1. Maximum contribution to the floor of orbit is by:
A. Maxillary
B. Zygomatic
C. Sphenoid
D. Palatine
Answer: A
2. Structures passing through Calot’s triangle are all EXCEPT:
A. Portal vein
B. Cystic artery
C. Right hepatic artery
D. Lymph node of Lund
Answer: A
3. Which is a typical intercostal nerve?
A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Seventh
Answer: C
4. Trendelenburg test is positive due to injury to which of the following nerve?
A. Obturator
B. Sciatic
C. Superior Gluteal
D. Inferior Gluteal
Answer: C
5. Lateral boundary of cubital fossa is formed by:
A. Brachioradialis
B. Pronator teres
C. Brachialis
D. Biceps
Answer: A
6. All of the following are structures associated with pterygopalatine fossa, EXCEPT:
A. Pterygopalatine ganglion
B. Mid third of maxillary artery
C. Maxillary nerve
D. Greater petrosal nerve
Answer: B
7. Which of the following is NOT a branch of 1st part of maxillary artery?
A. Middle meningeal artery
B. Accessory meningeal artery
C. Inferior alveolar artery
D. Greater palatine artery
Answer: D
8. Ophthalmic artery is a branch of ?
A. Cavernous part of ICA
B. Cerebral part of ICA
D. Facial artery
Answer: B
9. Postganglionic fibres to parotid gland is supplied by?
A. Glossopharyngeal nerve
B. Auriculotemporal nerve
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
Answer: B
10. Sensory supply to tongue is by all, EXCEPT?
A. Lingual nerve
B. Vagus nerve
C. Glossopharyngeal nerve
D. None of the above
Answer: D
11. Cranial part of accessory nerve supplies all palatal muscles, EXCEPT?
A. Palatoglossus
B. Palato pharyngeus
C. Tensor veli palatini
D. Tensor veli tympani
Answer: C
12. A patient is found to have a melanoma originating in the skin of the left Aforearm. After removal of the tumor from the forearm, all axillary lymph nodes lateral to the medial edge of the pectoralis minor muscle are removed. Which axillary nodes would not be removed?
A. Apical lymph nodes
B. Central lymph nodes
C. Lateral lymph nodes
D. Pectoral lymph nodes
Answer: A
13. A patient has a herniated intervertebral disc impinging on the right C5 nerveroots.M Which of the following movements would most likely be affected?
A. Extension of the fingers
B. Extension of the shoulder
C. Flexion of the elbow
D. Flexion of the wrist
Answer: C
14. All are true about femoral triangle, EXCEPT?
A. Lateral margin is formed by sartorius
B. Floor is formed by adductor longus
C. Contains the femoral vessels
D. None of the above
Answer: D
15. In walking, gravity tends to tilt pelvis and trunk to the unsupported side, major Infactor in preventing this unwanted movement is?
A. Adductor muscles
B. Quadriceps
C. Gluteus maximus
D. Gluteus medius and minimus
Answer: D
16.Which of the following represent the commonest variation in the arteries arising from the arch of aorta?
A. Absence of brachiocephalic trunk
B. Left vertebral artery arising from the arch
C. Presence of retroesophageal subclavian artery
D. Left common carotid artery arising from brachiocephalic trunk
Answer: D
17. Which among the following is NOT a branch of Arch of Aorta?
A. Brachiocephalic
B. Right common carotid
C. Left common carotid
D. Left Subclavian
Answer: B
18. The key to the root of the neck is the scalenus anterior muscle. Which among the following is TRUE about scalenus anterior?
A. Not Pierced by phrenic nerve
B. Attached to scalene tubercle on 2nd rib
C. Separates subclavian artery from subclavian vein
D. Pierced by phrenic nerve
Answer: A
19. Most common diaphragmatic hernia is:
A. Bochdalek hernia
B. Morgagni hernia
C. Paraesophagel hernia
D. None of the above
Answer: A
20. Boundary of the Koch’s triangle is not formed by?
A. Tricuspid valve ring
B. Coronary sinus
C. Tendon of todaro
D. Limbus fossa ovalis
Answer: D
21.Esophagus is constricted at 4 anatomic locations. Narrowest part of esophagus lies at which of the following constriction?
