1.Samson’s theory for Development of Endometriosis is ?
A. Celomic metaplasia
B. Hematogenous spread
C. Lymphatic spread
D. Retrograde menstruation
Answer: D
2. Examination of a 26 years old obese infertile female reveals. Fixed retroverted uterus & Nodularity of the uterosacral ligaments. The most likely diagnosis is ?
B. Endometriosis
C. Adenomyosis
Answer: B
3. Investigation of choice for endometriosis ?
B. CA 125
D. Laparoscopy
Answer: D
4. Powder burnt lesion seen in ?
C. Endometriosis
D. All of the above
Answer: C
5. Treatment of choice in patient with infertility & endometriosis ?
B. Surgery
C. Danozol
D. Ovulation induction
Answer: B
6. Surgery of choice in 42 year old P3L3 with diffuse endometriosis is ?
A. Ovarian cystectomy & adhesiolysis
B. Hysterectomy
C. Hysterectomy with BSO with resection of endometrial implants
D. Ovarian cystectomy & adhesiolysis & resection of implants
Answer: C
7. The most common Mullerian anomaly is?
A. Mullerian agenesis (RMKH)
B. Unicornuate uterus
C. Bicornuate uterus
D. Septate uterus
Answer: D
8. SEAM used in DUB is ?
A. Clomiphene
B. Raloxifene
C. Ormiloxifene
D. Mifepristone
Answer: C
9. Choice of adjuvant treatment for endometrial carcinoma stage IA, grade I is?
A. Radiotherapy
B. Chemotherapy
C. Chemotherapy plus radiotherapy
D. No treatment
Answer: D
10. A 46-year-old P3L3 complains of menorrhagia since 3 months. Next line of management is ?
A. D & C
B. Progesterone x 6 months
C. OC pills x 6 months
D. Hysterectomy
Answer: A
11. Simple hyperplasia with atypia will progress to ca endometrium in % of cases ?
A. 1-2
B. 3-4
C. 8-9
D. 20
Answer: C
12. Grade 1 Ca endometrium, there is presence of % non sqoumaous growth ?
A. <5 B. 6-25 C. 25-50 D. >50
Answer: A
13. Definitive treatment of adenomyosis is ?
A. OC pills
C. Endometrial ablation
D. Hysterectomy
Answer: D
14. MC cause for hysterectomy is ?
A. Prolapse
B. Fibroids
C. Ca endometrium
D. Acute PID
Answer: B
15. Prolonged surgery time of vaginal hysterectomy would lead to damage to which nerve ?
A. Obturator
B. Pudendal
C. Peroneal
D. Sural
Answer: C
16.Which of the following is not a part of PID A. Endometritis
B. Cervicitis
C. Tuboovarian abcess
D. Peritonitis
Answer: B
17. Triad for clinical diagnosis PID includes all except ?
A. Fever
B. Lower abdominal pain
C. Cervical motion tenderness
D. Bilateral adnexal tenderness
Answer: A
18. Acute salpingitis is most commonly caused by ?
A. N. gonorrhoeae
B. Chlamydia trachomatis
C. Mycoplasma
D. Staphylococcus
Answer: B
19. Tumor marker for germ cell malignancy are all except?
B. Alkaline phosphatase
D. CA-125
Answer: D
20. Acute pelvic pain could be due to ?
A. Ectopic pregnancy
C. Corpus luteum hematoma
D. All of the above
Answer: D
21. Nugent score includes all except
A. Lactobacillus
B. Gardnerella
C. Mobiluncus
D. Gonococcus
Answer: D
22. Clue cells are seen in?
A. Bacterial vaginosis
B. Candidiasis
C. Chlamydiasis
D. Trichomoniasis
Answer: A
23. HSG findings suggestive of genital koch ?
A. Beaded tubes
B. Honeycomb uterus
C. Golf club tube
D. All of the above
Answer: D
24. A pregnant lady presents with genital warts. The best management for her is ?
A. Imiquimod
B. Trichloroacetic acid
C. Podophyllin
D. Cryotherapy
Answer: D
25. 28 year old female complaints of foul smelling yellowish urethral discharge since 4 days. History of burning micturation. History of sexual contact with multiple partners 2 days before the onset of symptoms. Most likely diagnosis is ?
