Perspective Views & Riveted Joints
1. For drawing perspective view firstly draw the __________
a) Perspective view
b) Top view
c) Side view
d) Front view
Answer: b
Explanation: General Principal to draw perspective view remains the same for all projections, except a few constructions for each type. For drawing a perspective view, the steps are divided into three stages
1 – Top view
2 – Front view
3 – Perspective view.
2. From which of the view we get the piercing point ________
a) Perspective view
b) Side view
c) Top view
d) Front view
Answer: c
Explanation: In the top view, firstly draw the picture plane. Then draw the top view of the object. Then select the station point of the object on the drawing. And then we get the piercing point. Hence we get the piercing point from the drawing top view.
3. We get the vanishing point from _________
a) Perspective view
b) Side view
c) Top view
d) Front view
Answer: d
Explanation: In the front view, firstly we draw the ground line. Then draw the front view of the object. Then draw the horizon line. Then draw the vision axis of the object. And we get the vanishing points in the front view of the object. Hence we get the vanishing point from the front view of the object is to be drawn.
4. From which of the point from which we draw the perspective view?
a) horizontal axis
b) vertical axis
c) vanishing point
d) station point
Answer: c
Explanation: In the perspective view, firstly we draw rays from vanishing point. Then draw vertical projections from a piercing point, getting intersection points of respective corners. And drawing perspective view from the intersection point and join the intersection point.
5. For drawing parallel perspective view we use the _____vanishing point.
a) one
b) two
c) three
d) four
Answer: a
Explanation: For drawing parallel perspective view we use the one vanishing point. In this perspective view firstly draw the top view of the picture, Secondly, draw the Front view of the picture. Thirdly draw the perspective view of the object by the use of one vanishing point of the plane which is called Parallel perspective view.
6. The drawing in which we use the two vanishing point the view is called _________
a) Parallel perspective view
b) Perpendicular perspective view
c) Angular perspective view
d) Perspective view
Answer: c
Explanation: The drawing in which we use the two vanishing points the view is called Angular perspective. It is one of the best type of perspective. Here, we draw many points such as station points, vision axis and to view, front view and perspective view by using two vanishing points.
7. What is the purpose of RAY command?
a) to draw line between two points
b) to draw line in the form of rays
c) to draw line of infinite length in both direction
d) to draw a line between multiple point
Answer: b
Explanation: RAY command is used to draw lines in the form of rays. One has to specify minimum of two points to specify ray. Ray is of infinite length only in one direction.
8. If one specified point P1 first and then point P2, the line passing through P2 to infinity and starting from P1 is called as ________
a) Line
b) Segment
c) Ray
d) 2-point line
Answer: c
Explanation: To draw ray, one has to specify the starting point first. Ray passes through the second point to infinity. Ray is infinite only after the second point.
9. If one specifies three nonlinear points P1, P2, P3, the ray passes through _________
a) P1 and P2
b) P1 and P3
c) P2 and P3
d) All three points
Answer: b
Explanation: No ray/line will pass through 3 nonlinear points. Ray passes through P1 and P3 if one specifies three nonlinear points. If all three points are linear then ray will pass through all three points.
10. RAY icon is shown _______
a) on the draw panel
b) on the home tab
c) on the expanded draw panel of the home tab
d) nowhere
Answer: c
Explanation: RAY icon is shown on the expanded draw panel of the home tab. Ray command is used to draw a line passing through two points. First, specify the starting point of the ray and then the point through which the ray passes.
11. Ray command draws lines diverging at a specified angle.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: Ray command draws lines from a point to many other specified points of infinite length. It is not used to draw lines diverging at a specified angle. Ray is of infinite length in a single direction.
12. A rivet consists of a cylindrical part called _______
a) head
b) shank
c) cylinder
d) snap
Answer: b
Explanation: Cylindrical part of the rivet is Shank. Snap head is a type of rivet. Rivet has circular head at another end.
13. Rivets are usually made of ________
a) cast iron
b) wrought iron
c) aluminum
d) steel
Answer: b
Explanation: Wrought iron is generally used to make rivets. Aluminum rivets are also used for light weight and domestic application. Steel and cast iron are not used for making rivets.
