1. The Myelin sheath is derived from the
(a) Microglia
(b) Neuroglial cells
(c) Schwann cells
(d) Nerve cells
Answer: (c)
2. Nissl’s granules are found in
(a) Nerve cells
(b) WBC
(c) RBC
(d) Platelets
Answer: (a)
3. Which of these is a disease of the myelin sheath?
(a) Polio
(b) Leprosy
(c) Multiple sclerosis
(d) Alzheimer
Answer: (c)
4. This neurotransmitter is not a biogenic amine
(a) Serotonin
(b) Dopamine
(c) Norepinephrine
(d) Neuropeptides
Answer: (d)
5. A nerve impulse jumps from one __________ to another during saltatory conduction
(a) Synapse
(b) Axon
(c) Node of Ranvier
(d) Myelin sheath
Answer: (c)
6. ________ are the neurons carrying impulses away from the central nervous system
(a) Efferent nerves
(b) Afferent nerves
(c) Extensors
(d) Sensory nerves
Answer: (a)
7. This amongst the following is found in muscle cells and nerves
(a) membrane potential
(b) potassium equilibrium potential
(c) resting potential
(d) sodium equilibrium potential
Answer: (c)
8. Which of these has the highest permeability in a resting nerve cell?
(a) Cl-
(b) Na+
(c) K+
(d) I-
Answer: (c)
9. For the first time, research on nerve cells was carried out on this organism
(a) Grasshopper
(b) Drosophila melanogaster
(c) Octopus
(d) Giant squid
Answer: (d)
10. Neurotransmitters can inhibit or excite neurons. _________ for example, is inhibitory whereas __________ is excitatory
(a) GABA; glutamate
(b) Glutamate; GABA
(c) Serotonin; dopamine
(d) None of these
Answer: (a)