Non Destructive Techniques
Q. Which of the following is not a type of developer?
A. Dry powder
B. Water soluble developer
C. Oil soluble developer
D. Water suspendible developer
.Answer: C
Explanation: Process Dye penetrant test is one of the methods of non-destructive testing of the components. The application of developer is one of the steps of inspection of dye penetrant test. Oil soluble developer is not a type of developer.
Q. For how long is a penetrant allowed to soak in cracks?
A. 5 to 15 minutes
B. 10 to 30 minutes
C. 15 to 35 minutes
D. 20 to 40 minutes
.Answer: B
Explanation: Process None.
Q. Penetrants of which colour are not used?
A. Red
B. Blue
C. Green
D. Yellow
.Answer: A
Explanation: Process The application of penetrant is one of the steps of inspection of dye penetrant test. It is an important feature that one must take care of, that the penetrant used, must not be of red colour, as defects are identified using red colour.
Q. Which of the following is not an excess penetrant remover?
A. Solvent removable
B. Water washable
C. Lipophilic pre-emulsifiable
D. Lipophilic post-emulsifiable
.Answer: C
Explanation: Process A penetrant remover material highly depends on the type of material by which the penetrant is made. Among the following, a lipophilic pre-emulsifiable is not a type of excess penetrant remover.
Q. Which of the following is not a method of pre-cleaning?
A. Solvent
B. Acid blasting
C. Vapour degreasing
D. Media blasting
.Answer: B
Explanation: Process The application of pre-cleaning is one of the steps of inspection of dye penetrant test. Solvent, alkaline, vapour degreasing and media blasting are a few types of pre-cleaning Process, but not acid blasting.
Q. Which of the following is not a type of penetrant application?
A. Dipping
B. Spraying
C. Brushing
D. Pouring
..Answer: D
Explanation: Process The application of penetrant is one of the steps of inspection of the dye penetrant test. Among these, dipping, spraying or brushing are different ways by which penetrant can be applied, but not pouring.
Q. Which of the following defect is not detected by dye penetrant test?
A. Non-metallic inclusions
B. Leaks
C. Cracks
D. Forging defects
.Answer: A
Explanation: Process Dye penetrant test is one of the methods of non-destructive testing of the components. Leaks, cracks and forging defects are some defects which can be identified by using dye penetrant test. But, for detecting non-metallic inclusions, one will have to do a magnaflux test.
Q. What is the amount of time taken for blotting?
A. 5 minutes
B. 10 minutes
C. 15 minutes
D. 20 minutes
.Answer: B
Explanation: Process The Process of inspection is one of the steps of the important of dye penetrant test. The operation of inspection begins after the article is allowed to blot for around ten minutes.
Q. Only fluorescent dye is used in dye penetrant test.
A. True
B. False
.Answer: B
Explanation: Process For the inspection using non-destructive testing, when dye penetrant test is used, there are two types of lights that are used. This type of light which has to be used depends upon the type of die used, fluorescent or non-fluorescent.
Q. Only ultraviolet light is used in dye penetrant test.
A. True
B. False
.Answer: B
Explanation: Process None.
Q. Which of the following defects are not detected by magnetic particle inspection?
A. Surface cracks
B. Quenching cracks
C. Thermal cracks
D. Fatigue cracks
.Answer: A
Explanation: Process Quenching cracks, thermal cracks, grinding cracks or fatigue cracks are a few types of defects which can be detected by magnetic particle test, whereas surface cracks are defects which can be detected by simple visual inspection.
Q. When an AC current is used for magnaflux test, what is its frequency?
A. 35 cycles/sec
B. 45 cycles/sec
C. 55 cycles/sec
D. 65 cycles/sec
.Answer: C
Explanation: Process A magnaflux test is the one which is used for testing and detecting for any kind of thermal defect or any kind of quenching crack. For doing this, an alternating current can be used. The frequency of the alternating current is in the range of 50 to 60 cycles every second.
Q. Which of the following materials can be tested using magnetic particle testing?
A. Brass
B. Steel
C. Bronze
D. Solder
.Answer: B
Explanation: Process Among the following materials, only ferrous materials can be tested using a magnetic particle test, which is therefore steel. Brass and bronze are copper alloys and solder is an alloy of zinc, lead and tin.
Q. Which current is helpful in detecting sub surface discontinuities?
A. High frequency AC
B. Low frequency AC
C. Full wave DC
D. Half wave DC
.Answer: C
Explanation: Process None.
