1. Most common complication of mid shaft humerus fracture is ?
A. Radial nerve palsy
B. Median nerve palsy
C. Nonunion
D. Malunion
Answer: A
2. Deformity of hip in stage of tubercular synovitis stage is ?
A. Flexion, abduction external rotation
B. Flexion, adduction internal rotation
C. Flexion adduction external rotation
D. Flexion abduction internal rotation
Answer: A
3. Needle shaped crystals negatively birefringent on polarized microscopy is characteristic of which crystal associated arthropathy?
A. Gout
C. Neuropathic arthropathy
D. Hemophilic arthropathy
Answer: A
4. Which of the following is not a feature of rheumatoid arthritis?
A. Heberden nodes
B. Swan neck deformity
C. Ulnar deviation of fingers at metacarpopalyngeal joint
D. Symmetric reduction of joint space
Answer: A
5. Keinbock’s disease is osteochondritis of ?
A. Scaphoid
B. Lunate
C. Calcaneum
D. Tibial tuberosity
Answer: B
6. Metaphyseal fracture touching physis but not crossing it, comes under which type of Salter Harris physeal injury?
A. I
Answer: B
7. Motorcyclist’s fracture is ?
A. Stellate fracture across base of skull
B. Transverse fracture across base of skull
C. Lamina fracture of CI vertebra
D. Spinous process fracture of C7 vertebra
Answer: B
8. Which among the following is not a feature of Unhappy triad of 0′ Donoghue?
A. ACL injury
B. Medial meniscus injury
C. Medial collateral ligament injury
D. Fibular collateral ligament injury
Answer: D
9. Which is the commonest true benign bone tumor?
A. Osteoid osteoma
B. Hemangioma
C. Osteochondroma
D. Enchondroma
Answer: A
10. Which of the following is true about hallux valgus?
A. Great toe points laterally
B. Great toe points medially
C. Lateral angulation of the 1 stmetatarsophalyngeal joint
D. Dorsal angulation of the lstmetatarsophalyngeal joint
Answer: A
11. Jaipur foot was invented by ?
A. P. K. Sethi
B. S. K. Verma
C. B. L. Sehgal
D. H. R. Gupta
Answer: A
12. Test used for prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc is
A. Active straight leg raising test
B. Lasegue test
C. Thomas test
D. Apley’s grinding test
Answer: B
13. Lumbar canal stenosis presents as ?
A. Claudication
B. Scoliotic deformity
C. Kyphotic deformity
D. Radiculopathy
Answer: A
14. Callus formation is seen between what duration of fracture healing ?
A. 0 – 2 weeks
B. 2 – 4 weeks
C. 4 – 12 weeks
D. 12 – 16 weeks
Answer: C
15. In osteogenic sarcoma predominant histological finding is ?
A. Giant cells
B. Osteoid forming tumor cells
C. Fibroblastic proliferation
D. Chondroblasts
Answer: B
16. Osteoporosis is characterized by all the following except ?
A. Decreased bone mineral density
B. Decreased Serum Calcium, phosphorus and alkaline
phosphatase is seen
C. Glucocorticoids can cause osteoposis
D. Dorsolumbar spine is the most coomon site of osteoporotic
Answer: B
17. Arthritis involving DIP, PIP, 1st carpometacarpal with sparing of MCP and wrist joints is typical of ?
A. Osteoarthritis
B. Rheumatoid arthritis
C. Ankylosing spondylitis
D. Psoriatic arthritis
Answer: A
18. Sunderland classification is used for ?
A. Nerve injury
B. Muscle injury
C. Tendon injury
D. Ligament injury
Answer: A
19. Index finger infection spreads to ?
A. Thenar space
B. Mid palmar space
C. Hypothenar space
D. Flexion space
Answer: A
20. Pipkin’s classification system is used for ?
A. Fracture femur head
B. Fracture femur shaft
C. Fracture proximal tibia
D. Fracture calcaneum
Answer: A
21. Tinel sign is seen in ?
A. Nerve degeneration
B. Nerve regeneration
C. Muscle degeneration
D. Muscle regeneration
Answer: B
22. Dinner fork deformity is seen in?
A. Colle’s fracture
B. March fracture
C. Lateral condyle fracture
D. Supracondylar fracture
Answer: A
23. Tennis elbow is characterized by ?
A. Tenderness over the medial epicondyle
B. Tendinits of common extensor origin