A. Syphilis
B. Chancroid
C. Gonococcal urethritis
D. Non-infective urethritis
Answer: C
26. Twin-peak sign is seen in ?
A. All Monozygotic twins
B. Monochorionic twins
C. Dichorionic twins
D. Siamese twins
Answer: C
27. In ca Cervix treatment, point A receives ?
A. 3000 cGy
B. 5000 cGy
C. 7000 cGy
D. 10,000 cGy
Answer: C
28. Ashermans syndrome is characterized by ?
A. Amenorrhea
B. Menorrhagia
C. Polymenorrhea
D. All of the above
Answer: A
29. GARDASIL vaccine is for
A. HPV 16,18
C. HPV 6,11,16,18
D. Hepatitis B
Answer: C
30. LNG content of Mirena is
A. 20 gms
B. 20 mg
C. 52 gms
D. 52 mgs
Answer: D
31. Which of the following decreases the risk of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease ?
A. Cu T
B. Spermicidal agents
C. O.C. pills
D. Today vaginal sponge
Answer: C
32. Patient with 45 XO , what HRT to be given ?
A. Growth hormone + E+P
B. Estrogene
C. No HRT Needed
D. HRT only after 45 years
Answer: A
33. Tamoxifen decreases the risk of which cancer?
A. Breast
B. Endometrium
C. Ovary
D. All of the above
Answer: A
34. Raloxifene decreases the risk of which cancer?
A. Breast
B. Cervix
C. Ovary
D. All of the above
Answer: A
35. Least failure rate ?
A. CuT
Answer: B
36. Nuva ring contains ?
A. EE+ etonogestrel
D. EE+ drosperinone
Answer: A
37. Which drug used for endometriosis can cause increase in hepatic enzyme & adverse lipid profile
A. 0. C. pills
B. GnRh analogues
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
Answer: A
38. Norgestimate in OC pills has the following advantage ?
A. Reduces venous thrombosis
B. Is cheaper than standard OC pills
C. Reduces acne and hirsutism
D. Useful in heart disease
Answer: C
39. Which of the following is not an ideal candidate for IUCD insertion ?
A. Previous LSCS
B. Lactating mother
C. Acute PID
D. All of the above
Answer: C
40. Betamethasone given to preterm patient for all except ?
A. Fetal lung maturity
B. Decrease intraventricular hemorrhage
C. Prevents periventricular leukomalacia
D. Prevent PPH
Answer: D
41. A 32-year-old female with mild hypertension. Two days after normal delivery, she develop seizures, headache. No proteinuria was there. On imaging she was found to have parasagittal infarction and hematoma 3x2cm.The most probable cause is?
A. Eclampsia
B. Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis
C. Pituitary apoplexy
D. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Answer: B
42. Penicillamine use in pregnancy is associated with this fetal complication ?
A. Conradi syndrome
B. Renal anomalies
C. Thymus hypolplasia
D. Cutis laxa
Answer: D
43. DOC for malaria in pregnancy ?
A. Chloroquin
B. Quinine
C. Primaquin
D. Artesunate
Answer: A
44. Prophylactic methergin given for ?
A. Induction of labour
B. Induction of abortion
C. To stop excess bleeding from uterus
D. All of the above
Answer: C
45. 6 year old son of pregnant women is suffering from chicken pox. Which of the following is given to pregnant women ?
