1. Which of the following is not true about idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura?
A. Antibodies of IgM class
B. Autoantibodies to Gp IIb/ Ilia or IB IX
C. Increased megakaryocytes in bone marrow
D. Spleen is normal in size
Answer: A
2. Macrophage activation syndrome characterized by all except ?
A. Activation of CD 8 + T cells
B. Presence of cytokine storm
C. It is the other name for hemophagocytic lymph histiocytosis
D. Low levels of plasma ferretin
Answer: D
3. HLA associated with rheumatoid arthritis is ?
A. HLA B27
Answer: B
4. Hepatitis B associated with ?
A. Wegener’s granulomatosis
B. Systemic lupus erythematosus
C. Polyarteritis nodosa
D. Sjogren syndrome
Answer: C
5. Normal upper limit of CA – 125 is ?
A. 25 U/ ml
B. 45 U/ ml
C. 65 U/ ml
D. 85 U/ ml
Answer: A
6. Which of the following interleukin is secreted by T helper 2 cells?
A. IL 11
B. IL 7
C. IL 1
D. IL 13
Answer: D
7. Atopy in hypersensitivity is ?
A. Systemic type I hypersensitivity
B. Local type I hypersensitivity
C. Systemic type II hypersensitivity
D. Local type II hypersensitivity
Answer: B
8. Inheritance pattern of myotonic
dystrophy is ?