14. Which of the following is not a type of rivet head?
a) Flat head
b) Mushroom head
c) High head
d) Low head
Answer: d
Explanation: Flat head, Mushroom head, High head are the types of rivet head. Low head is not a type of rivet head. Some other types of rivet head are snap head, ellipsoidal head, Round counter sunk head, Pan head, Flat counter sunk head.
15. Shank diameter of the rivet depends upon the ________
a) thickness of the plates to be joined
b) height of the shank
c) material of shank
d) standards of manufacturing
Answer: a
Explanation: The shank diameter depends upon the thickness of the plates to be joined. The plates are generally of equal sizes. The two parameters, i.e. diameter and thickness are related by Unwin’s formula.
16. d=6√t is the equation for diameter (d) and thickness (t) when _________
a) d and t are in millimeters
b) d and t are in inches
c) d is taken from standard chart and t is calculated
d) t is taken from standard chart and d is calculated
Answer: a
Explanation: Given formula is a relation of diameter and thickness of rivet when d and t are in millimeters. If d and t are in inches then d is not equal to 6 times of square root of t but 1.2 times of square root of t. values of d and t may be taken from standard tables but the condition in the formula must be satisfied.
17. Rivets of 3 to 10 mm shank diameter size are not used for_______
a) sheet metal
b) light structural work
c) heavy steel structure
d) iron sheets
Answer: c
Explanation: Rivets of 3 to 10 mm shank diameter are small rivets. These are used for sheet metal and light structural work. These rivets are not used for heavy steel structures.
18. Size of large rivets varies from _______ shank diameter.
a) 3 to 10 mm
b) 5 to 20 mm
c) 10 to 15 mm
d) 12 to 48 mm
Answer: d
Explanation: Large rivets are of size 12 to 48 mm shank diameter. These rivets are used for heavy steel structures. Rivets ranging from 3 to 10 mm are small rivets.
19. Thickness of the plates to be joined and the type of joint decides the _______ of the rivet needed.
a) type of head
b) diameter
c) length
d) holes
Answer: c
Explanation: Length of the rivet needed is decided from the thickness of the plates and the type of joint. Diameter is decided from thickness of plate only. Along with it, some standards are considered.
20. The plates to be joined with rivet are drilled with holes of a size slightly less than the shank diameter of the rivet.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: At place where rivets are required, holes are drilled with a size slightly more than a diameter of rivet. This is done to ensure free movement of rivet before hammering. If holes are smaller than required size hammering will be required for insertion of the rivet into a hole.
21. If the volume of the extra length is lesser than the head, the joint may be _________
a) loose
b) tight
c) broken
d) failed
Answer: a
Explanation: If the volume of the extra length is lesser than the volume of the head, the joint may be loose. If it is more, size of head formed will be bigger than the head on the other side.
22. Caulking tool is used for ________ joint.
a) loose
b) tight
c) leak-proof
d) every rivet
Answer: c
Explanation: Caulking tool is used for making a leak-proof joint. For boiler construction or applications where leak-proof joints are required, the edges are furthered hammered. A caulking tool whose shape is that of a blunt chisel is used to make a leak-proof joint.
23. According to arrangements of plates, which of the following is not a type of riveted joints?
a) single cover plate butt joint
b) double cover plate butt joint
c) lap joint
d) zigzag joint
Answer: d
Explanation: According to arrangement of plates butt joint and lap joint are the types of riveted joint. Butt joints may be single cover plate or double cover plate butt joint. Zigzag joint is also type of riveted joint when classified according to arrangements of rivets.
24. When Plate A and Plate B are joined by overlapping each other, the joint is _________
a) lap joint
b) single cover plate butt joint
c) double cover plate butt joint
d) chain joint
Answer: a
Explanation: Lap joint is a type of riveted joint. In it two plates to be joined are overlapping to each other. In butt joint, two plates to be joined are butted edge to edge and a cover plate on top is used to overlap both the plates to form a joint.
25. What is the purpose to increase the number of rows of rivets?
a) To increase the strength
b) To make it double riveted joint
c) To make a suitable design
d) Reduce the number of rivets in one row
Answer: a
Explanation: Number of rows of rivets is increased to increase the strength of the joint. If two rows are used, joint is double riveted joint. If three rows are used, joint is triple riveted joint.