Q. Which current is helpful in detecting surface breaking indication?
A. High frequency AC
B. Low frequency AC
C. Full wave DC
D. Half wave DC
..Answer: D
Explanation: Process None.
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Q. Magnetic particles with fluorescent coating are seen under which light?
A. White light
B. Infrared light
C. Black light
D. Ultraviolet light
..Answer: D
Explanation: Process In magnetic particle testing, only ferrous materials can be tested using a magnetic particle test. The casting which is undergoing magnetic inspection, if it is coated with fluorescence, then it has to be viewed in an ultraviolet light only.
Q. What is the skin depth of copper at 60 Hz frequency?
A. 8 mm
B. Q.5 mm
C. 9 mm
D. Q.5 mm
.Answer: B
Explanation: Process The distribution of an alternating electric current inside the conductor, and the flow of current through the skin of the material is called skin effect. The depth of the skin effect is skin depth. For copper, at frequency 60 Hz, the skin depth is Q.5mm.
Q. What is the size range of dry particle powder?
A. 5 to 170 micrometers
B. 15 to 185 micrometers
C. 45 to 215 micrometers
D. 65 to 250 micrometers
.Answer: A
Explanation: Process Dry particle powder is basically applied in the form of a spray or a cloud. This powder is designed to be seen in white light. The particle size of dry particle powder is 5 to 170 micrometers.
Q. Half wave DC is more penetrative in magnaflux testing than full wave DC.
A. True
B. False
.Answer: A
Explanation: Process For the detection of sub surface defects, a full wave direct current is needed. For the detection of surface breaking indication, a half wave direct current is needed. A half wave direct current is more penetrative than full wave direct current.
Q. Magnetic field lines travel from north to south.
A. True
B. False
.Answer: A
Explanation: Process Magnetic field lines are imaginary lines, which travel from north pole of the magnet to the south pole of the magnet. These lines do not travel through the specimen but around it.
Q. Eddy current testing does not work below what thickness of materials?
A. 0.1 mm
B. 0.2 mm
C. 0.3 mm
D. 0.4 mm
.Answer: A
Explanation: Process It is one of the limitations of eddy current that defects having a thickness larger than required cannot be detected using eddy current method. Conventionally eddy current method cannot detect surface defects below 0.1 mm.
Q. Eddy currents are not used for the measure of which of the following properties?
A. Electrical conductivity
B. Magnetic resistivity
C. Hardness
D. Grain size
.Answer: B
Explanation: Process The inspection of structures done by eddy current method is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. This method of detecting defects can be used for knowing the measure of electrical conductivity, grain size, hardness and magnetic permeability.
Q. Eddy current inspection method cannot be detect which of the following defect?
A. Laps
B. Seams
C. Voids
D. Surface crack
..Answer: D
Explanation: Process None.
Q. Small drilled hole was a reference calibration in eddy current testing because it was produced in precise sizes.
A. True
B. False
.Answer: A
Explanation: Process For making perfect measurements and calculations, a few artificial defects were tried and a small hole was selected as the standard. The small drilled hole was selected because, it was not just easy to produce, but also, it was produced in precise sizes.
Q. What is the heat generated in eddy current operations?
D. I2R
..Answer: D
Explanation: Process Eddy current method of inspection and heating techniques is used for metal heating. The heat generated by this method can be given by I2R, I is current and R is the resistance.
Q. The signal display of eddy current system does not take place on which of the following media?
A. Oscilloscope
B. Oscillograph
C. Electric tape
D. Magnetic tape
.Answer: C
Explanation: Process Eddy current method is used as a non-destructive technique. Most of the times, a magnetic tape is used or a oscilloscope or an oscillograph, but not an electric tape.
Q. Multi frequency testing allows to overcome problems in eddy current testing.
A. True
B. False
.Answer: A
Explanation: Process It is one of the limitations of eddy current testing that, below a certain thickness of the surface defect, the defect cannot be detected. This particular problem can be overcome by using multifrequency testing.
Q. For measuring glue line thickness between aluminium sheets, what should the thickness of the sheet be?
A. Q.2 mm
B. Q.4 mm
C. Q.6 mm
D. Q.8 mm
.Answer: C
Explanation: Process For measuring the glue line thickness of aluminium sheets using eddy current method, initially the surface has to be vitally cleaned. The thickness of the aluminium sheet for calculating glue line thickness is Q.6mm.
