Apiculture MCQs NEET
1. Honey is
A. Nectar of a flower
B. Nectar stored in the honey sac
C. Nectar mixed with saliva and stored in the honey sac
D. Nectar and water sucked by honey bee
Answer: C
2. The bee carries the pollen back to its colony on:
(a) Its body
(b) Its middle legs
(c) Its front legs
(d) Its rear legs
Answer: (d)
3. The chief constituent of honey is
(a) Disaccharides
(b) Monosaccharide
(c) Polysaccharides
(d) Fats
Answer: (b)
4. For how long does a worker bee live in the summer?
(a) For 2 weeks
(b) For 2 months
(c) For 4 months
(d) For 6 months
Answer: (b)
5. The development of a male bee (drone) takes how long?
(a) 16 days
(b) 19 days
(c) 22 days
(d) 24 days
Answer: (d)
6. Amongst honey bees, the workers are:
(a) Female
(b) Male
(c) Both females and males
(d) Hermaphrodite
Answer: (a)
7. The generic name of which of these is Apis?
(a) Fish
(b) Honey bee
(c) Lac insect
(d) Prawn
Answer: (b)
8. Apis dorsata is used to refer to
(a) Little bee
(b) Indian bee
(c) European bee
(d) Rock bee
Answer: (d)
9. The honey bee is of greatest use to mankind as:
(a) It is of medicinal benefits
(b) Helps in cross-pollination
(c) We get honey from them
(d) None of these
Answer: (b)
10. Nature of honey is
(a) Acidic
(b) Alkaline
(c) Neutral
(d) Turns basic after a few days
Answer: (a)