A. Autosomal recessive
B. Autosomal dominant
C. X linked dominant
D. X linked recessive
Answer: B
9. Gene responsible for Wilson disease is situated on which chromosome?
A. Chromosome 11
B. Chromosome 12
C. Chromosome 13
D. Chromosome 14
Answer: C
10. Antischkow cells are ?
A. Modified macrophages
B. Modified neutrophils
C. Modified B cells
D. Modified RBCs
Answer: A
11. Patient with chronic hypertension will show following changes on histology of kidney
A. Hyaline arteriosclerosis
B. Hyperplastic arteriosclerosis
C. Onion skin lesions
D. Vessel lumen dilatation
Answer: A
12. NK cell shows presence of ?
A. CD 44
B. CD 16
C. CD 54
D. CD 32
Answer: B
13. Non professional antigen presenting cell is A/E ?
A. Endothelial cell
B. Epidermal cell
C. Fibroblasts
D. Red blood cells
Answer: D
14. Blood is stored at what temperature in blood bank?
A. -2 to -4 degrees Celsius
B. -2 to 0 degrees Celsius
C. 1 to 6 degrees Celsius
D. 6 to 12 degrees Celsius
Answer: C
15. Birbeck granules in cytoplasm is seen in ?
A. Langerhans cell histiocytosis
B. Hodgkin’s lymphoma
C. Non hodgkins lymphoma
D. Gastrointestinal stromal tumor
Answer: A
16. Reticulocytes are stained by ?
A. Supravital stain
B. Purssian blue stain
C. H and E stain
D. Reticulin stain
Answer: A
17. Most common type of Hodgkin’s lymphoma is ?
A. Lymphocyte predominant
B. Lymphocyte depletion
C. Nodular sclerosis
D. Mixed cellularity
Answer: C
18. Most common site for eosinophilic granuloma is?
A. Radius
B. Skull
C. Lumbar vertebra
D. Femur
Answer: B
19. Replacement of columnar epithelium in respiratory tract to squamous epithelium is ?
A. Hyperplasia
B. Hypoplasia
C. Metaplasia
D. None of the above
Answer: C
20. Which is the best marker of SLE ?
A. Anti Sm antibodies
B. Anti dsDNA antibodies
C. Anti histone antibodies
D. Anti Ro Antibodies
Answer: B
21. Most common cause of death in amyloidosis is ?
A. Heart failure
B. Renal failure
C. Sepsis
D. None
Answer: A
22. What is true about ulcerative colitis ?
A. Involves rectum and then whole colon backwards
B. Involves only colon
C. Skip lesions seen
D. Ileum not involved
Answer: A
23. Execution caspases of apoptosis are ?
A. Caspase 1 & 3
B. Caspase 3 & 5
C. Caspase 1 & 5
D. Caspase 3 & 7
Answer: D
24. Neurofibromatosis shows which of the following mode of inheritance ?
C. X linked dominant
D. X linked recessive
Answer: A
25. Most common site of glomus tumor is ?
A. Under fingernails
B. Under toenails
C. Neck
D. Axilla
Answer: A
26. Normal reticulocyte count in newborn is
A. 0 – 1%
B. 1 – 1.5%
C. 3 – 6%
D. 6 – 9 %
Answer: C
27. BRCA2 not associated with
A. breast cancer
B. Prostate cancer
C. Ovarian cancer
D. Vulval cancer
Answer: D
28. Which of the following is not a large vessel vasculitiis ?
A. Takayasu arteritis
B. Cogan syndrome
C. Chrug strauss syndrome
D. Giant cell arteritis
Answer: C
29. Trauma to breast causes which type of necrosis ?
A. Coagualtive necrosis
B. Liquefactive necrosis
C. Caseous necrosis
D. Fat necrosis
Answer: D
30. Inhibin is tumor marker for ?
A. Granulosa cell tumor
B. Malignant melanoma
C. Prolactinoma
D. Breast carcinoma
Answer: A
31. Following statement is true for haemophilia patients?
A. All Females are carriers and all males are affected
B. All Males are carriers and all females are affected
C. Females are mostly carriers and all males are affected
D. Males are mostly carriers and all females are affected
Answer: C
32. Which worm causes myocarditis ?
A. Trichuris
B. Trichinella
C. Enterobius
D. Strogyloides
Answer: B
33. Giant platelets are seen in ?
A. Bernard soulier syndrome
B. vWD
C. Polycythemia rubra vera
D. Leukemia
Answer: A
34. LE cell is seen in ?
A. Lupus erythmatosus
B. Lupus vulgaris
D. Medullary carcinoma of thyroid
Answer: A
35. Pelger Huet anamoly shows presence of ?
A. Hyposegmented neutrophil
B. Hypersegmented neutrophil
C. Unsegmented neutrophil
D. None of the above
Answer: A
36. Sentinel lymph node biopsy is used for ?
A. Melanoma
B. Basal cell carcinoma
C. Squamous cell carcionoma
D. Thyroid carcinoma
Answer: A
37. Interleukin 2 is produced by
A. T helper cells 1
B. T helper cells 2
C. Natural killer cells
D. Basophils
Answer: A
38. Popcorn cells are seen in which variety of Hodgkin’s disease ?
A. Nodular sclerosis
B. Mixed cellularity
C. Lymphocyte predominant
D. Lymphocyte depletion
Answer: C
39. Shape of birbeck granules is ?
A. Tennis racket
B. Hockey stick
C. Bat
D. Ball
Answer: A
40. Lipid peroxidation of polyunsaturated lipids of subcellular membranes produces ?
A. Lipofuscin
B. Hemosiderin
C. Both of above
D. None of above
Answer: A
41. Paraneoplastic syndrome Hypercalcemia of malignancy, is produced due to ectopic production of which hormone by lymphomas ?