C. Tendinitis of common flexor origin
D. Painful flexion and extension
Answer: B
24. False about osteoarthritis is ?
A. Involves synovial joints
B. Progressive softening of the articular cartilage
C. It is an inflammatory arthritis
D. Marginal osteophytes are produced
Answer: C
25. Tardy ulnar nerve palsy is seen in
A. Medial condyle # humerus
B. Lateral condyle # humerus
C. Humerus shaft fracture
D. Fracture shaft radius
Answer: B
26. Ankle sprain due to forced inversion of a plantar flexed foot is due to injury to
A. Anterior talofibular ligament
B. Posterior talofibular ligament
C. Calcaneofibular ligament
D. Posterior fibres of deltoid
Answer: A
27. Gallows traction is used for fracture:
A. Shaft femur
B. Neck femur
C. Shaft tibia
D. Tibial tuberosity
Answer: A
28. True about ankylosing spondylitis are all except ?
A. Affects males
B. 3 0-40yrs
C. 90% HLA-B5
D. Bamboo spine
Answer: C
29. In extension type of supracondylar fracture, the usual displacement
A. Anterolateral
B. Anterolateral
C. Posteromedial
D. Posterolateral
Answer: D
30. In Articular cartilage, most active chondrocytes are seen in ?
A. Zone 1
B. Zone 2
C. Zone 3
D. Zone 4
Answer: C
31. Most common cause of neuropathic joint ?
A. Leprosy
B. ) Tabes dorsalis
C. Diabetes
D. Nerve injury
Answer: C
32. Most common nerve used for nerve conduction study in H reflex ?
A. Median nerve
B. Ulnar nerve
C. Tibial nerve
D. Peroneal nerve
Answer: C
33. Moth eaten bone is ?
A. Osteoid osteoma
B. Multiple myeloma
C. Eosinophilic granuloma
D. Chondromyxoid fibroma
Answer: B
34. Commonest ligament injured in ankle injury ?
A. Anterior talofibular ligament
B. Calcaneofibular ligament
C. Posterior talofibular ligament
D. Spring ligament
Answer: A
35. Flexor tendon graft repair graft is taken from ?
A. Plantaris
B. Palmaris longus
C. Extensor digitorum
D. Extensor indicis
Answer: D
36. Insal-Salvati index is used for ?
A. Olecranon
B. Patella
C. Talus
D. Scaphoid
Answer: B
37. Intramembranous ossification is seen in which bones?
A. Pelvis
B. Long bones
C. Maxilla
D. None
Answer: C
38. Radiological sign in case of Perthe’s disease ?
A. Epiphyseal calcification
B. Organized calcification
C. Lateral subluxation femur head
D. Restriction of abduction
Answer: B
39. True about proximal fragment in supratrochantric fracture is ?
A. Flexion
B. Abduction
C. External rotation
D. All the above
Answer: D
40. Anterolateral arthroscopy of knee is for ?
A. To see patella femoral articulation
B. To see the posterior cruciate ligament
C. To see the anterior portion of lateral meniscus
D. To see the periphery of the posterior horn of medial
Answer: A
41. Dripping Candle Wax lesion on spine ?
A. Metastasis
B. TB spine
C. Osteopterosis
D. Melorheostosis
Answer: D
42. Cause of Coxa vera ?
A. Congenital
B. Perthe’s disease
D. All of the above
Answer: A
43. Bunion is commonly seen at ?
A. Great toe MTP joint
B. Medial malleolus
C. Lateral Malleolus
D. Shin of tibia
Answer: A
44. Most common type of shoulder dislocation is ?
A. Preglenoid
B. Subcoracoid
C. Subclavicular
D. Posterior
Answer: A
45. Pencil in cup deformity is seen in ?
A. Rheumatoid arthritis
B. Ankylosing spondylitis
D. Psoriatic arthritis
Answer: D
46. All are true about aneurismal bone cyst except ?
A. Eccentric
B. Expansile & lytic
C. Treated by simple curettage
D. Metaphysis of long bones
Answer: C
47. Painful arc syndrome is caused by impingement of ?
A. Sub acromial bursa
B. Sub deltoid bursa
C. Rotator cuff tendon
D. Biceps tendon
Answer: C
48. The father of joint replacement surgery is ?
A. Manning
B. Girdlestone
C. Charnley
D. Ponseti
Answer: C
49. Halopelvic traction is used for correcting which deformity
A. Spine
B. Pectus Carinatum
C. Spondyloptosis
D. Coxa Vara
Answer: A
50. Game keepers thumb is ?
A. Thumb metacarpophalangeal joint ulnar collateral ligament
