1. Sense organ which is having efferent supply
A. Golgi tendon organ
B. Organ of corti
C. Retina
D. Taste bud
Answer: B
2. False regarding papillae of tongue ?
A. Fungiform papillae at tip
B. Circumvallate papillae at base
C. Foliate papillae at back edge
D. Filiform papillae have taste buds at tip
Answer: D
3. Electric potential of resting membrane for a given electrolyte is given by which equation ?
A. Nernst
B. Goldman
C. Donnan-Gibbs
D. None
Answer: A
4. In circulatory biomechanics which of the following is true?
A. Blood viscosity is increased in anemia
B. Blood viscosity is decreased in polycythemia
C. Cardiac output is increased in anemia
D. Cardiac output is decreased in Beri-Beri
Answer: C
5. Hemoglobin binds/transports all except ?
B. O2
C. SO2
D. CO2
Answer: C
6. Fever is produced by ?
A. PGF2α
Answer: B
7. Normal capillar wedge pressure ?
A. 0-2 mm Hg
B. 5-10 mm Hg
C. 15-20 mm Hg
D. 20-30mm Hg
Answer: B
8. Insulin resistance down-regulates A. GLUT-1
Answer: D
9. Plateau of oxygen-haemoglobin dissociation curve signifies ?
A. No oxygen is available for binding to Hb
B. No Hb molecule is available to bind with O2
C. All oxygen is released to tissues
D. None of the above
Answer: B
10. Which of the following increases appetite ?
B. α – MSH
D. Insulin
Answer: C
11. True about iron absorption are all, except ?
A. Major site of absorption is duodenum
B. Stored as Ferritin
C. Absorbed in ferrous form
D. Pancreatic secretions improves the absorption
Answer: D
12. Cardiac output increases by ?
A. Standing from lying down position
B. Expiration
C. Increased cardiac contractility
D. Parasympathetic stimulation
Answer: C
13. Spermatogenesis takes place in ?
A. Epididymis
B. Seminiferous tubule
C. Ductus deferens
D. Prostate
Answer: B
14. Estrogen Beta receptors are found on
A. Uterus
B. Blood vessels
C. Ovary
D. Vagina
Answer: C
15. Endogenous pyrogens act by ?
A. Increasing heat generation
B. Raising thermostat point of hypothalamus
C. Causing vasoconstriction
D. By Non-shivering thermogenesis
Answer: B
16. Extrinsic system of coagulation is activated by
A. Factor XI
B. Factor X
C. Factor XII
D. Factor III
Answer: D
17. Sharp pain is transmitted by which type of fibres?
A. Aα
B. Aβ
C. Aδ
D. C
Answer: C
18. Reward center is located in ?
A. Cerebellum
B. Amygdala
C. Hippocampus
D. Hypothalamus
Answer: D
19. Correct order of velocity ?
A. Vena cava > Aorta > Vein > Artery > Venule > Arteriole
B. Aorta > Vena cava > Artery > Vein > Arteriole > Venule
C. Aorta > Artery > Vena cava > Vein > Arteriole > Venule
D. Vena cava > Vein > Aorta > Artery > Venule > Arteriole
Answer: B
20. Maximum water reabsorption in the Gastrointestinal tract occurs in ?
A. Stomach
B. Jejunum
C. Ileum
D. Colon
Answer: B
21. Thyroid gland is stimulated by which hormone during pregnancy ?
A. Prolactin
C. Human placental lactogen
Answer: B
22. FSH and LH both are inhibited by ?
A. Cortisol
B. Aldosterone
C. Estrogen
D. Progesterone
Answer: C
23. Gamma glutamate carboxypeptidase is linked with absorption of ?
A. Riboflavin
B. Niacin
C. Folic acid
D. Pyridoxinel
Answer: C
24. The oxygen dissociation curve of myoglobin & haemoglobin is different due to?
A. Hb can bind to 2 oxygen molecules
B. Cooperative binding in Hb
C. Myoglobin has little oxygen affinity
D. Haemoglobin follows a hyperbolic curve
Answer: B
25. Myosin and actin filaments are kept in place by
A. Tropomyosin
B. Troponin
C. Actinin
D. Titin
Answer: D
26. True about cerebellar neuronal connections ?
A. Climbing fibres from inferior olivary nucleus
B. Mossy fibres from inferior olivary nucleus
C. Climbing fibres are inhibitory to Purkinje cells
D. Mossy fibres are inhibitory to Purkinje cells