B. 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D
D. Parathormone
Answer: B
42. HLA B51 is associated with ?
A. Behcet’s disease
B. Chrug strauss syndrome
C. Microscopic polyangitis
D. Polyarteritis nodosa
Answer: A
43. PT is used to test ?
A. Extrinsic and common pathway
B. Intrinsic and common pathway
C. Intrinsic pathway
D. Extrinsic pathwa
Answer: A
44. Which of the following is not a hereditary disease?
A. Neurofibromatosis
B. Cretinism
C. Huntingtons disease
D. Hereditary spherocytosis
Answer: B
45. Point mutaton in which protooncogene is responsible for the development of gastrointestinal stromal tumour
Answer: A
46. Carcinoembryonic antigen is raised in which of the following non neoplastic conditions
A. Hepatitis
B. Pancreatitis
C. Haemolytic anaemia
D. Ulcerative colitis
Answer: B
47. Under Blood safety programme compulsory tests done are all except ?
C. Malaria
D. Hepatitis E
Answer: D
48. EBV receptor mimics ?
A. CD 20
B. CD 21
C. CD 22
D. CD 23
Answer: B
49. Leukocyte adhesion to endothelium is mediated by all except ?
A. L selectin
B. E selectin
Answer: D
50. Boys are more likely to be affected by which genetic disorders ?
C. X linked dominant
D. X linked recessive
Answer: D
51. Inceased accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space is described as ?
A. Edema
B. Effusion
C. Transudate
D. Exudate
Answer: A
52. Classic example of missense mutation ?
A. Thalassemia
B. Sickle cell disease
C. Sideroblastic anemia
D. Hemochromatosis
Answer: B
53. Matrix metalloproteinases is ?
A. Cathepsin
B. Zn metalloproteinases
C. Cu metalloproteinases
D. Cd metalloproteinases
Answer: A
54. Tau protein seen in ?
A. Alzhiemer’s disease
B. Lewy body dementia
C. Picks disease
D. Amylodosis
Answer: A
55. The phenomenon by which the cancer cells are able to sustain and proliferate under adverse conditions of hypoxia is ?
A. Warburg
B. Wanton
C. Wormian
D. Wolf
Answer: A
56. Defect of Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia is ?
A. Gp1Ib-IlIa
B. GpIIIa-I lb
C. GpIla-Illb
D. Gpfilb-I la
Answer: A
57. Metastatic calcification is characterized by ?
A. Hypercalcemia
B. Hypocalcemia
C. Eucalcemia
D. None of the above
Answer: A
58. Most important growth factors in angiogenesis ?
B. TGF alpha
C. TGF beta
Answer: D
59. Necrosis with cell bodies retained as ghost cells is ?
A. Coagulative necrosis
B. Liquefactive
C. Caseous
D. None
Answer: A
60. Cells responsible for GVHD is ?
A. Immunocompetent T cell donor
B. Immunocompetent T Cell recipient
C. Immunocompetent B cell donor
D. Immunocompetent B cell donor
Answer: A
61. Flow cytometry is done on
A. Polycythaemia
B. Thrombocytosis
C. Basophil
D. Lymphocytes
Answer: D
62. Person having heterozygous sickle cell trait is protected from infection of:
A. P. falciparum
B. P. vivax
C. Pneumococcus
D. Salmonella
Answer: A
63. Sequence of events in acute inflammation ?
A. Vasodilatation → Stasis → Transient vasoconstriction → Increased permeability
B. Transient vasoconstriction → Stasis → Vasodilatation → Increased permeability
C. Transient vasoconstriction → Vasodilatation → Stasis → Increased permeability
D. Transient vasoconstriction →Vasodilatation → Increased permeability → Stasis
Answer: D
64. Gene silencing RNA ?
C. miRNA
D. None
Answer: C
65. All are obstructive lung disease except
A. Emphysema
B. Interstitial fibrosis
C. Asthma
D. Bronchitis
Answer: B
66.Centrilobular necrosis of liver may be seen with?