26. For double riveted butt joint, number of rows of rivet is _______________
a) two
b) three
c) four
d) one
Answer: c
Explanation: For double riveted butt joint, total number of rows of rivet is four. It means two rows for each plate i.e. four rows on the cover plate. Double riveting is done to increase the strength of the joint.
27. For butt joints, number of cover plates can be ________
a) one only
b) minimum two
c) two only
d) one or two
Answer: d
Explanation: One or two plates are used for butt joint. It depends on the application of that joint. If one cover plate is used, it is called as the single cover plate joint and if two cover plates are used, it is known as double cover plate joint.
28. If one cover plate is used, thickness of cover plate is kept _________ times that of the main plate.
a) 0.75
b) 1.25
c) 1.125
d) 1.5
Answer: c
Explanation: In single plate cover joint only one plate is used as a cover plate. Thickness of cover plate is kept 1.125 times that of the main plate. Here, thickness of cover plate is always more than thickness of the main plate.
29. Average thickness of double cover plate butt joint is 0.75 times that of main plate.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Thickness of cover plate in a double cover plate butt joint is about 0.7 to 0.8. An average thickness of double cover plate butt joint is 0.75 times the thickness of the main plate. Here, main plate is always thicker than cover plate.
30. If the number of rivets in each adjacent row goes on decreasing in subsequent rows towards edge, it is called _________ riveting.
a) diamond
b) chain
c) square
d) zigzag
Answer: a
Explanation: According to arrangements of rivets, three types of rivet joints are chain riveting, zigzag riveting and diamond riveting. In diamond riveting, number of rivets in each adjacent row goes on decreasing in subsequent rows towards the edge.
31. If the rivets are used along a number of rows such that the rivets in the adjacent rows are placed directly opposite to each other, it is known as _________
a) diamond
b) chain
c) square
d) zigzag
Answer: b
Explanation: In chain riveting rivets are used along a number of rows such that the rivets in the adjacent rows are placed directly opposite to each other. Square riveting is not a valid type of riveting. In diamond and zigzag arrangement, rivets are not placed in rows opposite to each other.
32. In ________ riveting, the rivets in the adjacent rows are staggered and are placed in between those of the previous row.
a) diamond
b) chain
c) square
d) zigzag
Answer: d
Explanation: In zigzag riveting, the rivets in the adjacent rows are staggered and are placed in between those of the previous row. Row pitch of zigzag riveting is 0.6 times the diagonal pitch.
33. Which of the following structural section is not considered for rivet joints?
a) Tee section
b) Flat section
c) I section
d) Circular section
Answer: d
Explanation: Steel structures which are used commonly are flat, tee, angle iron, I or H section, etc. They can be riveted with some standard procedure. But it is difficult or sometimes not possible in case of circular sections.
34. Explosive rivet is another type of ______ rivet.
a) blind rivet
b) gusset plates
c) zigzag riveting
d) chain riveting
Answer: a
Explanation: Blind rivet has a type named as an explosive rivet. In this type of riveting high pressure is generated at the end of rivet due to the explosion of explosive after putting the rivet in the hole. Therefore, it expands in size to make a head on the other side.
35. ________ is a technique to form a rivet head without access to the other side of the joint.
a) full-tubular riveting
b) blind riveting
c) split riveting
d) flush joint
Answer: b
Explanation: A technique to form a rivet head without access to the other side of the joint is a blind riveting. It has a hole in the center, through which a mandrel is passed. After putting the rivet and mandrel in the hole, the mandrel is pulled to expand the rivet on the other side and then cut and ground.
36. In explosive rivets, instead of mandrel _______ is used.
a) rod
b) explosive
c) breaking type of mandrel
d) non-breaking type of mandrel
Answer: b
Explanation: In explosive rivets, instead of rivets an explosive is used. The end of rod is made hollow and closed having an explosive material inside. An explosive is blown up after putting the rivet in the hole.
37. Which type of rivet is used for applications like air-craft?
a) Counter sunk rivet
b) Blind rivet
c) Explosive rivet
d) Flat rivet
Answer: a
Explanation: For applications like air-craft, the rivet should not protrude and should be flushed with the outer surface. Rivet used for these purpose is counter-sunk rivet. Here, the joint can be flushed on one side or on both sides.
38. For light-work, the rivet size used varies from ______ mm.
a) 4 to 8
b) 2 to 4
c) 0 to 3
d) 3 to 6
Answer: d
Explanation: The rivet size used generally varies from 3 to 6 mm, for light works. Various types of rivets used for light work applications are based upon the strength of joint, its appearance, its configuration, final riveting approach, etc.
