MCQs on Muscular System
1. Division of joints allowing ample movement between 2 or more specific heads of bones are grouped as
A. diarthrosis
B. tendons and tibia
C. synarthroses
D. ligaments and femur
Answer:: A.
2. Ligaments restrict this action
A. cartilage junction
B. hyper extension
C. hyper flexion
D. both B. and C.
Answer:: D.
3. In muscle contraction, this ion is essential
A. Cl
B. Ca
C. K
D. Na
Answer:: B.
4. This is an example of stretch reflex stimulated by passive muscle movement
A. patellar reflex
B. tendon reflex
C. flexor reflex
D. ipsilateral reflex
Answer:: A.
5. This is a major energy source in a hurdle race to the leg muscles
A. glycolysis
B. lactate and pyruvate
C. performed ATP
D. oxidative metabolism
Answer:: D.
6. This event occurs during muscular contraction
I. H-zone disappears
II. A band widens
III. I band shortens
IV. Width of A band is unaffected
V. M line and Z line get closer
A. I, II and III
B. I, III, IV and V
C. II, IV and V
D. I, II and V
Answer:: B.
7. Muscles utilized for controlling the flow of all substances within lumen are grouped as
A. hormonal system
B. skeletal system
C. cardiac muscles
D. smooth muscles
Answer:: D.
8. Division of joints fibrous in nature permitting no movement is
A. tendons and tibia
B. ligaments and femur
C. diarthrosis
D. synarthroses
Answer:: D.
9. A small band of dense, white and fibrous elastic tissue is grouped as
A. ligament
B. muscle junction
C. muscle filament
D. muscle cartilage
Answer:: A.
10. In the striated muscles, the functional unit of contractile system is
A. Z band
B. cross bridges
C. sarcomere
D. myofibril
Answer:: C.