A. Acyclovir
B. Acyclovir + immunoglobulin
C. Only immunoglobulin
D. Vaccination
Answer: B
46. Maximum chance of transmission during delivery?
D. Rubella
Answer: A
47. Drug of choice for pneumocystis carinii in pregnancy?
B. Primaquine
C. Dapsone
D. Pentamidine
Answer: A
48. A pregnant woman in first trimester has four fold rise in IgG against toxoplasmosis. it indicates ?
A. Protective antibodies
B. Acute infection
C. Chronic infection
D. None of the above
Answer: B
49. HRT is given in ?
A. Symptomatic postmenopausal women
B. Following hysterectomy
C. Gonadal dysgenesis
D. All of the above
Answer: D
50. Methergin is given for prophylaxis of ?
A. Anaemia
B. Cardiac disease
C. Renal disease
D. Lung disease
Answer: A
51. All of the following occurs because of
prostaglandin use except?
A. Excess water retention
B. Flushes
C. Increased motility of bowel
D. Nausea
Answer: A
52. Definite use for PGE2 is all except ?
A. Contraception
B. Induces labour
C. Therapeutic abortion
D. Keeps patency of PDA
Answer: A
53. Which of following most commonly clinically used?
A. Diagonal conjugate
B. Ant post diameter of inlet
C. Transverse diameter of outlet
D. Oblique diameter of pelvis
Answer: A
54. Least diameter of inlet of gynecoid pelvis is?
A. Transverse
B. Oblique
C. Diagonal conjugate
D. Obstetric conjugate
Answer: D
55. Tdap vaccine is give in between which weeks of pregnancy?
A. 10-16 weeks
B. 17-22 weeks
C. 22-26 weeks
D. 27-36 weeks
Answer: D
56. If 300 microgram anti D is given to mother , amount of blood it will neutralise ?
A. 30m1
B. 40m1
C. 50m1
D. 60m1
Answer: A
57. Maximum success after reversal of tubal ligation?
A. Cauterization
B. Pomeroy’s technique
C. Clip method
D. Fimbriectomy
Answer: C
58. Failure rate of Pomeroy’s method of tubal ligation is ?
A. 0.2%
B. 0.4%
C. 0.6%
D. 0.8%
Answer: B
59. Least failure rate is of ?
A. OC pills
C. Condom
Answer: A
60. Cholestasis of pregnancy false is ?
A. Bilirubin level >2mg%
B. Most common cause of jaundice in pregnancy
C. Oestrogen is involved
D. Manifestations usually appear in last trimester
Answer: B
61. I-pill is used when ?
A. Accidental sexual exposure
B. OCP forgotten
C. Of choice in young
D. All of the above
Answer: A
62. Emergency contraceptive should must be started with in how much time after unprotected intercourse?
A. 24 hrs
B. 48 hrs
C. 72 hrs
D. 96 hrs
Answer: C
63. 35 year old with history of repeated D&C. She now has secondary amenorrhea. What is your diagnosis?