B. Thumb metacarpophalangeal joint radial collateral ligament
C. Thumb interphalangeal joint ulnar collateral ligament rupture
D. Thumb interphalangeal joint radial collateral ligament rupture
Answer: A
51. Von-Rosen’s sign is positive in ?
A. Perthe’s disease
Answer: C
52. Which of the following is not a diarthrosis ?
A. Elbow joint
B. Interphalangeal joint
C. Skull sutures
D. Hip joint
Answer: C
53. Block vertebrae are seen in ?
A. Pagets disease
B. Leukemia
D. Klippel – Feil syndrome
Answer: D
54. Bulge sign in knee joint is seen after how much fluid accumulation ?
A. 100m1
B. 400m1
C. 200m1
D. <30 ml
Answer: D
55. Splint used in CTEV after correction ?
A. Bohler-Brown splint
B. Thomas splint
C. Dennis Brown splint
D. None of the above
Answer: C
56. Which of the following is least likely associated with vascular injury ?
A. Fracture supracondylar femur
B. Fracture supracondylar humerus
C. Fracture shaft of femur
D. Fracture shiaft humerus
Answer: D
57. Turn-buckle cast is used for ?
A. Fracture shaft humerus
B. Fracture shaft femur
C. Scoliosis
D. Cervical spine injury
58. Frozen pelvis is seen in ?
A. Osteoarthritis
B. Potts disease
C. Actinomycosis
D. Reiters disease
Answer: B
59. All are true about chronic osteomyelitis except ?
A. Reactive new bone formation
B. Cloaca is an opening in involucrum
C. Involucrum is dead bone
D. Sequestrum is hard and porus
Answer: C
60. Ischial bursitis is also known as ?
A. Clergyman’s knee
B. Housemaid’s knee
C. Weaver’s bottom
D. Students elbow
Answer: A
61. Articular cartilage, true is ?
A. Very vascular structure
B. Surrounded by thick perichondrium
C. Has no nerve supply
D. Fibrocartilage
Answer: C
62. Essex lopresti lesion in upper limb
A. Injury to interosseous membrane
B. Radial head and DER fracture
C. Radial shaft
D. Radial shaft and radio-ulnar joint fracture
Answer: A
63. Brodie’s abscess is ?
A. Acute osteomyelitis
B. Subacute osteomyelitis
C. Chronic osteomyelitis
D. Septic arthritis
Answer: C
64. Fracture of proximal forearm cast position is ?
A. Pronated flexion
B. Neutral position
C. Supinated position
D. Position does not matter
Answer: C
65. Which of the following movements is restricted in Perthe’s disease
A. Adduction & external rotation
B. Abduction & external rotation
C. Adduction & internal rotation
D. Abduction & internal rotation
Answer: D
66. Windswept deformity in foot is seen in ?
A. Rickets
C. Hyperparathyroidism
D. Scurvy
Answer: B
67. True Supracondylar fracture of femur?
A. Type A
B. Type B
C. Type C
D. Type D
Answer: A
68. All are true about menisci of knee joint except
A. Lateral meniscus covers more articular surface of tibiab) Lateral meniscus is more mobile
C. Lateral meniscus is more prone to injury
D. Lateral meniscus is semicircular
Answer: C
69. Garden spade deformity is seen in ?
A. Barton’s fracture
B. Colle’s fracture
C. Smith’s fracture
D. Bennet’s fracture
Answer: C
70. Dignostic sign of a fracture
A. Abnormal mobility at fracture site
B. Pain at the fracture site
C. Tenderness
D. Swelling
Answer: A
71. Fracture neck femur cause of nonunion?
A. Injury to blood supply with shearing stress
B. Poor nutrition of the patient
C. Smoking
D. Old age and osteoporosis
Answer: A
72. Exsanguinating blood loss in?
A. Closed humerus fracture
B. Closed tibia fracture
C. Open femur fracture
D. Open humerus fracture
Answer: C
73. Which of the following is an orthopedic emergency?
A. Intraarticular fracture
B. Septic arthritis
C. Fracture lateral condyle humerus
D. Fracture neck femur
Answer: B
74. Aeroplane splint is used in ?
A. Radial nerve injury
B. Ulnar nerve injury
C. Brachial plexus injury
D. Scoliosis
Answer: C
75. Commonest malignant tumor of skeletal system ?
A. Multiple myeloma
B. Metastasis
C. Osteosarcoma
D. Chondrosarcoma
Answer: B