A. At the level of cricopharyngeal sphincter
B. At the crossing of aortic arch
C. At the crossing of left bronchus
D. At the level of opening in the diaphragm
Answer: A
22. Sympathetic supply to the heart arises from which of the following spinal segments?
A. T1 to T5
B. T2 to T6
C. T3 to T7
D. T4 to T8
Answer: A
23. All of the following are branches of splenic artery, except?
A. Hilar branches
B. Short Gastric Artery
C. Arteria Pancreatica Magna
D. Right Gastroepiploic Artery
Answer: D
24. Aofpatient with external hemorrhoids develops pain while passing stools. Which the following nerve mediating this pain?
A. Pudendal nerve
B. Hypogastric nerve
C. Sympathetic plexus
D. Splanchnic visceral nerve
Answer: A
25. The boundaries of the interconnection between greater sac and lesser sac of peritoneum known as ‘Foramen of Winslow’ are all, EXCEPT:
A. Caudate lobe of liver
B. Inferior vena cava
C. Free border of lesser omentum
D. 4th part of Duodenum
Answer: D
26. What is the number of layers in greater omentum?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer: D
27. All pass through deep inguinal ring, EXCEPT?
A. Spermatic cord
B. Internal spermatic fascia
C. Round ligament
D. Ilioinguinal nerve
Answer: D
28. All of the following arteries are the branches of coeliac trunk, EXCEPT?
A. Left gastric artery
B. Right gastric artery
C. Splenic artery
D. Hepatic artery
Answer: B
29. Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery is a branch of which of the following artery?