Q. What is the conductivity of a 7075-T6 aluminium sheet with an average thickness of Q.6 mm?
A. 30 IACS
B. 31 IACS
C. 32 IACS
D. 33 IACS
.Answer: B
Explanation: Process None.
Q. With an increase in the density of the material who does it affect the power loss in eddy current?
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Does not change
D. Not related
.Answer: B
Explanation: Process According to the power dissipation formula for eddy currents, power loss experienced is inversely related to the density of the material, that is, with an increase in the density of the material, there is a decrease in the power loss.
Q. Ultrasonic testing is a portable Process.
A. True
B. False
.Answer: A
Explanation: Process None.
Q. Ultrasonic testing is a low sensitivity testing method.
A. True
B. False
.Answer: B
Explanation: Process Ultrasonic testing is known to have high penetrating powers, not just high penetrating powers, but they are also known to possess high sensitivity.
Q. What is typically the frequency used in ultrasonic inspection?
A. 0.1 MHz to 15 MHz
B. 0.5 MHz to 13 MHz
C. 1 MHz to 17 MHz
D. Q.8 MHz to 19 MHz
.Answer: A
Explanation: Process Ultrasonic testing is one of the most commonly used method for testing of materials. The general frequency of ultrasonic testing is in the range of 0.1 MHz to 15 MHz.
Q. What is the maximum frequency used in the ultrasonic inspection?
A. 35 MHz
B. 40 MHz
C. 45 MHz
D. 50 MHz
..Answer: D
Explanation: Process The maximum frequency that may be needed for an ultrasonic inspection is around 50 MHz. Such frequencies make it easy for the devices to detect the flaws.
Q. In which of the following materials, ultrasonic testing cannot be used?
A. Plastics
B. Ceramics
C. Non-ferrous objects
D. Ferrous object
..Answer: D
Explanation: Process Ultrasonic testing is a method for detecting flaws in the article. It can be used on various materials like plastics, ceramics and non-ferrous objects.
Q. The film produced by an X-ray is called as a radiograph.
A. True
B. False
.Answer: B
Explanation: Process The film produced by an X-ray is called as an exograph. The film that is produced using gamma rays is called as gamma graph and the combination of the two is called as a radiograph.
Q. The penetration power of X-rays depends only on the wavelength of the radiation.
A. True
B. False
.Answer: B
Explanation: Process In radiography, there is an X-ray wave used for non-destructive testing. The penetration power of the X-ray depends not just on the wavelength of the radiation but also on the absorbing power of the material.
Q. For what thickness of a material, do the X-rays give the best results?
A. 50 mm
B. 55 mm
C. 60 mm
D. 65 mm
.Answer: A
Explanation: Process X-rays are considered to be having a larger wavelength as compared to that of gamma rays. Owing to this fact, the penetration power of the X-rays is less. Hence, for a shorter thickness, it would give good detection. The best results are obtained in X-ray detection when the thickness of the material is below 50mm.
Q. Which of the following is not a source of production for gamma rays?
A. Cobalt-60
B. Iridium-192
C. Caesium-167
D. Americium-241
..Answer: D
Explanation: Process Among all the above given isotopes, a Cobalt – 60 isotope, Iridium-192 isotope and a Caesium-167 isotope are mainly used for producing gamma rays but not Americium-241 isotope, it is used for making alpha rays.
Q. What should the diameter of a Cobalt-60 source used for producing gamma rays?
A. 2 mm
B. 3 mm
C. 4 mm
D. 5 mm
.Answer: B
Explanation: Process For the production of gamma rays, there are some radioactive particles employed. One of them is a Cobalt-60 isotope. The diameter of the source of this isotope is calculated to be around 3 mm in length.
Q. X-rays are useful in detecting defects in casts up to what thickness?
A. 60 mm
B. 61 mm
C. 62 mm
D. 63 mm
.Answer: C
Explanation: Process The X-rays are waves of high amount of energy in them and are very useful in the detection of defects in the casts. They need a high amount of voltage supply for this and are able to detect defects up to a thickness of 62mm.
Q. On what voltage do the X-rays operate?
A. 350 kV
B. 375 kV
C. 400 kV
D. 475 kV
.Answer: C
Explanation: Process The X-ray are waves are having very short wavelength. The object which has to be tested is exposed to the X-rays, for doing this, high voltage supply is required. The X-rays ideally operate on 400 kV.