total body surface
area ?
A. 13%
B. 15%
C. 16%
D. 19%
Answer: C
143. Exception to the rule of professional secrecy is allowed under following circumstances except ?
A. Court of law
B. Cases of suspected crime
C. In negligent suits
D. In interest of relatives
Answer: D
144. Pupil dilatation is seen in poisoning with
A. Dhatura
B. Ethyl alcohol
C. Brium carbonate
D. All the above
Answer: D
145. Tattooing in old decomposed body can be visualized by use of all except ?
A. H2O2 3%
B. Gamma rays
C. Infrared photography
D. Examination with magnifying glass
Answer: B
146. Black gun powder composition ?
A. Charcoal 60% + Potassium nitrate 20% + sulphur 20%
B. Charcoal 25% + Potassium nitrate 70% + sulphur 05%
C. Charcoal 15%+ Potassium nitrate 75% + sulphur 10%
D. Charcoal 65% + Potassium nitrate 20% + sulphur 15%
Answer: C
147. Bone pearl appearance is seen in ?
A. Electrical burns
B. Hydrocution
C. Strangulation
D. Throttling
Answer: A
148. Mummification is enhanced by ?
A. Moist and hot air
B. Moist and cool air
C. Dry and hot air
D. Dry and cool air
Answer: C
149. Hyoid bone fracture most common occurs in ?
A. Manual strangulation
B. Hanging
C. Smothering
D. Traumatic asphyxia
Answer: A
150. Taking off ones clothes and running naked in a public race is called ?
A. Mooning
B. Exhibitionism
C. Voyeurism
D. Undinism
Answer: B
151. According to federation dental lower left canine is designated as ?
A. 32
B. 33
C. 42
D. 43
Answer: B
152. Judge can ask clarifying questions when ?
A. After cross exam
B. Before cross exam
C. Before re cross exam
D. At any time he wishes
Answer: D
153. Fatal dose of KCN is ?
A. 50 – 60 mg
B. 120 -130 mg
C. 180 -190 mg
D. 280 – 300 mg
Answer: D
154. Rule of Haase is used to calculate ?
A. Age of fetus
B. Length of femur
C. Diameter of skull
D. Percentage of burns
Answer: A
155. Which of the following is not a sexual offence in India
A. Incest
B. Sodomy
C. Indecent assault
D. Bestiality
Answer: A
156. IPC 319 deals with ?
A. Definition of hurt
B. Voluntarily causing hurt
C. Definition of grievous hurt
D. Voluntarily causing grievous hurt
Answer: A
157. Doctor who did surgery on wrong side of the patient is punishable under section ?
A. S. 304 A IPC
B. S. WC
C. S. 305 AIPC
D. S. 305 IPC
Answer: A
158. Postmortem blood is collected from which vessel ?
A. Femoral artery
B. Femoral vein
C. Cephalic vein
D. Brachial artery
Answer: B
159. When group of muscles of dead body were in state of strong contration immediately prior to death and remain so even after death, this is termed as ?
A. Gas stiffening
B. Rigor mortis
C. Cadaveric spasm
D. Cold stiffening
Answer: C
160. Most common organ affected in underwater blast ?
A. Intestine
B. Liver
C. Spleen
D. Heart
Answer: A
161. Torture in which legs or thighs are tied with bamboo and the torturer presses on the two sides of the clamp to cause pain is called ?
A. Falanga
B. Telefono
C. Mercelago
D. Chepuwa
Answer: D
162. Age under which child is considered incapable of committing an offence is ?
A. 3 years
B. 7 years
C. 14 years
D. 18 years
Answer: B
163. Impotence is not a feature of
A. Double penis
B. Bilateral castration
C. Hypospadias
D. Penile amputation
Answer: C
164. How many cusps are present in chewing surface of premolars ?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer: A
