MCQs on Hydrocarbons
Q. The product obtained on heating 2-Bromopentane with potassium ethoxide in ethanol is
(a) 1-pentene
(b) 2-cis-pentene
(c) trans-2-pentene
(d) 2-ethoxy pentane
Answer:::: (c)
Q. Choose the process by which liquid hydrocarbons can be converted to gaseous hydrocarbons
(a) hydrolysis
(b) oxidation
(c) cracking
(d) distillation under reduced pressure
Answer:::: (c)
Q. Which one of the following halide can be used in the Friedel-Crafts reaction?
(a) Isopropyl chloride
(b) Bromobenzene
(c) Chlorobenzene
(d) Chloroethene
Answer:::: (a)
Q. Which one of the following compound forms salt on reaction with NaNH2?
(a) C2H2
(b) C2H6
(c) C6H6
(d) C2H4
Answer:::: (a)
Q. Which among the following reagent can be used to distinguish between CH2BrCH=CH2 from CH3CH=CHBr?
(a) Br2/CCl4
(b) cold KMnO4
(c) AgNO3/C2H5OH
(d) Ag(NH3)2OH
Answer:::: (c)
Q. Isopropyl iodide is formed after reaction of propene with HI, this is due to
(a) more stable free radical
(b) homolysis
(c) more stable carbanion
(d) more stable carbocation
Answer:::: (d)
Q. C6H5CHO is formed when C6H6 is treated with CO and HCl in the presence of anhydrous AlCl3. Name of the reaction is:
(a) Friedel crafts reaction
(b) Gattermann Koch reaction
(c) Rosenmund reaction
(d) Stephen reaction
Answer:::: (b)
Q. A compound having a bond angle 180° is
(a) alkyne
(b) alkane
(c) alkene
(d) cycloalkane
Answer:::: (a)