Answer: A
27. Lifespan of fetal RBC is ?
A. Same as adult RBC
B. 1/4 of adult RBC
C. 1/2 of adult RBC
D. 2/3 of adult RBC
Answer: D
28. Baroreceptor are ?
A. Carotid body
B. Carotid sinus
C. Aortic body
D. None
Answer: B
29. Insulin secretion is normally stimulated by ?
A. GLP-1
B. GLP-2
D. α-adrenergic receptors
Answer: A
30. Insulin mediated glucose transport is seen in ?
A. Adipose tissue
B. Brain
D. Kidney
Answer: A
31. Increased BMR is associated with ?
A. Increased body fat store
B. Increased glycognenesis
C. Increased glycolysis
D. Increased lipogenesis
Answer: C
32. Post-tetanic potentiation is due to
A. Hyperpolarization of muscle fibres
B. Rapid K+ efflux
C. Increased availability of Ca++
D. Rapid Na+ influx
Answer: C
33. Which of the following has small representation in somatosensory area of cerebral cortex ?
A. Lips
B. Thumb/fingers
C. Tongue
D. Trunk
Answer: D
34. Factor X is ?
A. Hageman factor
B. Stuart-Prower factor
C. Christmas factor
D. Tissue factor
Answer: B
35. Resting membrane potential in cardiac muscle ?
A. -70 mV
B. +70 mV
C. -90 mV
D. +90 mV
Answer: C
36. Effect of GLP-1 ?
A. Increased aldosterone secretion by adrenal
B. Increased PTH secretion
C. Increased insulin secretion from beta-cells of pancreas
D. Increased testosterone secretion from Leydig cells
Answer: C
37. Noradrenaline is major neurotransmitter in ?
A. Postganglionic parasympathetic fibres
B. Postganglionic sympathetic fibres except in sweat glands
C. Autonomic ganglia
D. Preganglionic autonomic fibres
Answer: B
38. Gamma globulin are synthesized in ?
A. Liver
B. Spleen
C. Kidney
D. Plasma cells
Answer: D
39. Normal cerebral blood flow in ml/min ?
A. 55
B. 150
C. 750
D. 1000
Answer: C
40. Role of growth hormone in spermatogenesis ?
A. Late division of spermatocytes
B. Early division of spermatogonia
C. Formation of Acrosomes
D. Stimulation of sertoli and Leydig cells
Answer: B
41. Growth hormone has its effect on growth through?
A. Directly
B. IG1-1
C. Thyroxine
D. Intranuclear receptors
Answer: B
42. Growth hormone does not cause ?
A. Gigantism
B. Acromegaly
C. Diabetes mellitus
D. Hypothyroidism
Answer: D
43. Migrating motor complex is due to which GI hormone ?
A. Gastrin
B. Motilin
Answer: B
44. Sensations which are appreciated in thalamus
A. Proprioception
B. Pain & temperature
C. Tactile sensations
D. Pressure
Answer: B
45. NO acts on platelets through ?
B. Adenosine
D. TX-A2
Answer: C
46. Mitral and periglomerular cells are seen in ?
A. Medulla
B. Olfactory bulb
C. Primary visual cortex
D. Geniculate body
Answer: B
47. Derivative of POMC
A. Norepinephrine
B. Dopamine
D. Acetylcholine
Answer: C
48. Preaccelerin is ?
A. Eater II
B. Facter V
C. Facter VII
D. Facter X
Answer: C
49. Which of the following is not an intermediate filament?
A. Keratin
B. Desmin
C. Tubulin
D. Lamin
Answer: C
50. Antimullerian hormone is secreted by ?
A. Granulosa cells
B. Lyedig cells
C. Sertoli cells
D. None
Answer: C
51. Hepcidin inhibits ?
A. Absorption of cobalamine
B. Transfer of iron into enterocytes
C. Folic acid synthesis
D. Respiratory oxidase
Answer: B
52. Stroke volume is increased by ?
A. Increased end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes
B. Decreased end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes
C. Increased end-diastolic volume and decreased end-systolic volume
D. Decrased end-diastolic volume and increased end-systolic volume
Answer: C
53. Effect of infusion of hypotonic saline?
A. Increased ICF only
B. Increased ECF only
C. Increased in both ICF and ECF
D. Increased ICF and decreased ECF
Answer: C
54. Smooth muscle physiology different from skeletal muscle