165. Hunger pangs are seen how long after starvation ?
A. 6 hours
B. 12 hours
C. 24 hours
D. 48 hours
Answer: C
166. A person is declared dead if not seen by relatives for how many years ?
A. 3 years
B. 7 years
C. 10 years
D. 12 years
Answer: B
167. What is the situation of the knot of ligature in cases of typical hanging?
A. In front of chin
B. Angle of mandible
C. Occiput
D. Mastoid
Answer: C
168. Age of eruption of Permanent 1st molor ?
A. 6 years
B. 8 years
C. 10 years
D. 12 years
Answer: A
169. In India exhumation is ordered by ?
A. Magistrate
B. Health Secretory
C. Health Minister
D. Any local MLA
Answer: A
170. Bullet which is left inside the body for long is referred to as ?
A. Souvenir bullet
B. Tracer bullet
C. Tumbling bullet
D. Tandem bullet
Answer: A
171. Nysten’s rule pertains to ?
A. Rigor mortis
B. Identification
C. Bullet injuries
D. Putrefaction
Answer: A
172. Pin point pupils are seen in all except ?
A. Pontine hemorrhage
B. Organophosphorus poisoning
C. Opium poisoning
D. Barbiturate poisoning
Answer: D
173. Anal coitus with opposite sex is
A. Bestiality
B. Sodomy
C. Sin of Gomorrah
D. Fellatio
Answer: B
174. Punishment for perjury is covered under section
A. 191 IPC
B. 193 IPC
C. 195 IPC
D. 1971PC
Answer: B
175. Extreme hunger in starvation lasts up to
A. 6 – 12 hours
B. 12 – 24 hours
C. 24 – 36 hours
D. 36 – 48 hours
Answer: D
176. Rigor mortis in fetus at birth can be seen in ?
A. Dead born
B. Still born
C. Superfoetation
D. Superfecundation
Answer: A
177. Feature which differentiates true from artificial bruise is ?
A. Round shape with irregular margins
B. Irregular shape with regular margins
C. Swelling of surrounding area
D. Erythema of surrounding area
Answer: A
178. Bullet entry wound, for bullet entering at acute angle is identified by what shape of abrasion collar ?
A. Circular
B. Rectangular
C. Oval
D. None of the above
Answer: C
179. Atria mortis other name for?
A. Gateways of death
B. Gateways of life
C. Gateways of air
D. Gateways of water
Answer: A
180. Bitter almond odour is percieved in poisoning with?
A. Cobalt
B. Arsenic
C. Cyanide
D. Lead
Answer: C
181. Incised wound which is not a feature ?
A. Length is the greatest dimention
B. Width is more than the thickness of the blade
C. Margins are inverted
D. Hesitation cuts are seen in suicidal attempt
Answer: C
182. Suspended animation is seen in following except?
A. Sun stroke
B. Cerebral concussion
C. Cholera
D. Delerium tremens
Answer: D
183. Puppe’s rule deals with?
A. Chemical injuries
B. Multiple impact injuries
C. Sexual assault
D. Percentage of burns
Answer: B
184. Barberio’s test uses which of the following?
A. Picric acid
B. Acetic acid
C. Hydrochloric acid
D. Sulfuric acid
Answer: A
185. Pugilistic attitude is characteristically seen in ?
A. Burns
B. Drowning
C. Electrocution
D. Hanging
Answer: A
186. Which of the following should not be done while dealing with a patient of snake bite ?
A. Tight band applied
B. Reassuarance
C. Local incision
D. Clean with soap and water
Answer: C
187.Punishment for criminal abortion for the women who gives consent and the performer are covered under IPC section ?
A. 312
B. 313
C. 314
D. 315
Answer: A
188. Professional death in medical profession is ?
A. Death of doctor
B. Death sentence ordered by judge
C. Death during police firing
D. Removal of name of doctor from panel of RMP
Answer: D
189. Intercourse in closely related individual in relation?
A. Incest
B. Adultery
C. Bestiality
D. Tribadism
Answer: A
190. Cause of death in cafe coronary ?
A. Chocking
B. Laryngeal edema
C. Cardiac arrest
D. Pulmonary edema
Answer: C
191. Penalty awarded according to dowry prohibition act?
A. 15000 Rs and 5 years
B. 30000 Rs and 7 years
C. Life imprisonment
D. Imprisonment for 10 years
Answer: A
192. Hurt is defined under section ?
A. 320 IPC
B. 321 IPC
C. 319 IPC
D. 323 IPC
Answer: C
193. Class I judicial magistrate has power to give punishment of
A. 5yr, Rs. 3000
B. 3yr, Rs.5000
C. 5yr Rs.5000
D. 3yr, Rs 3000
Answer: B
194. Shape of stab wound depends on
A. Edge of weapon
B. Shape of weapon
C. Width
D. All of the above
Answer: D
195. Finger print was first established in ?
A. England
B. China
C. India
D. Singapore
Answer: C
196. Cafe cornoray commonly occurs when a person is
A. Intoxicated
B. Eating fatty food
C. Eating meat
D. Eating fish
Answer: A
197. Incest is defined as sexual intercourse between ?
A. Man and animals
B. Man and closely related women
C. Man and women other than wife
D. Man and man
Answer: B
198. The ideal place to record body temperature in dead body is ?
A. Rectum
B. Axilla
C. Mouth
D. Groin
Answer: A
199. Under which section, police can arrest a person and ask medical officer to examine him without victims consent ?
A. Sec 330 IPC
B. Sec 53 IPC
C. Sec 190 IPC
D. Sec 304-A IPC
Answer: B
200. First secondary ossification center appears in
A. Lower end of femur
B. Upper end of humerus
C. Lower end of fibula
D. Upper end of tibia
Answer: A
201. Rule of 9 in burns is used to denote ?
A. Depth of bums
B. % of total body surfacearea
C. Severity of bums
D. Type of bums
Answer: B
202. Cheilography is the study of ?
A. Finger prints
B. Lip prints
C. Breath analysis
D. Foot prints
Answer: B
203. In a patient of unilateral loss of vision, the patient had injury to opposite eye leading to corneal opacification. The patient was operated by corneal grafting, he could see clearly again with one eye. The injury is said to be
