MCQ’S ON plastids
Q. Plastids are present in ______
(a) Euglenoides
(b) Plants
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) All protists
Answer: (c)
Q. Which of the following cell organelle are found only in a plant cell?
(a) Plastids
(b) Mitochondria
(c) Golgi complex
(d) Ribosomes
Answer: (a)
Q. Plastids are absent in ________.
(a) Fungi
(b) Bacteria
(c) Blue-green algae
(d) All of the above
Answer: (d)
Q. Plant cells and animal cells differ from each other in having ________.
(a) Vacuole
(b) Centrosome
(c) Plastid
(d) Golgi body
Answer: (c)
Q. Which of the following type of plastids helps in pollination?
(a) Leucoplasts
(b) Chloroplasts
(c) Chromoplasts
(d) All of the above
Answer: (c)
Q. Fret channels are associated with _________
(a) Two lamellae of a granum
(b) Two grana of a chloroplast
(c) Two quantasomes
(d) Two plastids of a cell
Answer: (b)
Q. All three types of plastids have evolved from _________.
(a) Leucoplast
(b) Chloroplast
(c) Pro-plastid
(d) Chromoplast
Answer: (c)
Q. Which of the following species lack plastids?
(a) Fungi and animals
(b) Plants and animals
(c) Bacterium, animals and fungi
(d) None of the above
Answer: (c)
Q. Which of the following is a common feature of plastids and mitochondria?
(a) Both have Double-stranded DNA
(b) Both contain 70s ribosomes
(c) Both are double membranous cell organelles
(d) All of the above.
Answer: (d)
Q. Which of the following is not a colourless plastid?
(a) Amyloplast
(b) Elaioplast
(c) Rhodoplast
(d) Proteinoplast
Answer: (c)