A. K+ requires for contraction
B. Ca2+ required for contraction
C. Troponin is absent
D. Myosin is required for contraction
Answer: C
55. Normal respiratory compliance is ?
A. 200 ml/cm water
B. 50 ml/cm water
C. 100 ml/cm water
D. 150 ml/cm water
Answer: A
56. Cushing reflex is associated with all except ?
A. Hypotension
B. Increased intracranial pressure
C. Bradycardia
D. Tachyponea
Answer: A
57. Which of the following technique is used to study current flow across a single ion channel?
A. Patch clamp
B. Voltage clamp
C. lontophoresis
D. Galvanometry
Answer: A
58. Poiseuille’s equation states that
A. Blood flow is directly proportion to 2nd power of radius
B. Blood flow is directly proportion to 4th power of radius
C. Blood flow is inversely proportion to 2nd power of radius
D. Blood flow is inversely proportion to 4th power of radius
Answer: B
59. True about calcium reabsorption in the kidney?
A. Most of the calcium reabsorption occurs in DCT
B. Major regulating factor is Parathormone
C. Parathormone decreases calcium reabsorption
D. Increased plasma phosphate decreases calcium reabsorption
Answer: B
60. Which carrier pump is transporting solutes in thick ascending limb of Henle loop?
A. Carrier pump Na-K-2Cl transporter.
B. NaCl- cotransporter
C. Na2+-H+ exchanger
D. Na2+-K+ exchanger
Answer: A
61. What is the partial pressure for oxygen in the inspired air?
A. 116 mm Hg
B. 158 mm Hg
C. 100 mm Hg
D. 0.3 mm Hg
Answer: B
62. What are the cellular contents of cerebellar cortex?
A. Cortical cells
B. Glomus cells
C. Principle cells
D. Intercalated cells
Answer: A
63. Which cells are referred as “Pacemaker cells” with relation to ‘BER’?
A. SA node
B. AV node
C. Interstitial cells of Cajal.
D. Pyramidal cells
Answer: C
64. Testosterone secreted by,
A. Leydig’s cells.
B. Somatotropic cells.
C. Acidophilic cells.
D. Gonadotropic cells
Answer: A
65. Vasopressin acts through which channels in collecting duct?
A. Aquaporin 1
B. Aquaporin 2
D. GLUT – 4
Answer: B
66. True about decorticate rigidity?
A. Removal of cerebral cortex and basal ganglia
B. Flexion of lower limbs & extension of upper limbs
C. Rigidity is less pronounced than decerebrate rigidity
D. None of the above
Answer: C
67. Bainbridge reflux causes?
A. Bradycardia
B. Increased cardiac output
C. Decreased venous return
D. Increased heart rate
Answer: D
68. Golgi tendon organ responsible for?
A. Tension
B. Length
C. Pressure
D. Proprioception
Answer: A
69. Hormone predominately secreted after 14 day on endometrium is?
A. Progesterone
B. Estrogen
Answer: A
70. Peripheral chemoreceptors respond to hypoxia using which channel?
A. Calcium channel
B. Sodium channel
C. Potassium channel
D. Chloride channel
Answer: C
71. With increase in age which of the following is true for lungs?
A. Pulmonary compliance increases
B. Residual volume decreases
C. Mucocillary clearance increases
D. Fibrous of interstitium dreaseses
Answer: A
72. Functional residual volume is?
A. After normal inspiration
B. After normal expiration
C. After forceful expiration
D. After forceful inspiration
Answer: A
73. Polyuria is
A. 70ml/kg
B. 60ml/kg
C. 50ml/kg
D. 40ml/kg
Answer: C
74. Tubuloglomerular feedback control is useful for which one of the following?
B. Plasma sodium
C. Plasma volume
D. Determining tubular secretion
Answer: A
75. Calcitonin levels increased in
A. Hyperthyroidism
B. Hyperparathyroidism
C. Hypoparathyroidism
D. Cushing Syndrome
Answer: B
76. When the values of Fev1=1.3 & FCV=3.9. Which of the following does this signify?
A. Normal lung function
B. Obstructive lung disease
C. Restrictive lung disease
D. Both
Answer: B
77. Antegrade peristalsis due to?
A. Ach
B. Serotonin