A. Simple
B. Grievous
C. Dangerous
D. Hazardous
Answer: A
204. Telefono means ?
A. Beating on soles
B. Beating on palms
C. Beating on ears
D. Pulling of hair
Answer: C
205. Virchow method of organ removal is ?
A. Organs removed en masse
B. Organs removed one by one
C. In situ dissection
D. None
Answer: B
206. Primary injury is ?
A. Due to flying debris b
B. Due to blast wind
C. Due to shock wave
D. Due to complication
Answer: C
207. According to which section, a person can be punished for murder with imprisonment for 10 years
A. Sec 301 IPC
B. Sec 300 IPC
C. Sec 302 IPC
D. Sec 304 IPC
Answer: C
208. Doctrine of res ipsa loquitur means ?
A. Common knowledge
B. Medical maloccurance
C. Fact speaks for itself
D. Oral evidence
Answer: C
209. Number of teeth can be counted by all the following methods except
A. Gustafson method
B. Mile method
C. Boyde method
D. Frame method
Answer: D
210. Term cafe coronary was coined by ?
A. Roger Haugen
B. J. Morton
C. Neil Markson
D. M. Hoppefield
Answer: A
211. Most common organ involved in air blast injury is ?
A. Ear drum
B. Stomach
C. Eye
D. Lung
Answer: A
212. The outer covering of diatom is made of ?
A. Magnesium
B. Silica
C. Hydrocarbons
D. None
Answer: B
213. Reliable method of identification of person is ?
A. Gustafson’s method
B. Galton method
C. Scar
D. Anthropometry
Answer: B
214. Quantum of punishment in dowry death is ?
A. 7years
B. 5 years
C. Death
D. 10 years
Answer: D
215. Cephalic index is used for
A. Race
B. Age
C. Sex
D. Stature
Answer: A
216. Active ingredient of marking nut is ?
A. Semecarpol
B. Crotin
C. Abrin
D. None
Answer: A
217. Mugging is compression of neck by ?
A. Wooden sticks
B. Rope
C. Forearm
D. Hand
Answer: C
218. Time limit of exhumation in India is
A. One month
B. One year
C. Ten years
D. No limit
Answer: D
219. Black foot disease is caused by
A. Arsenic
B. Cadmium
C. Lead
D. Mercury
Answer: A
220. All are signs of somatic death except ?
A. Cessation of respiration
B. Cessation of heart
C. Non-responding muscles
D. No response to external stimuli
Answer: C
221. What does Gettlers test detects ?
A. Diatoms in drowning
B. Chloride content of blood in drowning
C. Weight in drowning
D. None
Answer: B
222. Method of autopsy in which various systems organs are removed en masse ?
A. Rokitansky
B. Virchow
C. Gasses
D. Lettulle
Answer: D
223. In blast injury, what is the organ to be damaged first
A. Tympanic membrane
B. Git
C. Liver
D. Lung
Answer: A
224. Immersion syndrome is also called as ?
A. Hydrocution
B. Wet drowning
C. Dry drowning
D. Secondary drowning
Answer: A
225. Blanket consent is consent taken
A. When the patient comes to doctor for treatment
B. Oral consent
C. Written consent
D. Taken at the time of admission to do any surgery
Answer: D
226. Testamentary capacity is ?
A. Ability to give willful statement
B. Ability to make will
C. Ability to judge
D. None
Answer: A
227. Ideal time to start exhumation ?
A. Mid night
B. Late evening
C. Afternoon in proper light
D. Early morning
Answer: D
228. All are true about antemortem contusion except?
A. Sequential color change
B. No inflammation
C. Raized enzyme levels
D. Blood cells in surrounding tissueAccidendal
Answer: B
229. chocking of respiratory passage by bolus of food ?
