1. Animals eating own faecal matter are
(a) Detritivorous
(b) Coprophagous
(c) Frugivorous
(d) Sanguivorous
Answer: (b)
2. Microphagial nutrition takes place in
(a) Hydra
(b) Paramecium
(c) Insects
(d) Euglena
Answer: (b)
3. Osmotrophy is found in
(a) Taenia
(b) Pila
(c) Palaemon
(d) Asterias
Answer: (a)
4. The alimentary canal is typically longer in
(a) herbivores
(b) carnivores
(c) insectivores
(d) omnivores
Answer: (a)
5. The duct of Bartholin is linked with
(a) sublingual glands
(b) maxillary glands
(c) parotid glands
(d) infraorbital glands
Answer: (a)
6. Largest salivary gland is
(a) submaxillary
(b) parotid
(c) sublingual
(d) infraorbital
Answer: (b)
7. In rabbits, the number of salivary glands present are
(a) 5 pairs
(b) 4 pairs
(c) 3 pairs
(d) 2 pairs
Answer: (b)
8. Tongue is attached to the floor of buccal cavity by
(a) falciform ligament
(b) frenulum
(c) lingual papilla
(d) mesentery
Answer: (b)
9. Salivary glands are absent in
(a) Musca domestica
(b) Blatta orientalis
(c) Anopheles maculipennis
(d) Rana hexadactyla
Answer: (d)
10. Nuhn’s glands are present on
(a) stomach
(b) tongue
(c) skin
(d) intestine
Answer: (b)