General principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements MCQs
1. In the equation,
4M + 8CN– + H2O + O2 → 4[M(CN)2]– + 4OH–, the metal M is
A. copper
B. iron
C. gold
D. Zinc
Answer:::: C.
2. Heating ore with carbon in the absence of air is known as:
A. reduction
B. carbon-reduction
C. smelting
D. Roasting
Answer:::: C.
3. In the extraction of copper from sulphide ore, the metal is formed by reduction of Cu2O with
A. FeS
C. Cu2S
D. SO2
Answer:::: C.
4. The method of zone refining of metals is based upon the principle of
A. greater solubility of the impurity in molten state than in solid
B. greater mobility of pure metal than impurity
C. higher melting point of impurity than that of pure metal.
D. greater noble character of solid metal than that of the impurity
Answer:::: A.
5. Cassiterite is the ore of which metal?
A. Mn
B. Sb
C. Sn
D. Ni
Answer:::: C.
6. In electrorefining of copper some gold is produced as:
A. cathode mud
B. anode mud
C. cathode deposit
D. anode deposit
Answer:::: B.
7. In the electrolytic method of obtaining aluminium from purified bauxite, cryolite is added to the charge in order to:
A. lower the melting point of bauxite
B. dissolve bauxite and render it a conductor of electricity
C. protect aluminium produced from oxygen
D. minimise the heat loss due to radiation
Answer:::: B.
8. The purest form of iron is:
A. cast iron
B. pig iron
C. wrought iron
D. steel
Answer:::: C.
9. During the process of electrolytic refining of copper, some metals present as impurity settle as ‘anode mud’. These are:
A. Pb and Zn
B. Sn and Ag
C. Fe and Ni
D. Ag and Au
Answer:::: D.
10. Extraction of zinc from zinc blende is achieved by
A. electrolytic reduction
B. roasting followed by reduction with carbon
C. roasting followed by reduction with another metal
D. roasting followed by self-reduction
Answer:::: B.