1. Division to which Selaginella belongs is
(a) Psilopsida
(b) Pteropsida
(c) Lycopsida
(d) Spenopsida
Answer: (c)
2. The character that Selaginella possesses which is of evolutionary significance is
(a) Strobilus
(b) Heterospory
(c) Seed
(d) Ligule
Answer: (b)
3. This statement regarding Selaginella is incorrect
(a) Endodermis is trabeculated
(b) Vascular cylinder is protostelic
(c) Few species of Selaginella are truly xerophytic
(d) Selaginella is commonly distributed on plains and hills
Answer: (d)
4. In this species of Selaginella, the apex continues its vegetative growth beyond the formation of strobilus
(a) S.cuspidata
(b) S.helvetica
(c) S.rupestris
(d) None of the above
Answer: (a)
5. This is uncommon in Selaginella and Funaria
(a) Embryo
(b) Roots
(c) Archegonium
(d) Motile sperms
Answer: (b)
6. The presence of ________ anatomically characterizes the stem of Selaginella
(a) Protostele
(b) Amphiphloic siphonostele
(c) Siphonostele
(d) Ectophloic siphonostele
Answer: (a)
7. This characterizes the presence of Selaginella
(a) Ligule
(b) Homospory
(c) Flowers
(d) None of these
Answer: (a)
8. Male gametes in Selaginella are
(a) Multiflagellated
(b) Biflagellated
(c) Monoflagellated
(d) Aflagellated
Answer: (b)
9. Stele of Selaginella stem is
(a) Eustelic
(b) Solenostelic
(c) Protostelic
(d) Dictyostelic
Answer: (c)
10. This is the innermost layer of sporangium of Selaginella
(a) Tapetum
(b) Synangium
(c) Elaters
(d) None of these
Answer: (a)