1. Soil conservation is the process where
(a) soil is aerated
(b) soil is protected against loss
(c) sterile soil is converted to fertile soil
(d) soil erosion is allowed
Answer: (b)
2. Which of the following is an anti-forest conservation activity?
(a) preservation of wild animals
(b) preservation of fires
(c) clear felling
(d) economy in lumbering
Answer: (c)
3. Soil erosion can be prevented by
(a) Afforestation
(b) overgrazing
(c) increasing birds population
(d) removal of vegetation
Answer: (a)
4. The energy produced by the hydel-power plant is
(a) Non-polluting and non-renewable
(b) Polluting and non-renewable
(c) Non-polluting and renewable
(d) Polluting and renewable
Answer: (c)
5. This is an example of non-polluting renewable type of energy
(a) tidal
(b) wind
(c) solar
(d) all of these
Answer: (d)
6. This group consists of non-renewable organic resources
(a) Water, air and minerals
(b) natural gas, oil and coal
(c) wood, water and natural pastures
(d) sand, air and clay
Answer: (b)
7. Which one represents the regulative function of forests?
(a) storage and release of gases
(b) production of essential oils
(c) production of wood
(d) conservation of water and soil
Answer: (a)
8. In many industries, tin, steel and copper are being substituted by
(a) ceramics
(b) high-strength glass fibres
(c) plastics
(d) all of these
Answer: (d)
9. Demersal fish is obtained from
(a) open sea
(b) sea bottom
(c) estuaries
(d) lakes
Answer: (b)
10. Deforestation may reduce the chances of
(a) frequent landslides
(b) erosion of surface soil
(c) rainfall
(d) frequent cyclones
Answer: (c)