C. Substance P
Answer: D
78. C-peptide seen in?
A. In Pre-proinsulin
B. In Proinsulin
C. As a combined entity with insulin after secretion
D. A gastrointestinal proactive molecul
Answer: B
79. In forceful expiration, which of the following neurons gets fired?
C. Pneumotaxic centre
D. Chemoreceptors
Answer: A
80. Slow conduction velocity is seen with which of the following nerve fibers?
A. Preganglionic autonomic nerve fibers
B. Postganglionic autonomic nerve fibers
C. Motor nerves
D. Sympathetic nerve fibers
Answer: B
81. Calculate the ejection fraction from the given volume pressure curve:
A. 40%
B. 50%
C. 55%
D. 60%
Answer: D
82. Chemoreceptors are located in which area?
A. Medulla
B. Arch of aorta
C. Bifurcation of carotid artery
D. All of the above
Answer: D
83. Hormone responsible for BP regulation after a fall due to blood loss.
C. Epinephrine
D. Aldosterone
Answer: A
84.Sodium channels are maximum in which part of neuron ?
A. Soma
B. Axon hillock
C. Dendrites
D. Axon
Answer: B
85. Blood supply of liver [m1/100g/min]
A. 1500-2000
B. 1000-1500
C. 50-60
D. 250-300
Answer: C
86. Conversion of prekallikrein to kallikrein requires which clotting factor A. XIII
D. X
Answer: B
87. The only excitatory neurons in cerebellar cortex are?
A. Purkinje
B. Basket
C. Golgi
D. Granule cells
Answer: D
88. Temperature centre is ?
A. Supraoptic nucleus of hypothalamus
B. Paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus
C. Preoptic nucleus of hypothalamus
D. Suprachiasmatic nucleus of hypothalamus
Answer: C
89. Righting reflex is a ?
A. Cochlear reflex
B. Spinal reflex
C. Vestibular reflex
D. None of the above
Answer: C
90. Biphasic action potential of mixed nerve except?
A. All or none phenomenon
B. Two or more positive peaks
C. Refractory period
D. Recorded on surface
Answer: B
91.Which of the following is/are effect of increased 2,3-DPG on oxygen haemoglobin dissociation curve?
A. ↑ ed affinity of haemoglobin to oxygen
B. ↓ ed affinity of haemoglobin to oxygen
C. Left shift of oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve
D. Right shift of oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve
E. No change in oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve
Answer: B😀
92. True statement relating to compliance of lung:
A. Increased by surfactant
B. Decreased in emphysema
C. At height of inspiration compliance is less
D. It can be measured by measuring intrapleural pressure at different lung volume
E. None
Answer: A:C:D
93. Lipid rafts are seen in?
A. Ribosomes
B. Mitochondria
C. Plasma membrane
Answer: C
94. Marker of endoplasmic reticulum?
A. Acid phosphatase
B. Glucose-6-phosphatase
C. Catalase
Answer: B
95. Following is a feature of simple diffusion?
A. Against a concentration gradient
B. Easy for non-polar substance
C. More in thick membrane
D. Requires carrier protein
Answer: B
96. Most common mechanism for transport into the cell?
A. Diffusion
B. Primary active transport
C. Antiport
D. Cotransport
Answer: A
97. True about Nernst equation?
A. Used to calculate equilibrium potential
B. Calculated for non-ionic solution
C. Nernst potential for Cl is -90 my
D. All are correct
Answer: A
98. Actin is which type of protein?
A. Fibrous
B. Globular
C. Both
D. None
Answer: C
99. Somatic efferent of which arise from medulla?
A. Oculomotor
B. Trochlear
C. Abducent
D. Hypoglossal
Answer: D
100. Third order neurons of sensations from face arise in?
A. Medulla
B. Spinal nucleus of trigeminal
C. Thalamus
D. Brainstem
Answer: C
101. ECF concentration of 1C. is 150 meq/L and ICF concentration of le is 5 meq/L. What is the equilibrium potential for K+ is?
A. +60 mV
B. -60 mV
C. -90 mV
D. +90 mV
Answer: C