A. Gaging
B. Overlying
C. Cafe coronary
D. Burking
Answer: C
230. Latte’s crust of blood stain is used to detect ?
A. Nature of stain
B. Detection species
C. Blood group
D. None of the above
Answer: C
231. Tattooing around the entry wound is seen in ?
A. Close shot
B. Contact shot
C. Distant shot
D. All of the above
Answer: A
232. All tests are used for infanticide except ?
A. Ploucquet test
B. Fodere’s test
C. Gettler’s test
D. Raygat’s test
Answer: C
233. For diagnosis of insanity, maximum limit of observation?
A. 5 days
B. 10 days
C. 30 days
D. 50 days
Answer: C
234. Suicidal mark is horizontal in ?
A. Hanging
B. Strangulation
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
Answer: B
235. Graze is a type of ?
A. Bruise
B. Contusion
C. Laceration
D. Abrasion
Answer: D
236. Platauf’s hemorrages, incorrect is ?
A. Sign of drowning
B. Subpleural hemorrhage
C. Mostly seen in middle lobe
D. All are true
Answer: C
237. Most common hymen rupture in a virgin is ?
A. Anterior
B. Anterolateral
C. Posterolateral
D. Posterior
Answer: C
238. Most common drowning in Indiaa) Suicidal
B. Homicidal
C. Accidental
D. Infanticide
Answer: C
239. Magistrate inquest is done in case of ?
A. Death by suicide
B. Death by accident
C. Death in psychiatry hospital
D. Death in suspicious circumstances
Answer: C
240. Schedule-3 of MCI includes
A. MBBS degree of Indian universities
B. DNB degree
C. Diploma of CPS
D. MBBS degree of foreign universities
Answer: C
241. Length of tibia is ?
A. 10% of height
B. 20% of height
C. 30% of height
D. 40% of height
Answer: B
242. Locord’s system is ?
A. Podography
B. Dactylography
C. Poroscopy
D. Cheiloscopy
Answer: C
A. Warm moist atmosphere
B. Carbolic acid poisoning
C. Anemia
D. Heavy metals poisoning
Answer: A
244. Brown color of contusion is due to
A. Haematodin
B. Reduced hemoglobin
C. Haemosiderin
D. Bilirubin
Answer: C
245. Which is incorrect about exit wound of a bullet ?
A. Bevelled
B. Everted
C. Abrasion collar
D. No COHb
Answer: C
246. Diagnostic of antemortum drowning ?
A. Palatauf’s hemorrhage
B. Weeds and grass in clenched hands
C. Emphysema aquosum
D. Water in esophagus
Answer: B
247. Difference between contusion and postmortem lividity is that post-mortem lividity ?
A. Shows sequential color change
B. Easily washable
C. Shows diffuse irregular margins
D. Has raised enzyme levels
Answer: B
248. All are immediate causes of death in a case of burn, except ?
A. Suffocation
B. Embolism
C. Injury
D. Sepsis
Answer: D
249. Raygat’s test is used for ?
A. Weight of lung
B. Specific gravity of lung
C. Consistency of lung
D. None
Answer: B
250. Tache noire de salenortica is a post-mortem finding is related to
A. Eye
B. Muscle
C. Hair
D. Semen
Answer: A
251. 1st affected in rigor mortis
A. Eyelids
B. Myocardium
C. Jaw
D. Neck
Answer: B
252. Punishment for perjury is under which section IPC ?
A. Sec 193
B. Sec 191
C. Sec 197
D. Sec 190
Answer: A
253. Gastric lavage is not contraindicated after ingestion of which acid.
B. H2SO4
C. Carbolic acid
D. Nitric acid
Answer: C
254. Viscera in toxicology stored in
A. Glycerine
B. Rectified spirit
C. Formalism
D. Saturated salt solution
Answer: D
255. Two identical twins will not have same
A. Fingerprints
B. DNA copies
C. Iris color
D. Blood group
Answer: A
256. In Alleged history of gun shot injury. There is burning, blackening, tattooing around the wound Dirt collar, the injury is
A. Close shot entry wound
B. Close shot exit wound
C. Distant shot entry wound
D. distant shot exit wound
Answer: A
257. A child is having Battered baby syndrome how will you identify
A. Stab wound
B. Gunshot wound
C. Bruise of different ages
D. None of these
Answer: C
258. Degloving skin involves removal of?
A. skin , subcutaneous fat, fascia, muscle
B. skin, subcutaneous fat, fascia
C. skin only
D. skin subcutaneous fat
Answer: D
259. Sexual perversions(Exhibitionism) is under section
A. Section 290
B. Section 294
C. Section 230
D. Section 291
Answer: B
260. Xiphoid fuses with sternum by what age ?
A. 30 years
B. 35 years
C. 40 years
D. 45 years
Answer: C
261. Sections 312 to 315 deal with ?
A. Kidnapping & abduction
B. Attention & abetment to suicide
C. Causing grievous hurt
D. Criminal abortion
Answer: D
262. Post mortem lividity is not seen in ?
A. Drowning in well
B. Drowning in a fast flowing river
C. Postmortem submersion
D. Drowning in chlorinated swimming pool
Answer: B
263. Sexual gratification of a women is obtained by another woman is called ?
A. Tribadism
B. Bestiality
C. Fellatio
D. Cunnilingus
Answer: A
264. Voyeurism is ?
A. Sexual gratification by watching the act of sexual intercourse
B. Use of such objects for sexual gratification
C. Sexual gratification is by self pain
D. Sexual gratification by rubbing private part
Answer: A
265. Wrong about dhatura seeds is ?
A. Kidney shaped
B. Odourless
C. Yellow brown
D. Convex smooth surface
Answer: D
266.Adultery is described under which section of IPC?
A. 314
B. 375
C. 497
D. 504
Answer: C
267. Use of dangerous weapon is related to which section of IPC?
A. 304
B. 319
C. 322
D. 324
Answer: D
268.Outraging modesty of women is which section of IPC?
