1. The presence of epiphytic roots is the characteristic feature of_________.
(a) Cuscuta, in which haustoria is present
(b) Pinus, in which mycorrhizal association is present
(c) Orchids, in which velamen tissue is present
(d) Jussiaea, in which floating roots are present
Answer: (c)
2. Velamen is a special layer of absorptive tissue, consisting of 4 or 5 layers of long polygonal cells, which are formed by the _________.
(a) Stem
(b) Absorbing roots
(c) Hanging roots
(d) Clinging roots
Answer: (c)
3. A plant with epidermis specialised to absorb moisture from the air is______.
(a) Rhizophora
(b) Jussiaea
(c) Vanda
(d) Avicennia
Answer: (c)
4. What is the outer covering of the epiphytic root called?
(a) Velamen
(b) Rhizophore
(c) Semaphore
(d) Pneumatophore
Answer: (a)
5. A root cap is not found in the root of
(a) Stilt root of Pandanus
(b) Seminal roots
(c) Hanging prop root of Banyan
(d) Epiphytic roots
Answer: (d)
6. This is a function of velamen
(a) transpiration
(b) exchange of gases
(c) absorption of moisture from air
(d) absorption of water from soil
Answer: (c)
7. Epiphyllous roots in Begonia and Bryophyllum are
(a) Modified leaves
(b) Green roots
(c) Roots arising from leaves
(d) Roots bearing stem
Answer: (c)
8. Aerial absorptive roots occur in
(a) Mesophytes
(b) Epiphytes
(c) Xerophytes
(d) Hydrophytes
Answer: (b)
9. This root modification does not store food
(a) Napiform
(b) Tuberous
(c) Stilt
(d) Conical
Answer: (c)
10. Identify the correct statement
(a) Velamen roots attach to the soil
(b) In Cuscuta, velamen roots are present
(c) Velamen roots are tap roots
(d) Velamen roots are living
Answer: (d)