MCQs on Reproduction in Bacteria
Q. Mode of action of penicillin is by
(a) inhibiting RNA synthesis
(b) inhibiting cell wall formation
(c) destroying chromatin
(d) inhibiting spindle formation
Answer: : (b)
Q. Bacterial sex factor is
(a) F-factor
(b) col-factor
(c) R-factor
(d) RNA
Answer: : (a)
Q. Which of the following bacteriophages are responsible for specialised transduction?
(a) T4 phages
(b) Lysogenic phages
(c) Lytic phages
(d) Both (b) and (c)
Answer: : (b)
Q. Transduction was discovered by
(a) Zinder and Lederberg
(b) Ivanovsky
(c) Griffith
(d) Avery et al
Answer: : (a)
Q. Binary fission in bacteria does not involve
(a) spindle formation
(b) DNA duplication
(c) Cytokinesis
(d) Cell elongation
Answer: : (a)
Q. Transfer of genetic material from the donor to recipient bacterium through cell contact is termed as
(a) transduction
(b) recombination
(c) conjugation
(d) transformation
Answer: : (c)
Q. Common vegetative reproduction in bacteria is by
(a) conjugation
(b) budding
(c) oidia
(d) binary fission
Answer: : (d)
Q. Transfer of genetic material in bacteria through virus is termed as
(a) transduction
(b) recombination
(c) conjugation
(d) transformation
Answer: : (a)
Q. Genetic recombination between bacterial cells is first demonstrated by
(a) Ochoa and Kornberg
(b) Har Gobind Khorana
(c) H. J. Muller
(d) Lederberg and Tatum
Answer: : (d)
Q. Which of the following methods of reproduction proved for the first time that DNA is genetic material?
(a) Binary fission
(b) Conjugation
(c) Transduction
(d) Transformation
Answer: : (d)