A. 375
B. 354
C. 195
D. 304
Answer: B
269. Section 89 IPC is for?
A. Criminal responsibility of insane
B. Criminal responsibility of a child
C. Criminal responsibility of drunken person
D. Age for consent
Answer: B
270. A person is declared dead if he/she is not found for
A. 7 years
B. 10 years
C. 14 years
D. 21 years
Answer: A
271. Adulteration of drug is under which section of IPC
A. 271
B. 272
C. 273
D. 274
Answer: D
272. First carpal bone to appear is?
A. Trapezium
B. Capitate
C. Pisiform
D. Lunate
Answer: B
273. Holograph will is defined as
A. Doctor dictates and written by relatives
B. Testator is written in his own handwriting
C. Testator is dictated and written by relatives
D. Testator is dictated and written by doctor
Answer: B
274. Obtuse angle of mandible is seen in
A. Infancy
B. Adulthood
C. Adult Male
D. Adult Female
Answer: A
275. Size of the fetus is 20 mm, then by the rule of Hasse’s, what is the gestational age of the fetus?
A. 2 weeks
B. 4 weeks
C. 6 weeks
D. 8 weeks
Answer: C
276. First incisor to erupt is
A. Lower central
B. Upper central
C. Lower lateral
D. Upper lateral
Answer: A
277. X-ray of choice for age detection at around 16-17 years of age
A. Elbow
B. Wrist
C. Shoulder
D. Pelvis
Answer: B
278. Suggilation is due to which of the following?
A. Gravity leading to pooling of blood
B. Escape of blood from microvasculature
C. Molecular death leading to stiffening of muscles
D. Autolysis of enzymes
Answer: A
279. Earliest sign of fetal death
A. Spalding sign
B. Robert’s sign
C. Ball sign
D. Adipocere formation
Answer: B
280. First sign of maceration is
A. Robert’s sign
B. Skin slippage
C. Spalding sign
D. Greenish discoloration of body
Answer: B
281. Which is the best temperature for putrefaction?
A. – 10 degrees C
B. 0 degrees C
C. 30 degrees C
D. 50 degrees C
Answer: C
282. According to Casper’s dictum, decomposition is the fastest when the body is in which of the following?
A. Air
B. Water
C. Earth
D. Soil
Answer: A
283. Enzyme responsible for postmortem hemolysis is
A. Hemolysin
B. Lecithinase
C. Lipoproteinase
D. Protease
Answer: B
284. Gun powder on body and clothing can be visualized by?
A. Harrison and Gilroy test
B. Neutron activation analysis
C. Dermal nitrate test
D. All of the above
Answer: D
285. Bullet fixed from a gun is not released. It is ejected out with subsequent shot.
Such a bullet is called as
A. Tandem bullet
B. Dum – dum bullet
C. Inceridiary bullet
D. Tumbling bullet
Answer: A
286. Which of the following causes maximum damage?
A. Tandem
B. Dumdum
C. Souvenir
D. Piggy
Answer: B
287. A bullet packed with jacket and opens at a base is called
A. Dum dum bullet
B. Tandem bullet
C. Duplex bullet
D. Souvenir bullet
Answer: A
288. Ricochet bullet is
A. Bullet producing a key hole entry wound
B. Bullet with nose tip chiseled off
C. Deviation in the direction or path of bullet
D. Bullet containing igniting material
Answer: C
289. Compound used as primer in weapon is
A. Potassium chlorate
B. Sulphur
C. Potassium nitrate
D. Nitrocellulose
Answer: A
290. Destructive power of bullet is determined by all except
A. Velocity of bullet
B. Weight of bullet
C. Shape of bullet
D. Kinetic energy
Answer: C
291. Which of the following is the test done to confirm live born fetus after fetal death?
A. Mirror test
B. Breslau’s test
C. Magnus test
D. Paraffin test
Answer: B
292. A couple was locked up in a room with fire around. All of the following are the probable immediate causes of death in such circumstance except:
A. Cyanide intoxication
B. Suffocation
C. Sepsis
D. Fat embolism
Answer: C
293. True about acid poisoning is
A. Greatest damage is along the lesser curvature
B. Corrosives cause vaporization of tissues
C. Vitriolage means ingestion of acid in empty stomach
D. Highest chance of perforation is with nitric acid
Answer: A
294.Highest content of cannabis is found in which part of the plant?
A. Root
B. Resin
C. Seed
D. Stem
Answer: B
295. ‘Cold Turkey’ term is used to denote which of the following?