A. Splenic artery
B. Left gastric artery
C. Gastroduodenal artery
D. Superior mesenteric artery
Answer: D
30. Portal vein is formed by union of which of the following veins?
A. Superior mesenteric vein & Splenic vein
B. Superior mesenteric vein & inferior mesenteric vein
C. Inferior mesenteric vein & Splenic vein
D. inferior mesenteric vein & Hepatic vein
Answer: A
31. Uvula vesicae seen in bladder is formed from the following structure ?
A. Median lobe of prostate
B. Lateral lobe of prostate
C. Anterior lobe of prostate
D. Posterior lobe of prostate
Answer: A
32. Facial nerve is a derivative of which of the following branchial arch?
A. First arch
B. Second arch
C. Third arch
D. Fourth arch
Answer: B
33. Which of the following nuclei belong to the general visceral afferent column?
A. Facial nerve nucleus
B. Trigeminal nucleus
C. Dorsal nucleus of vagus
D. Nucleus ambiguus
Answer: C
34. Which of the following statement regarding cell division is NOT TRUE?
A. Produces haploid number of chromosomes
B. Produces same number of chromosomes
C. Produces 2 cells
D. None of the above
Answer: A
35. All the following features are seen in neurons from dorsal root ganglia, EXCEPT:
A. They are multipolar
B. They contain lipofuscin granules
C. They have centrally located nuclei
D. They are derived from neural crest cells
Answer: A
36. Suprarenal gland gets its blood supply from all of the following arteries except:
A. Aorta
B. Renal artery
C. Inferior phrenic artery
D. Superior mesentric artery
Answer: D
37. Internal anal sphincter is a apart of:
A. Puborectalis muscle
B. Deep perineal muscles
C. Internal longitudinal fibers
D. Internal circular fibers
Answer: D
38. During incision & drainage of ischiorectal abscess, which nerve is/are affected/injured:
A. Superior rectal nerve
B. Inferior rectal nerve
C. Superior gluteal nerve
D. Inferior gluteal nerve
Answer: B
39. Which structure(s) passes behind the inguinal ligament:
A. Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve
B. Femoral vein
C. Psoas major
D. All
Answer: D
40. Structure crossing dorsal surface of ischial spine are A/E :
A. Internal pudendal vessel
B. Pudendal nerve
C. Obturator nerve
D. Nerve to obturator internus
Answer: C
41. The muscles attached to perineal body are A/E
A. Ischiocavernosum
B. Bulbospongiosm
C. Superficial transverse perinea
D. Deep transverse perinea
Answer: A
42. All are components of Spermatic cord except :
A. Poupart’s ligament
B. Genito-femoral nerve
C. Vas deferens
D. Pampiniform plexus
Answer: A
43. Shortest part of male urethra is :
A. Prostatic
B. Membranous
C. Bulbar
D. Penile
Answer: B
44. Posterior communicating artery a branch of
A. Internal carotid
B. External carotid
C. Middle cerebral
D. Posterior superior cerebellar
Answer: A
45. All are lateral branches of abdominal aorta, EXCEPT
A. Right testicular artery
B. Left renal artery
C. Inferior mesenteric artery
D. Middle suprarenal artery
Answer: C
46. Arterial branches which supply the head and neck of the femur is/are:
A. Medial circumflex artery
B. Lateral circumflex artery
C. Profunda femoris artery
D. All
Answer: D
47. True about Corpus callosum :
A. Unite far area of two sides of brain
B. Connect two frontal lobe
C. Unite two hemisphere
D. All
Answer: D
48. All are neural plate inducers except
A. Notochord appearance
B. High BMP
C. FGF upregulation
D. Prechordal mesoderm
Answer: B
49. Structures derived from the neural crest are?
A. Pia
B. Dental papillae
C. Adrenal medulla
D. All of the above
Answer: D
50. Jelly formed around the heart tube during early development, contributes to the formation of:
A. Pericardium
B. Mesocardium
C. Myocardium
D. Endocardium
Answer: C
51. Primary and secondary palates are divided by
A. Greater palatine foramen
B. Canine teeth
C. Alveolar arch
D. Incisive foramen
Answer: D
52. ‘Obstruction of Inferior vena cava’ presents :