39. L/D ratio for light work applications is kept not more than _______
a) 5:2
b) 6:1
c) 4:1
d) 5:1
Answer: b
Explanation: Diameter of a rivet is not found by preference but by the economics of cost of rivet and labor. Generally, L/D ratio is not kept more than 6:1. They are installed by air, hydraulic, electric or manual methods.
40. In a __________ the body is sawn to produce a prolonged shank.
a) semi-tubular rivet
b) tubular rivet
c) split pin rivet
d) compression rivet
Answer: c
Explanation: The commonly used rivets are flat, semi-tubular, tubular, split-pin and compression rivet, etc. The body is sawn to produce a prolonged shank, in a split pin riveting. Split pin can also punch its own hole.
41. For plastics, the margin (i.e. center of rivet to the edge) is between _______
a) 2d to 4d
b) 1d to 3d
c) 2d to 3d
d) 1d to 2d
Answer: c
Explanation: The margin for plastics is 2d to 3d. It depends upon the thickness of the plate. They are installed by electric, air, hydraulic methods using special tools.
42. Structural drawings are prepared generally to a scale of _______
a) 1:15
b) 1:20
c) 1:10
d) 1:5
Answer: c
Explanation: Generally, structural drawings are prepared to a scale of 1:10. For bigger structures 1:20 scale is selected for structural drawings.
43. When two structural members are joined at an angle, sometimes ________ are used to impart strength and stiffness to the joint.
a) gusset plates
b) end joints
c) end cover
d) cupped end cover
Answer: a
Explanation: Gusset plates are used to impart strength and stiffness to the joint when two structural members are to be joined at an angle. They are also used at many joints in a roof truss.
44. A group of entities, named as BLOCK can be defined as ___________
a) selecting each item
b) crossing window
c) a special command
d) simple windowing
Answer: c
Explanation: If a set of object is to be drawn repeatedly, it I better to make a BLOCK of those objects and save it for further use. This saves a lot of time for drawing objects that are used often. BLOCK is a special command with a group of entities.
45. Insertion base point of a block ________
a) has to be at its base
b) has to be on a specific surface only
c) should be on the block only
d) can be anywhere on the block or away from the block
Answer: d
Explanation: Insertion point is a point where the base point of the block should appear. It can be anywhere on the block or away from the block. To specify an insertion point one has to specify his co-ordinates or to choose a point on the drawing.
46. BLOCK should be drawn with its important dimension as 1 or 10 or 100 and its base as horizontal.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: It is good to draw a BLOCK with its important dimension as 1 or 10 or 100 and its base as horizontal. This helps to calculate the scale factor. Also, it will be easy to calculate the rotation angle while inserting a block.
47. MINSERT command is used to _________
a) make multiple blocks
b) insert the block in other drawings
c) insert a block at many places (in an array form)
d) insert many blocks randomly
Answer: c
Explanation: MINSERT is a command which combines the features of INSERT command and rectangular ARRAY command. With MINSERT command, an array of a block can be inserted at the specific insertion point for any number of rows and columns.
48. EXPLODE command is used to_______
a) erase the drawing parts
b) break a block into separate entities
c) remove the enter key of the text command
d) delete the drawing quickly
Answer: b
Explanation: If the block is to be inserted not as a group of objects but as a separate object, Explode command is used. It is provided at the bottom left of the Insert dialog box.
49. Scale factors in the X and Y directions for a block __________
a) can be different without mentioning at the time of saving a block
b) can be only in a particular ratio
c) should be the same
d) can be different if specially mentioned at the time of saving a block
Answer: a
Explanation: While specifying a scale factor a value 1.0 is the default value and it inserts a block of the size used while making a block. Scale factors in X, Y directions can be different without mentioning at the time of saving a block.
50. How to retrieve a created and saved BLOCK in other drawings?
a) with insert command
b) with explode command
c) with array command
d) it is not possible to retrieve a created and saved block in other drawings
Answer: a
Explanation: A block created and saved can be inserted in the other drawing with the help of INSERT command. Insert dialog box opens to specify the insertion point, rotation angle, scale factor, etc. At last click OK to insert the block at a specified location.