Preventive Maintenance in Foundries & Metal Casting Process:
Q. Which of the following is not an important condition for preventive maintenance?
A. Size
B. Age
C. Location
D. Oils used
Answer: D
Q. What is the ratio of preventive maintenance and total maintenance in primary-metal industry?
A. 1 : 1.27 men
B. 1 : 2.17 men
C. 1 : 2.37 men
D. 1 : 3.17 men
Answer: C
Q. Which of the following is not counted among safety equipment?
A. Vacuum reliever
B. Alarms
C. Flashback arresters
D. Temperature reliever
Answer: D
Q. What is the ratio of preventive maintenance and total maintenance in machinery-manufacturing industry?
A. 1 : 10 men
B. 1 : 2.69 men
C. 1 : 2.37 men
D. 1 : 3.77 men
Answer: B
Q. Which of the following is not a material handling equipment?
A. Cranes
B. Lifts
C. Tongs
D. Hoists
Answer: C
Q. What is the ratio of preventive maintenance and total maintenance in general manufacturing industry?
A. 1 : 10 men
B. 1 : 2.69 men
C. 1 : 2.37 men
D. 1 : 3.77 men
Answer: A
Q. Which of the following materials is not used as process equipment?
A. Furnace
B. Compressor
C. Pump
D. Generator
Answer: D
Q. Which of the following are not counted among periodic inspection?
A. Tear downs
B. Overhauls
C. Oil burnings
D. Replacement of parts
Answer: C
Q. Preventive maintenance and its application is an expensive process.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Q. Frequency of inspection is decided on the basis of overloading.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Q. A pattern is generally made up of how many pieces?
A. 1
B. 2-3
C. 4-5
D. 6
Answer: B
Q. How does pattern vary in size with casting?
A. Pattern is larger in size
B. Casting is larger in size
C. Both have same size
D. Size depends on other factors
Answer: A
Q. A pattern carries which allowance for internal and external surfaces?
A. Shrinkage allowance
B. Machining allowance
C. Distortion allowance
D. Draft allowance
Answer: D
Q. What is draft allowance also known as?
A. Shake allowance
B. Contraction allowance
C. Taper Allowance
D. Rapping Allowance
Answer: C
Q. Machining allowance does not depend on which of the following factor?
A. Solidifying contraction
B. Machining method
C. Shape and size of casting
D. Casting method
Answer: A
Q. How much does the distortion allowance vary?
A. 1mm to 10mm
B. 2mm to 20mm
C. 1mm to 15mm
D. 2mm to 15mm
Answer: B
Q. Shrinkage allowance does not depend on which of the following factor?
A. Moulding method
B. Casting dimension
C. Pouring temperature of molten metal
D. Amount of finish required
Answer: D
Q. Ferrous metals need more allowance than non-ferrous metals.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Q. A pattern is shaken by striking it with a wooden piece. A negative allowance is provided for this. Which allowance is it?
A. Machining Allowance
B. Rapping Allowance
C. Distortion Allowance
D. Contraction Allowance
Answer: B
Q. When the molten metal is put into the mold, what is that temperature called?
A. Melting temperature
B. Vapourising temperature
C. Pouring temperature
D. Room temperature
Answer: C
Q.In any flow through a system, if the area of cross section in which the metal is flowing, decreases, how will it affect the velocity?
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. No affect
D. Quantities not related
Answer: A
Q. What is the shape of the sprue?
A. Cuboidal
B. Cubicle
C. Trapezoidal
D. Spherical
Answer: C
Q. According to Bernoulli’s theorem, energies at two points in a flowing liquid are equal.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Q. For casting operation, a metal must be heated to what temperature?
A. Above solidifying temperature
B. Above vapourising temperature
C. Above melting temperature
D. Above room temperature
Answer: C
Q. Which of the following is not a furnace used for heating?
A. Cupola furnace
B. Crucible furnace
C. Electric arc furnace
D. Blow air furnace
Answer: D
Q. Heat required to raise the temperature to the melting point is called what?
A. Sensible heat
B. Latent heat
C. Calorific heat
D. Specific heat
Answer: A
Q. The heat needed for a change of state of a material without changing the temperature is called what?
A. Sensible heat
B. Latent heat
C. Calorific heat
D. Specific heat
Answer: B
Q. If there is an increase in the mass of the metal being heated, how would it affect the total heat energy required to raise the temperature of metal?
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. No affect
D. Quantities not related
Answer: A
Q. In pressure die casting, what is the minimum pressure that can be applied?
A. 50 kg/cm2
B. 60 kg/cm2
C. 70 kg/cm2
D. 80 kg/cm2
Answer: C
Q. What is the maximum pressure, which can be applied in a pressure die casting?
A. 4530 kg/cm2
B. 4980 kg/cm2
C. 5000 kg/cm2
D. 5100 kg/cm2
Answer: C
Q. Alloys of which of the following metal is not used for hot chamber die casting?
A. Tin
B. Lead
C. Zinc
D. Iron
Answer: D
Q. In cold chamber die casting, what is the minimum pressure that can be applied?
A. 140 kg/cm2
B. 180 kg/cm2
C. 150 kg/cm2
D. 200 kg/cm2
Answer: D
Q. In cold chamber die casting, what is the maximum pressure that can be applied?
A. 500 kg/cm2
B. 1000 kg/cm2
C. 1500 kg/cm2
D. 2000 kg/cm2
Answer: D
Q. In hot chamber die casting, before the end of the stroke, what uncovers the port?
A. Injector
B. Plunger
C. Burning flame
D. Die cavity
Answer: B
Q. Which of the following is not counted among the limitations of pressure die casting?
A. Only small parts can be produced
B. High cost
C. Low scale production
D. Castings are porous
Answer: C
Q. Up to what tolerances can pressure die casting be possible?
A. ± 0.067mm
B. ± 0.076mm
C. ± 0.025mm
D. ± 0.052mm
Answer: B
Q. Up to what thickness can the sections be casted?
A. 0.3mm
B. 0.4mm
C. 0.5mm
D. 0.6mm
Q. In pressure die castings, production rate is low.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B