A. Paraumblical dilatation
B. Thoraco-epigastric dilatation
C. Oesophagus varies
D. Haemorrhoides
Answer: A
53. The right suprarenal vein drains into the
A. Inferior vena cava
B. Right renal vein
C. Right Gonadal vein
D. Left Renal vein
Answer: A
54. True about the anatomy of great saphenous vein:
A. Starts as a continuation of medial marginal vein
B. Ends of femoral vein 2.5 cm below the inguinal ligament
C. There are 2 – 5 valves below the knee.
D. Ascends 2.5 – 3 cm behind tibial malleolus
Answer: A
55. Lymphatic drainage of cervix is to
A. Iliac lymph nodes
B. Para aortic lymph nodes
C. Superficial inguinal lymph nodes
D. Deep inguinal lymph nodes
Answer: A
56. The thoracic duct crosses from the right to the left at the level of
A. T12 vertebra
B. T 6 vertebra
C. T5 vertebra
D. T2 vertebra
Answer: C
57. Which of the following prevents hyperextension of thigh
A. Ischiofemoral ligament
B. Iliofemoral ligament
C. Patellofemoral ligament
D. Puboischial ligament
Answer: B
58. Deltoid ligament is attached to all except:
A. Medial malleolus
B. Medial cuneiform
C. spring ligament
D. sustentaculum tali
Answer: B
59. Ansa nephroni is lined by ?
A. Columnar
B. Squamous epithelium
C. Cuboidal and columnar epithelium
D. Stratified squamous epithelium
Answer: B
60. Auerbachs plexus is present in the
A. Colon
B. Esophagus
C. Stomach
D. All of the above
Answer: D
61. Intercalated disc is present in:
A. Cardiac muscle
B. Smooth muscle
C. Skeletal muscle
D. All
Answer: A
62. Which is true about synovial joint ?
A. Stability is inversely proportional to mobility
B. Hyaline cartilage covers articular surface of all synovial joints.
C. Metacarpo-phalangeal joint is a hinge joint
D. “Cartilage usually divides the joint into two cavities”.
Answer: A
63. What is the uppermost structure in left lung hilum?
A. Pulmonary artery
B. Pulmonary vein
C. Bronchial artery
D. Left mainstem bronchus
Answer: A
64. Level of lower border of lung at mid axillary line is
A. 6th rib
B. 8th rib
C. 10th rib
D. 12th rib
Answer: B
65. True about anatomy of right ventricle:
A. TV & PV Share fibrous continuity
B. More prominent trabeculation
C. Crista supraventricularis Separate Tricuspid valve & Pulmonary
valve and Apex trabeculated both
D. All
Answer: D
66. Which of the following is not supplied by the anterior division of mandibular nerve (V3)?
A. Temporalis
B. Medial pterygoid
C. Lateral pterygoid
D. Masseter
Answer: B
67. Nerve supply of stapedius is:
A. 2nd nerve
B. 3rd nerve
C. 5th nerve
D. 7th nerve
Answer: D
68. Small muscles of hand are supplied by:
A. C3
B. C4
C. C6
D. C5-7 , C-8 to T1
Answer: D
69. Nerve damaged due to lunate dislocation (in carpal tunnel):
A. Median & ulnar
B. Median
C. Ulnar
D. Radial
Answer: B
70. Tibial nerve injury/palsy causes:
A. Dorsiflexion of foot at ankle joint
B. Planter flexion of the foot at ankle joint
C. Loss of sensation of dorsum of foot
D. Paralysis of muscles of anterior compartment of leg
Answer: A
71. A patient presents with defective adduction of the hip joint and pains in the hip and knee joint. Which nerve is involved