76. Poor prognostic indicator of Pott’s paraplegia
A. Early onset
B. Active disease
C. Healed disease
D. Wet lesion
Answer: C
77. Picture frame vertebra is seen in ?
A. Paget’s disease
B. Osteopetrosis
C. Osteoporosis
D. Ankylosing spondylitis
Answer: A
78. Barton’s fracture is ?
A. Fracture distal end humerus
B. Extra-articular fracture distal end radius
C. Intra-articular fracture distal end radius
D. Intra-articular fracture distal end radius with carpal bone
Answer: A
79. Short 4th metacarpal is a feature of
A. Hyperparathyroidism
B. Hyperparathyroidism
C. Pseudohypoparathyroidism
D. Scleroderma
Answer: C
80. Most common site of osteochondritis dessicans ?
A. Lateral part of the medial femoral condyle
B. Medial part of the medial femoral condyle
C. Lateral part of the lateral femoral condyle
D. Medial part of the lateral femoral condyle
Answer: A
81. All are common sites of primary for bone metastasis except
A. Breast
B. Breast
C. Brain
D. Brain
Answer: C
82. Madelung’s deformity involves
A. Humerus
B. Proximal ulna
C. Distal radius
D. Carpals
Answer: C
83. Common causes of vertebra plana
B. Eosinophilic granuloma
C. Metastasis
D. All of the above
Answer: A
84. DISC prolapse is common at all site except ?
A. L4 – L5
B. L5 – S1
C. C6 – C7
D. T3 – T4
Answer: D
85. Aspirated synovial fluid in septic arthritis will have?
A. Clear color
B. High viscosity
C. Markedly increased polymorphonuclear leukocytes
D. None of the above
Answer: C
86. Which can cause loose body in the joint
B. Ankylosing spondylitis
Answer: C
87. Salter’s pelvic osteotomy is done for treatment of ?
D. None
Answer: C
88. All are features of Paget’s disease except ?
A. Defect in osteoclasts
B. Common in female
C. Can cause deafness
D. Can cause osteosarcoma
Answer: B
89. Deformity in transient synovitis of Hip ?
A. Abduction
B. Flexion
C. External rotation
D. All of the above
Answer: D
90. Rocker bottom foot is due to ?
A. Overtreatment of CTEV
B. Malunited fracture calcaneum
C. Horizontal talus
D. Neural tube defect
Answer: A
91. Hangman’s fracture is ?
A. Subluxation of C5 over C6
B. Fracture dislocation of C2
C. Fracture dislocation of ankle joint
D. Fracture of odontoid
Answer: B
92. Most common cause of kyphotic deformity ?
A. Trauma
B. Osteoporosis
C. Ankylosing spondylitis
D. Rickets
Answer: B
93. Saturday night palsy is which type of nerve injury?
A. Neuropraxia
B. Axonotemesis
C. Neurotemesis
D. Complete section
Answer: A
94. Common fractures in children are all except ?
A. Lacteral condyle humerus
B. Supracondylar humerus
C. Fracture of hand
D. Radius-ulna fracture
Answer: C
95. Most common site of myositis ossificans ?
A. Knee
B. Elbow
C. Shoulder
D. Wrist
Answer: B
96. Thurston Holland sign is seen in ?
A. Type I
B. Type II
C. Type III
D. Type IV
Answer: B
97.Which part of scaphoid fracture is most susceptible to avascular necrosis?
A. Distal 1/3rd
B. Middle 1/3rd
C. Proximal 1/3rd
D. Scaphoid Tubercle
Answer: C
98. Pott’s puffy tumor:
A. Subperiosteal abscess of frontal bone
B. Subperiosteal abscess of ethmoid bone
C. Mucocele of frontal bone
D. Mucocele of ethmoid bone
Answer: A
99. Scissor gait is seen in which of the following condition:
A. Polio
B. Cerebral palsy
C. Hyperbilirubinemia
D. Hyponatremia
Answer: B
100. Most common joint involved in septic arthritis:
A. Knee
B. Hip
C. Shoulder
D. Elbow
Answer: A
101. Painful arc syndrome pain is felt during ?
A. Mid abduction
B. Initial abduction
C. Full range of abduction
D. Overhead abduction
Answer: A
102. True about Tenosynovitis of finger ?
A. Fingers held in mild extension / Extension deformity at the involved fingers.
B. Tenosynovitis of little finger will spread to thumb rather than ring finger.
C. With involvement of little finger the infection can spread to the index finger.
D. Treatment is conservative.
Answer: B