A. Consumption of heroin
B. Abrupt cessation of heroin
C. Gradual withdrawal of heroin
D. Place to withdraw a drug in a group
Answer: B
296. Smoky stool is seen in which poisoning?
A. Phosphorus
B. Arsenic
C. Lead
D. Zinc
Answer: A
297. Gigantin is active principle of
A. Plumbago Rosea
B. Calotropis
C. Ricinus Communis
D. P. Zeylanica
Answer: B
298. Which of the following is true about cocaine metabolite test
A. Measure benzoylecgonine levels
B. Used to diagnose cocaine use
C. Treatment of cocaine overdose
D. All of the above
Answer: D
299. Sodium flouride may be use for preservation of
A. Cyanide
B. Arsenic
C. Alcohol
D. Urine
Answer: C
300. IPC 304B is related to
A. Punishment for cruelty by husband or his relatives
B. Dowry death
C. Death caused by negligence
D. Punishment of culpable homicide, not amounting to murder
Answer: B
301. IPC 201 is for
A. Punishment for embalming before autopsy
B. Perjury
C. Voluntary causing grievous hurt
D. Kidnapping
Answer: A
302. Sec 191 IPC is for
A. Medical negligence
B. Hostile witness
C. Criminal negligence
D. Assault punishment
Answer: B
303. Corona mortis is ?
A. Is a vascular anastomosis
B. Post mortem heart & coronary arteries examination
C. Another term used for rigor mortis
D. None of the above
Answer: A
304. After death, blood is taken from ?
A. Femoral vein
B. Antecubital vein
C. Jugular vein
D. Carotid artery
Answer: A
305. True about finger printing is
A. Most common type is whorls
B. Most specific method of identification
C. Not present at birth
D. All of the above
Answer: B
306. Ophitoxemia is ?
A. Snake venom poisoning
B. Scorpion bite
C. Spider bite
D. Tick bite
Answer: A
307. Blisters are absent in ?
A. Burns
B. Putrefaction
C. Arsenic Poisoning
D. Postmortem caloricity
Answer: D
308. Novus actus interveniens is
A. Facts speaking for itself
B. Breaking of chain
C. Contributory negligence
D. Therapeutic misadventure
Answer: B
309. Inquest, not followed in India is
A. Police inquest
B. Magistrate inquest
C. Coroner’s inquest
D. All of the above
Answer: C
310. Length of the fetus is 40cms. What would be the age of gestation ?
A. 4 months
B. 6 months
C. 7 months
D. 8 months
Answer: D
311. Extra permanent tooth to erupt is
A. Upper incisor
B. Canine
C. Molar
D. Lower incisor
Answer: A
312. Alcohol is taken with aerated soft drinks because
A. Absorption is faster
B. Effect is increased
C. To avoid hangover
D. None of the above
Answer: A
313. UV rays examination is done for
A. Faded tattoo
B. Blood satins
C. Hair examination
D. None of the above
Answer: A
314. Just before the birth which epiphysis appears?
A. Lower end of femur
B. Upper end of humerus
C. Lower end of fibula
D. Upper end of tibia
Answer: A
315. Base of sphenoid fuses with occipit at the age of A. 20 years
B. 30 years
C. 40 years
D. 50 years
Answer: A
316. False about declaration of brain stem death in hospital
A. Presence of neurologist is not required
B. Drug overdose should be ruled out
C. Patient must be in coma
D. All of the above
Answer: A
317. Time interval between somatic and molecular death is
A. 5-10 min
B. 10-30 min
C. 30 -1hr
D. 1 – 2 hrs
Answer: D
318. Bishop’s tripod of life includes all except
A. Respiration
B. Circulation
C. Spinal cord reflexes
D. Brain functions
Answer: C
319. MTP can be done by a single doctor till ?
A. 8 weeks
B. 12 weeks
C. 20 weeks
D. 24 weeks
Answer: B
320. For autopsy, stomach is open through
A. Lesser sac
B. Greater sac
C. Greater curvature
D. Lesser curvature
Answer: C
321. Bacteria most commonly involved in bowel decomposition after death is
A. Streptococcus pyogenes
B. Clostridium welchii
C. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
D. None
Answer: B
322. How many days a person can live without food and water ?
A. 1 to 2 days
B. 2 to 4 days
C. 5 to 7 days
D. 10 to 12 days
Answer: D
323. Negative autopsy is defined as
A. No cause of death is found on gross as well as histopathological examination
B. Cause is apparent on gross examination but not on histopathological examination
C. Gross findings are minimal
D. Cause is apparent on gross examination but not found because
of constraints on the part of doctor
Answer: A
324. In Adipocere, color change seen is
A. Grayish white
B. Black
C. Brown
D. Red
Answer: A
325. Not a feature of postmortem staining
A. Occur immediate after death
B. Common in dependent part
C. Disappear with putrefaction
D. Margins are sharp
Answer: A
326. Acid injury can be differentiated from alkali injury by ?
A. Liquefactive necrosis
B. Acid burns are more dangerous
C. Perforation is more common
D. Affects more commonly esophagus
Answer: C
327. Best temperature for putrefaction is
A. 0-10 C
