MCQs on Human Digestive System
Q. Secretin and cholecystokinin are secreted in
(a) pyloric region
(b) Ileum
(c) duodenum
(d) Oesophagus
Answer: : (c)
Q. Which of the following hydrolytic enzymes act in low pH?
(a) Peroxidases
(b) Hydrolases
(c) Amylases
(d) Proteases
Answer: : (d)
Q. Which of the following is synthesized and stored in the liver cells?
(a) Galactose
(b) Lactose
(c) Glycogen
(d) Arabinose
Answer: : (c)
Q. The disease caused due to deficiency of nicotinic acid is
(a) anaemia
(b) osteomalacia
(c) xerophthalmia
(d) pellagra
Answer: : (d)
Q. The enzymes present in pancreatic juice are
(a) Amylase, Trypsinogen, Peptidase, Rennin
(b) Trypsinogen, Lipase, Amylase, Procarboxypeptidase
(c) Peptidase, Pepsin, Amylase, Rennin
(d) Maltase, Amylase, Trypsinogen, Pepsin
Answer: : (b)
Q. Which of the following hormones stimulates the production of pancreatic juice and bicarbonate?
(a) Insulin and glucagon
(b) Cholecystokinin and secretin
(c) Gastrin and insulin
(d) Angiotensin and epinephrine
Answer: : (b)
Q. Infants’ gastric juice contains
(a) nuclease, pepsinogen, lipase
(b) maltase, pepsinogen, rennin
(c) amylase, rennin, pepsinogen
(d) pepsinogen, lipase, rennin
Answer: : (d)
Q. The absorption of fructose by intestinal mucosa is
(a) co-transport mechanism
(b) simple diffusion
(c) facilitated transport
(d) active transport
Answer: : (c)
Q. Carboxypeptidase requires _______ for its activity
(a) copper
(b) niacin
(c) iron
(d) Zn
Answer: : (d)
Q. Na+ and other carrier ions facilitate absorption of
(a) amino acids and fructose
(b) fatty acids and glycerol
(c) fatty acids and glucose
(d) amino acids and glucose
Answer: : (d)