A. Hypothyroidism
B. Kallman syndrome
C. Sheehan’s syndrome
D. Asherman’s syndrome
Answer: D
64. Asherman’s syndrome false is ?
A. Associated with menstrual irregularities
B. Progesterone challenge test is positive
C. Synechiae formation in uterus
D. May be secondary to TB
Answer: B
65. Most common site of endometriosis
A. Ovary
C. Colon
D. LSCS Scar
Answer: A
66. Gold standard diagnostic technique for diagnosis of endometriosis?
A. Laproscopy
B. Ca 125 level
C. Ultrasound
Answer: A
67. TB uterus all is true except?
A. Mostly secondary
B. Increase incidence of ectopic pregnancy
C. Involvement of endosalpinx
D. Most common is ascending infection
Answer: D
68. Fallopian tube tuberculosis ?
A. Most common type of genital TB
B. Size of the tubes is unchanged
C. Is asymptomatic
D. Primary focus of infection is always in fallopian tubes
Answer: A:C
69. Initial drug for ovarian cancer ?
A. Cisplatin
B. Doxorubicin
C. Ifosfamide
D. Methotrexate
Answer: A
70. Diagnosis of adenomyosis is made by ?
A. Histopathology
B. Ultrasound
D. Laproscopy
Answer: D
71. Endometrial carcinoma involving cervix, stage is?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer: B
72. Hydronephrosis is seen in which stage of Ca cervix?
A. 2a
B. 2b
C. 3a
D. 3b
Answer: D
73. Bartholin’s cyst treatment of choice
A. Excision
B. Antibiotics
C. Marsupialisation
D. Drainage
Answer: C
74. Definitive management of Adenomyosis is?
A. GNRH analogue
B. Danazole
D. Hysterectomy
Answer: D
75. Most common degeneration of fibroids ?
A. Calcareous
B. Hyaline
C. Red
D. Cystic
Answer: B
76. Which of the following cannot be treated by laparoscopy
A. Ectopic pregnancy
B. Sterilization
C. Non descent of uterus
D. Genital prolapsed
Answer: C
77. Which is least injured in gynaecological procedures?
A. Ureter at pelvic brim
B. Renal pelvis
C. Urinary bladder
D. Ureter at infundibulopelvic ligament
Answer: B
78. Definitive treatment for preeclampsia?
A. Delivery of baby
B. Antihypertensive drugs
C. Rest
D. Diet
Answer: A
79. Best to diagnose unruptured ectopic pregnancy ?
A. Scopy
D. Culdocentesis
Answer: A
80. Most of ectopic pregnancies are at ampulla as?
A. It is the narrowest part
B. Tubal movements are least here
C. Salpingitis produces least crypts here
D. Plicae are most numerous here
Answer: D
81.Prolapsed of uterus in nulliparous women, treatment is?
A. Sling used involving rectus sheath
B. Anterior colporrhaphy
C. Posterior colporrhaphy
D. Manchester operation
Answer: A
82. Exclusively Fetal blood loss occurs in ?
A. Vasa previa
B. Placenta praevia
C. Polyhydramnios
D. Oligohydramnios
Answer: A
83. Placenta previa, false is ?
A. Most common cause of APH
B. Painful vaginal bleeding
C. Usg is the investigation of choice
D. Increased maternal age is a risk factor
Answer: A
84. 45 yr old female patient underwent hysterectomy, on 7th post op day complaints about continuous dribbling of urine and fever. Micturition was not voluntary, what diagnosis?