B. 10-45 C
C. 45-100 C
D. 100-150 C
Answer: B
328. Chicken fat appearance is seen in
A. Antemortem wound
B. Postmortem wound
C. Gunshot injury
D. None
Answer: B
329. Thorn apple is ?
A. Dhatura
B. Nax vomika
C. Opioid
D. Cannabis
Answer: A
330. Homicidal gunshot wound can be differentiated from suicidal gunshot wound by
A. Multiple gunshot wounds
B. Presence of gunpowder on hand
C. No sign of struggle
D. None
Answer: A
331. Beveling of skull is seen in
A. Broad end of the entry point in bullet injury
B. Narrow end of the entry point in bullet injury
C. Exit point of bullet
D. Depressed fracture of the skull
Answer: C
332. Mickey Finn is ?
A. Chloroform
B. Methyl alcohol
C. Chloral hydrate
D. Ethylene glycol
Answer: C
333. Most specific sign of Antemortem burns is
A. Soot in respiratory passage
B. Cyanosis of fingernails
C. Pugilistic attitude
D. Heat ruptures
Answer: A
334. Sex with cadaver is called
A. Necrophilia
B. Exhibitionism
C. Voveyrism
D. Undinism
Answer: A
335. Smack is
A. Cocaine
B. Heroine
C. Dhatura
D. Cannabis
Answer: B
336. Sexual gratification by inflicting pain on partner
A. Sodomy
B. Sadism
C. Necrophilia
D. Bestiality
Answer: B
337. Sexual gratification obtained by enema is called
A. Exhibitionism
B. Fetichism
C. Klismaphillia
D. Frotteurism
Answer: C
338. To examine the vaginal cells in of the rape victim test used is
A. Lugol’s iodine test
B. Takayama test
C. Florence test
D. Precipitin test
Answer: A
339. Acid used for forging signature is ?
A. Sulphuric acid
B. Nitric acid
C. Carbolic acid
D. Oxalic acid
Answer: D
340. Absorption elution technique is used for
A. Blood group detection
B. Species detection
C. Seminal stain examination
D. None of the above
Answer: A
341. Arrow poison is ?
A. Opium
B. Curare
C. Cannabis
D. Cyanide
Answer: B
342. Test to know the species from blood stain is
A. Takayama test
B. Benzidine test
C. Precipitin test
D. Teichmann’s test
Answer: C
343. All of the following are true for ingestion of acid except
A. They are hygroscopic
B. Coagulate proteins
C. Hemoglobin to hematin
D. Systemic symptoms are severe
Answer: D
344. Papaver semniferum milk exudes from ?
A. Leaf
B. Root
C. Poppy seed
D. Unripe capsule
Answer: D
345. Max damage is done by which poison
A. Irritant poison
B. Corrosive poison
C. Alcohol
D. Opioid
Answer: B
346. Least toxic form of lead is
A. Lead acetate
B. Lead oxide
C. Lead carbonate
D. Lead sulphide
Answer: D
347. Marsch test is done for poisoning with ?
A. Lead
B. Mercury
C. Arsenic
D. Nickel
Answer: C
348. Which of the following is most specific for arsenic poisoning ?
A. Red velvety stomach mucosa
B. Blue lining on gums
C. Tremors
D. Anemia
Answer: A
349. Miscarriage due to negligence of doctor is seen under which IPC ?
A. Sec 310 IPC
B. Sec 311 IPC
C. Sec 312 IPC
D. Sec 314 IPC
Answer: C
350. According to section 82 IPC a child’s act is not considered as a crime if he is
A. < 4 years
B. < 7 years
C. < 12 years
D. < 18 years
Answer: B
351. Dowry death is under which IPC ?
A. IPC 304 A
B. IPC 304 B
C. IPC 305 A
D. IPC 305 B
Answer: B
352. Lendrum stain is done for ?
A. Air embolism
B. Fat embolism
C. Amniotic fluid embolism
D. None
Answer: C
353. CrPC 26 ?
A. Division of offence
B. Division of negligence
C. Division of malpractice
D. None
Answer: A
354. Which section belongs to marital rape ?
A. 375A
B. 376A
C. 376B
D. 375B
Answer: B
355. Plantiff is a person who ?
A. Files case in civil court
B. Acts as defender
C. Gives judgement
D. None
Answer: A
356. DNA finger printing cannot be taken from ?
A. Saliva
B. Tooth
C. Buccal mucosa
D. Blood
Answer: B
357. Which of the following is not seen in finger prints ?
A. Loop
B. Circles
C. Whorl
D. Arch
Answer: B
358. Which snake bite causes hematologic abnormalities ?
A. Cobra
B. Crait
C. Viper
D. Sea snake
Answer: C
359. What is first external sign of decomposition of dead body
A. Decomposition of liver and intestine
B. Greenish discolouration over right iliac fossa
C. Greenish discolouration over dependent parts
D. Blood stained froth from mouth
Answer: B
360. Black papper adultrant is ?
A. Khesari dal
B. Dried papaya seed
C. Fine sand
D. None
Answer: B
361. In vitrous what is measured for time since death
A. Sodium
B. Potassium
C. Proteins
D. Chloride
Answer: B
362. Most common drug abuse in India ?
A. Cannabis
B. Amphetamine
C. Cocaine
D. Heroine
Answer: D
363. In how many hours does a dead body float in India in summer ?
A. 6 hours
B. 12 hours
C. 24 hours
D. 48 hours
Answer: C
364. Ethylene Glycol antidote is ?
A. Barbiturates
B. Acetycysteine
C. Ferric chloride
D. Fomipizole
Answer: D
365. In medicolegal autopsy, cavity to be opened first is ?
A. Thoracic
B. Abdomen