A. Phosphorus
B. Arsenic
D. Ethanol
Answer: C
67. During angiogenesis recruitment of pericytes and periendothelial cells is due to
B. Angiopoietins, TGF & PDGF
Answer: B
68. Heart failure cells are ?
A. Lipofuscin granules in cardiac cells
B. Pigmented alveolar macrophages
C. Pigmented pancreatic acinar cells
D. Pigment cells seen in liver
Answer: B
69. All are true about Polycythaemia vera except
A. Increased vit B12
B. Decrease LAP score
C. Leucocytosis
D. Increased platelets
Answer: B
70. Intracorpuscular hemolytic anemia is seen in ?
A. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
C. Thalassemia
D. Infection
Answer: C
71. Gilbert syndrome, true all except ?
A. Causes cirrhosis
B. Autosomal dominant
C. Normal liver function test
D. Normal histology
Answer: A
72. Flexner-Winter Steiner rosette is seen in
A. Hepatoblastoma
B. Nephroblastoma
C. Neuroblastoma
D. Retinoblastoma
Answer: D
73. Band test is done in ?
C. Scleroderma
Answer: B
74. Angelman syndrome is due to
A. Digenic inheritance
B. Inversion
C. Uniparental disomy
D. Mitochondrial disorder
Answer: C
75. Organelle where H202 is produced and destroyed is?
A. Peroxisome
B. Lysosome
C. Golgi body
D. Ribosome
Answer: A
76. Increased permeability in acute inflammation is due to?
A. Histamine
B. IL-2
C. TGF-(3
Answer: A
77. Not true about hereditary spherocytosis
A. Defect in ankyrin
B. Decreased MCV
C. Decreased MCHC
D. Reticulocytosis
Answer: C
78. Mantle cell lymphomas are positive for all of the following, except ?
A. CD 23
B. CD 20
C. CD 5
D. CD 43
Answer: A
79. Gastric carcinoma is associated with all EXCEPT ?
A. Inactivation of p53
B. Over expression of C-erb
C. Over expression of C-met
D. Activation of RAS
Answer: D
80. Irreversible injury in myocardium occurs at ?
A. 2 minutes
B. 30 minutes
C. 2 hours
D. 5 hours
Answer: B
81. Bone marrow finding in myelofibrosis ?
A. Dry tap (hypocellular)
B. Megaloblastic cells
C. Microcytic cells
D. Thrombocytosis18
Answer: A
82. Schiller- Duval bodies is seen in
A. Choriocarcinoma
B. Embryonal cell Ca
C. Endodermal sinus tumour
D. Immature teratoma
Answer: C
83. A/E are involved in MEN type II A ?
A. Parathyroid
B. Adrenal
C. Thyroid
D. Pituitary
Answer: D
84. All are good prognostic factors for neuroblastoma except
A. Trk-A expression absent
B. Absence of 1 p loss
C. Absence of 17 p gain
D. Absence of 11 q loss
Answer: A
85. Eosinophilia in necrosed tissue is due to
A. Coagulation of proteins
B. Denaturation of enzymes
C. Denaturation of protein
D. Mitochondrial damage
Answer: C
86. Macrophages are converted to epithelioid cells by which cytokine ?
A. IL-2
B. IFN-y
C. TNF-a
D. TGF-(3
Answer: B
87. The professional antigen presenting cells ?
A. B cells
B. Dendritic cells
C. T cells
D. NK cells
Answer: B
88. All are growth promoting oncogenes except ?
B. TGF-a
C. TGF-p
Answer: C
89. Hyperplastic arteriolitis with nerotizing arteriolitis is seen in ?
A. Buerger’s disease
B. Benign hypertension
C. Malignant hypertension
D. Diabetes
Answer: C
90. Fibrosis is due to ?
C. IL – 7
D. IL – 10
Answer: A
91. In sickle cell anemia all are true except
A. Sickle cells
B. Target cells
C. Howell jolly bodies
D. Ringed sideroblast
Answer: D
92. Linitis plastica is a type of ?
A. Plastic like lining of stomach
B. Diffuse carcinoma of stomach
C. Benign ulcer
Answer: B
93. Microvesicular fatty liver is caused by ?
B. Valproate
C. Starvation
Answer: B
94. Localised langerhans cells histiocytosis affecting head & neck is ?
A. Letterer-siwe disease
B. Pulmonary langerhans cell histiocytosis
C. Hand-schuller-christian disease
D. Eosinophilic granuloma
Answer: D
95. Which cytokine activate macrophages ?
A. IL-8
B. IFN-y
D. Leukotriene B4
Answer: B
96. Syphilitic aneurysm mostly involve ?
A. Arch of aorta
B. Descending aorta
C. Abdominal aorta above the renal arteries
D. Abdominal aorta below the renal arteries
Answer: A
97. Hurthle cell carcinoma is a variant of ?
A. Medullary carcinoma
B. Papillary carcinoma
C. Follicular carcinoma
D. Anaplastic carcinoma
Answer: C
98. HLA is located on ?
A. Short arm of chr-6
B. Long arm of chr-6
C. Short arm of chr-3
D. Long arm of chr-3
Answer: A
99.Classification of aortic dissection depends upon?
A. Cause of dissection
B. Level of aorta affected
C. Percentage of aorta affected
D. None
Answer: B
100. Thalassemia gives protection against ?
A. Filaria
B. Kala-azar
C. Malaria
D. Leptospirosis
Answer: C
101. Maltoma is positive for?
A. CD 3
B. CD 10
C. CD 23
D. CD 5
Answer: C
102. Terminal stage of pneumonia is
A. Congestion
B. Red hepatization
C. Gray hepatization
D. Resolution
Answer: D
103. Intestinal angiodysplasia involves ?
A. AV malformation
B. Cavernous hemangioma
C. Capillary hemangioma
D. Malignant tumor
Answer: A