A. Vesico vaginal fistula
B. Uretero vaginal fistula
C. Vesico uterine fistula
D. Urethra vaginal fistula
Answer: C
85. Vacuum delivery produces?
A. Chingon
B. Cephalhematoma
C. Both
D. None
Answer: C
86. HT indicated in menopausal women
A. Hot flash
B. Ca breast
C. Endometriosis
D. Uterine bleeding
Answer: A
87. In Uterine prolapse how to know if ring is in place?
A. If not expelled after increased abdominal pressure
B. If Bleeding does not occur
C. If patient feels discomfort
D. None
Answer: A
88. Drug that is used for fetal lung maturity is:
A. Dexamethasone
B. Folic acid
C. Beclomethasone
D. None
Answer: A
89. Best time to do quadruple test
A. 8-12 weeks
B. 11-15 weeks
C. 15-20 weeks
D. 18-22 weeks
Answer: C
90. Which One of the following is not a cause of secondary Postpartum Haemorrhage?
A. Placenta previa
B. Retained bits of placenta
C. Endometritis
D. Polyp
Answer: A
91. RDA of iodine in lactation in microgram
A. 150
B. 220
C. 100
D. 250
Answer: D
92. Paget’s is associated with which other cancer:
A. Vulva
B. Vagina
C. Cervix
D. Uterus
Answer: A
93. Fimbriectomy procedure is known as
A. Uchida method
B. Irving method
C. Madlener technique
D. Kroener method
Answer: D
94. Establishment of fetoplacental circulation seen at
A. 11 to 13 days
B. 20 to 22 days
C. 7 days
D. 25 to 26 days
Answer: B
95. Dilatation & curettage (D&C. is contraindicated in
A. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
B. Endometriosis
C. Ectopic pregnancy
D. None
Answer: A
96. Anteversion of uterus is maintained by?
A. Cardinal ligament
B. Uterosacral ligament
C. Pubocervical ligament
D. Round ligament
Answer: D
97. What is the effect of Progesterone only pills?
A. Completely suppresses ovulation
B. Thin lining of uterus
C. Thick cervical mucus
D. All of the above
Answer: D
98. Long-standing pelvic inflammation may lead to which of the following conditions?
A. Pyometra
B. Uterine polyposis
C. Pseudopregnancy
D. Cystic endometrial hyperplasia
Answer: A
363. Meiosis occurs in
A. Adult ovary
B. Prepubertal testis
C. At birth in ovary
D. All
Answer: A
99. Prolactin secreted maximum at
A. 24 hrs after delivery
C. 2 hrs running
D. 24 hour after Ovulation
Answer: A
100. A sexually active female with the profuse frothy foul-smelling discharge with intense itching. Strawberry cervix revealed on examination. What will be the diagnosis?
A. Trichomonas vaginalis
B. Bacterial vaginosis
C. Candidiasis
D. None
Answer: A
101. 18-year-old girl presents with 6 months of amenorrhea with h/o low-grade fever, weight loss, pain abdomen, generalized weaknesses. On PR examination, palpable left-sided pelvic mass felt… Diagnosis is
A. Fibroid with degeneration
B. TB pelvis with Tubo ovarian mass
C. Ectopic pregnancy
D. Granulosa cell tumour
Answer: B
102. A pregnant female had Meconium stained liquor and underwent emergency LSCS. A few days later her condition deteriorated. USG showed edematous bowels. What’s the cause?
A. Meconium peritonitis
B. Paralytic ileus
C. Adhesive intestinal obstruction
D. Intra-abdominal abscess
Answer: B
103. Best treatment option for septate uterus
A. Tompkins Metroplasty
B. Jones metroplasty
C. Strassmann metroplasty
D. Transcervical hysteroscopic resection of the septum
Answer: D
104. Distension media used for hysteroscopy with bipolar cautery?
A. Glycine
C. Co2
D. Dextran 70
Answer: B
105. Most common site for Fertilization is
A. Ampulla
B. Isthmus
C. Intramural
D. Fimbriae
Answer: A
106. A 22-year-old primigravida visits ANC OPD with 20 weeks POG. On examination uterine height reveals a 16-week size.USG shows reduced liquor. What will be the diagnosis?
A. Renal agenesis
B. Fetal anemia
C. Barter’s syndrome
D. Liddle syndrome
Answer: A
107. Which of the following is not an estrogen-dependent pubertal change?
A. Hair growth
B. Menstruation
C. Vaginal Cornification
D. Cervical mucus
Answer: B
108. A mother brought her 16-year-old daughter to Gynaecology OPD with a complaint of not attending menarche. She gives H/O cyclic abdominal pain. On further examination midline, abdominal swelling seen. Per rectal examination reveals a bulging mass in the vagina. Which of the following can be most commonly seen?
A. Imperforate hymen
B. Transvaginal septum
C. Vaginal agenesis
Answer: A
109. 13 yr old child visit gynaecology OPD with a complaint of not attaining menarche with karyotype 46XX. On examination, clitoromegaly is seen. Which enzyme is most likely to be deficient in the above condition?
A. 21 alpha-hydroxylase
B. 11 beta-hydroxylase
C. 17 alpha-hydroxylase
D. 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
Answer: A
110. In early pregnancy clinical signs of feeling the cervix and the body of bulky uterus separated because of softened isthmus at 6 – 8 weeks of gestation :
A. Goodell’s sign
B. Chadwick’s sign
C. Piskacek’s sign
D. Hegar’s sign
Answer: D
111. Misoprostol used in the induction of labour is an analogue of which of the following type of prostaglandin?
A. PG E1
B. PG E2
C. PG I2
D. PG F2alpha
Answer: A