C. Cervical
D. Any of the above
Answer: D
366. True about Stab Wounds ?
A. Depth is greater than Breadth
B. Breadth is greater than depth
C. Length is greater than breadth
D. It has wound of entry and exit
Answer: A
367. Oochronosis is seen in which poisoning ?
A. Hydrochloric acid
B. Carbolic acid
C. Oxalic acid
D. Formic acid
Answer: B
368. Marshalls triad is seen in ?
A. Explosive injury
B. Gunshot injury
C. Drowning injury
D. None
Answer: A
369. Brutonian lines on gums is seen in poisoning with ?
A. Lead
B. Mercury
C. Mercury
D. Zinc
Answer: A:B
370. Cyanide odour is of ?
A. Rotten egg
B. Fish
C. Fruity
D. Bitter almond
Answer: D
371. La facies symapthique is seen in ?
A. Hanging
B. Strangulation
C. Myocardial insufficiency
D. Railway accident
Answer: A
372. Victim was choked with mouth & nose covered with elbow around neck. It is called as ?
A. Mugging
B. Garrotting
C. Bansadola
D. None of the above
Answer: A
373. First aid should be given in acid contact ?
A. Wash with normal water soap
B. Wash with mild alkali agent
C. Wash with strong alkali
D. Refer to higher centre
Answer: B
374. Frotteruism is ?
A. Sexual pleasure is obtained by witnessing the act of urination
B. Sexual gratification by rubbing private parts
C. Sexual practise involving three people
D. None
Answer: B
375. What acts as both poison & antidote ?
A. CuSO4
B. HgC12
C. Ar203
D. Thallium arsenate
Answer: A
376. Estimate volume of ringer lactate in first 8 hrs for 40% burns in 50 kg male with 2° burns?
A. 8 lt
B. 4 lt
C. 2 lt
D. 6 lt
Answer: B
377. Posthumous child is:
A. Child delivered after death of biological mother
B. Child delivered after death of biological father
C. Born after death of parents
D. has been abandoned by parents
Answer: B
378. M’naghten rule comes under which section of IPC?
A. Crpc 84
B. C pc 48
C. Ipc 84
D. IPC 48
Answer: C
379. Bluish discoloration of gastric mucosa seen in which poisoning?
A. Mercury
B. Cadmium
C. Amytal sodium
D. Arsenic
Answer: C
380. Muscle pain, nephropathy caused by which metal poisoning
A. Arsenic
B. Cadmium
C. Mercury
D. Lead
Answer: A
381. Which is the first organ to putrefy :
A. Brian
B. Heart
C. Prostate
D. Kidney
Answer: A
382. Locard is famous for:
A. Theory of exchange
B. Fingerprint study
C. Formula for estimation of stature
D. System of personal identification using the body measurement
Answer: A
383. When does basiocciput fuses with basisphenoid?
A. 18 to 22
B. 22 to 25
C. 14-16
D. 12-14
Answer: A
384. What is the smell of mummified body?
A. Odourless
B. Putrid
C. Pungent
D. Offensive
Answer: A
385. Patient presented with proximal tubule proteinuria. Which metal is likely to be associated with it?
A. Cadmium
B. Mercury
C. Gold
D. Lead
Answer: A
386. Which of the following constitutional article is not related to children:
A. 23
B. 21-A
C. 42
D. 24
Answer: C
387. Which of the statement regarding Factory act is correct
A. Child age less than 14 carrying serious work earn more money
B. Less than 14 yr not done for factory act
C. More than 72 hour work per week
D. More than 82 hours a week
Answer: B
388. Which of the following is the law on child sexual abuse in India?
A. Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Act
B. Protection Of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO)
C. Child Welfare Act
D. Sexual Offences Act
Answer: B
389. Punishment of perjury comes under IPC section?
A. IPC 191
B. IPC 192
C. IPC 193
D. IPC 197
Answer: C
390. When civil negligence is brought up against a doctor, the onus of proof lies upon
A. Judicial first-degree magistrate
B. Police not below the level of sub-inspector
C. Doctor
D. Patient
Answer: D
391. Relatives of a patient told during postmortem examination that the person had a tattoo – which was now invisible. How to identify?
A. Examine the Lymph node
B. Spectrophotometer
C. Ordinary light
D. X-ray
Answer: A
392. True about hymen in Child rape is
A. Hymen easily tears because it is thin
B. Hymen easily tears because it is in the front
C. Hymen hardly tears because it is highly elastic
D. Hymen hardly tears because it is situated deep
Answer: D
393. Magnan’s symptoms are related to
A. Cocaine poisoning
B. Cannabis
C. Cannabis
D. Alcohol
Answer: A
394. Parents of the Child complains of assaulted by one of their relatives and anal pain in a child, On investigation test shows yellow iodine crystals with picric acid – what is the name of the test?
A. Florence test
B. Barberio’s test
C. Acid phosphatase test
D. Creatine Phosphokinase
Answer: B
395. The Magistrate can detain the maximum number of days for a mentally ill person as per mental health care is
A. 30 days
B. 90 days
C. 50 days
D. 100 days
Answer: A