A. Obturator nerve
B. Femoral nerve
C. Saphenous nerve
D. Sciatic nerve
Answer: A
72. All the following are characteristics of oculomotor nerve except:
A. Carries parasympathetic nerve fibres
B. Supplies inferior oblique muscle
C. Enters orbit through the inferior orbital fissure
D. Causes constriction of pupil
Answer: C
73. Locking of knee joint can be caused by:
A. Osgood Schlatter
B. Loose body in knee joint
C. Tuberculosis of knee
D. a and b both
Answer: D
74. Primordial germ cells are derived from:
A. Neural crest
B. Genital ridge
C. Somatopleuritic mesoderm
D. Yolk sac
Answer: D
75. Ligamentum arteriosum is derived from:
A. Ductus arteriosus
B. Ductus venosus
C. Ductus utriculosaccularis
D. Ductus reunions
Answer: A
76. Trigone of urinary bladder develops from:
A. Mesoderm
B. Ectoderm
C. Endoderm of urachus
D. None of the above
Answer: A
77. Structure passes through upper triangular space:
A. Profunda brachii
B. Anterior circumflex humeral artery
C. Posterior circumflex humeral artery
D. Circumflex scapular artery
Answer: D
78. Nerve roots involved in Erb’s palsy:
A. C5, C6
B. C6, C7
C. C7,C8,T1
D. C5,C6,C7,C8,T1
Answer: A
79. Structure passing deep to flexor retinaculum at wrist:
A. Ulnar nerve
B. Median nerve
C. Radial nerve
D. Ulnar artery
Answer: B
80. Azygous vein drains into:
A. Right subcostal vein
B. Superior vena cava
C. Braciocephalic
D. Right ascending lumbar vein
Answer: B
81. Arch of aorta begins and ends at which level:
A. T2
B. T3
C. T4
D. T5
Answer: C
82. Azygos vein drains into:
A. Left brachiocephalic vein
B. Inferior vena cava
C. Superior vena cava
D. Right brachiocephalic vein
Answer: C
83. Vein used in bypass Surgery:
A. Great saphenous vein
B. Short saphenous vein
C. Femoral vein
D. Brachial vein
Answer: A
84. Superficial inguinal ring is a defect in the:
A. Internal oblique aponeurosis
B. External oblique aponeurosis
C. Transverse abdominis aponeurosis
D. Internal oblique muscle
Answer: B
85. True about fallopian tubes are all except :
A. Lined by cuboidal epithelium
B. Isthmus is the narrower part of the tube that links to the uterus
C. Tubal ostium is the point where the tubal canal meets the
peritoneal cavity
D. MUllerian ducts develops in females into the Fallopian tubes
Answer: A
86. Ovarian artery is a branch of:
A. Renal artery
B. Internal iliac artery
C. Abdominal part of the aorta
D. External iliac artery
Answer: C
87. Parotid duct opens opposite to:
A. Upper 1st molar
B. Upper 2nd molar
C. Upper 2nd premolar
D. Upper 1st premolar
Answer: B
88. Largest cranial nerve is:
A. Trochlear
B. Trigeminal
C. Oculomotor
D. Vagus
Answer: B
89. Nucleus ambiguus is not associated with which cranial nerve:
A. X
Answer: D
90. Which of the following is not the part of ethmoid bone?
A. Agger nasi
B. Crista galli
C. Uncinate process
D. Inferior turbinate
Answer: D
91. Meckel’s cave is related to ?
A. Submandibular ganglion
B. Trigeminal ganglion
C. Otic ganglion
D. Pterygopalatine ganglion
Answer: B
92. Medulla oblongata is derived from ?
A. Telencephalon
B. Diencephalon
C. Mesencephalon
D. Myelencephalon
Answer: D
93. Morula is how many celled A. 4
B. 8
C. 12
D. 16
Answer: D
94. Anterior interosseous nerve is a branch of?
A. Radial nerve
B. Median nerve
C. Ulnar nerve
D. Axillary nerve
Answer: B
95. Olecranon process of ulna helps in formation of?
A. Radial notch
B. Trochlear notch
C. Olecranon fossa
D. Coronoid fossa.
Answer: B
96. True about cremasteric reflex?
A. Afferent: genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
B. Efferent: genital branch of genitofermoral nerve
C. Efferent: femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve
D. Afferent: pudendal nerve
Answer: B
97. Longest spinous process is seen in ?
A. C2
B. C4
C. C5
D. C7
Answer: D
98. Malleus and incus are derived from ?
A. 1st Arch
B. 2nd Arch
C. 3rd Arch
D. 4th Arch
Answer: A
99. First rib is not related to ?
A. Sympathetic chain
B. Scalenus anterior
C. Suprapleural membrane
D. T2 Nerve
Answer: D
100. Optic cup is derived from ?
A. Neural ectoderm
B. Surface ectoderm
C. Mesoderm
D. Neural crest
Answer: A
101. Pyramidalis is supplied by ?
A. Subcostal nerve
B. Ilioinguinal nerve
C. Iliohypogastric nerve
D. Genitofemoral nerve
Answer: A
102. Excretory system of kidney is derived from ?
A. Ureteric bud
B. Mesonephros
C. Metanephros
D. None
Answer: C
103. Derivative of vitelline vein?
C. Ligamentum venosum
D. Ligamentum teres
Answer: A
104. Sternochondral joint is ?
A. Primary cartilaginous
B. Secondary cartilaginous
C. Fibrous
D. Synovial
Answer: A
105. Sweat gland near the lid margins
A. Moll
B. Zeis
C. Meibomian
D. Krause
Answer: A
106. Anterior lymphatics from the nose drain into ?
A. Pretracheal nodes
B. Submandibular nodes
C. Sublingual nodes
D. Superficial cervical nodes
Answer: B
107. Appendices epiploicae is seen in all part of large intestine except
A. Sigmoid colon
B. Ascending colon
C. Caecum
D. Transverse colon
Answer: C
108. Innervated structures of joints are all except ?
A. Synovium
B. Capsule
C. Articular cartilage
D. Ligaments
Answer: C
109. Not true about inferior extensor retinaculum?
A. Y shaped
B. Superior slip attached to lower end of fibula
C. Inferior slip attached to deep fascia of sole
D. Lateral attached to calcaneum
Answer: B
110. Inferior rectal artery is a branch of?
A. Inferior mesenteric artery
B. Superior mesenteric artery
C. Coeliac trunk
D. Internal pudendal artery
Answer: D
111. Superficial epigastric artery is a branch of?
A. Internal pudendal artery
B. External pudendal artery
C. Internal iliac artery
D. Femoral artery
Answer: D
112. Inferior epigastric vein drains into?
A. Femoral vein
B. External iliac vein
C. Internal iliac vein
D. Internal pudendal vein
Answer: B
113. Superior rectal vein drains into?
A. Inferior mesenteric vein
B. External iliac vein
C. Internal iliac vein
D. Internal pudendal vein
Answer: A
114. Killian’s dehisence is seen in ?
A. Oropharynx
B. Nasopharynx
C. Cricopharynx
D. Vocal cords
Answer: C
115. Fossa incudis is related to ?
A. Head of malleus
B. Long process of incus
C. Short process of incus
D. Foot process of stapes
Answer: C
116. Unpaired laryngeal cartilage ?
A. Arytenoid
B. Corniculate
C. Cuneiform
D. Epiglottis
Answer: D
117. Which is the only nerve which exits the brainstem on dorsal side ?
A. Facial
B. Trigeminal
C. Trochlear
D. Abducent
Answer: C
118. Ureteric bud arises from ?
A. Paramesonephric Dut
B. Mullerian duct
C. Mesonephric duct
D. Mesonephric tubule
Answer: C
119. Pisiform articulates with A. Scaphoid
B. Trapezium
C. Triquetral
D. Lunate
Answer: C
120. True about popliteus are all except?
A. Flexor of knee
B. Intracapsular origin
C. Supplied by tibial nerve
D. Causes locking of knee
Answer: D
121. 1st carpometacarpal joint is?
A. Pivot
B. Hinge
C. Ball and Socket
D. Saddle
Answer: D
122. Most common location of accessory spleen?
A. Hilum of spleen
B. Greater omentum
C. Lesser omentum
D. None
Answer: A
123. Testis lies at deep inguinal ring upto ?
A. 4 months
B. 5 months
C. 7 months
D. 9 months
Answer: C
124. Not true about development of ovary ?
A. Develops in genital ridge
B. Sex cords are derived from coelomic epithelium
C. Oocytes are mesodermal in origin
D. At birth ovary contains 2 million follicles
Answer: C
125. Root value of supinator jerk A. C3 C4
B. C4C5
C. C5 C6
D. C8 T1
Answer: C