1. The basic quantity in the International system of units, is
A. length and mass
B. time and temperature
C. mole and light intensity
D. electric current
E. all the above.
Answer: E
2. Intensity of electric current is expressed in
A. volts
B. watts
C. amperes
D. joules.
Answer: C
3. 1 kg wt in gravitational unit equals
A. 8.9 N in SI system
B. 9.8 N in SI system
C. 4.5 N in SI system
D. 5.4 N in SI system.
Answer: B
4. To convert the units of M.K.S. to units of S.I., a factor 9.80665 is used for
A. mass
B. force
C. work energy
D. power
E. all the above.
Answer: E
5. The fundamental units in S.I. system, are the same as that of
A. C.G.S. units
B. F.P.S. units
C. M.K.S. units
D. None of these.
Answer: C
6. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A. The units of moment of inertia of a plane area, depends upon the units of the area and the length
B. The moment of inertia is expressed in m4 if the area is in square metres and the length is also in metres
C. The moment of inertia is expressed in cm4 if the area is in square centimetres and the length in centimetres
D. The moment of inertia is expressed in mm4 if the area is in square millimetres and the length in millimetres
E. All the above.
Answer: E
7. The solid angles are measured in
A. degrees
B. grades
C. radians
D. steradians.
Answer: D
8. In SI units, moment is expressed as
A. kg-m
B. kg-cm
C. kg-mm
D. all the above.
Answer: D
9. Candela (Cd) is used to express
A. luminous intensity
B. electric current intensity
C. power
D. frequency.
Answer: A
11. The fundamental units in S.I. System are :
A. Centimetre, gram, second
B. Foot, pound, second
C. Metre, kilogram, second
D. Kilometre, kilogram, minute
E. None of these.
Answer: C
12. The bar used for defining the standard metre at the International office of weights and measures at Sevres near Paris, is composed of
A. 50% platinum and 50% iridium
B. 60% platinum and 40% iridium
C. 70% platinum and 30% iridium
D. 80% platinum and 20% iridium
E. 90% platinum and 10% iridium
Answer: E
13. One Newton is equivalent to
A. 0.10197 kgf
B. 0.20197 kgf
C. 9.80665 kgf
D. 0.97125 kgf
Answer: A
14. Joule or Newton metric is used for
A. Work
B. Torque
C. Energy
D. All the above.
Answer: D
15. Stress in SI units is expressed in
A. kg per sq cm
B. kg per sq mm
C. Newton per sq mm
D. Newton per sq cm
E. Newton per sq m
Answer: E
16. The SI unit of the force is
A. Newton
B. Kilogrames
C. Joule
D. Erg
Answer: A
17. In SI system, the unit of temperature, is
A. Degree centigrade
B. Degree Celsius
C. Kelvin
D. Degree Fahrenheit.
Answer: C
18. Basic unit of thermodynamic temperature, is
A. degree fahrenheit
B. degree centigrade
C. degree kelvin
D. degree absolute.
Answer: C